A few questions..


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2014
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So i had my dd at 28 weeks nearly 7 years ago due to severe pre eclampsia, i have suffered with high blood pressure since i was 21, no reason for it all tests done etc so have been on meds since. Now two years before i had dd my gp took me off my meds as he said my blood pressure was not high enough to be on meds so then i got pregnant with dd and bp increased, was put on a low dose of labetalol at about 24 weeks but it went higher and higher, was admitted to hospital at 25 weeks and then had a c section at 28+2. My question is now we are ready to have baby no. 2, what do i need to do, there seems to be a lack of information with regards seeing your consultant etc before getting pregnant. I have gone back to my bp consultant and they changed my meds to labetalol last week, i rang my maternity hospital to see if there is anything else i need to do and they said no, it will all be discussed with me when i am pregnant. The thing is i also had iugr which i think was due to the concoction of meds i was on while in hospital.

no one has mentioned starting me on aspirin ?? seems lots start this before getting pregnant and also while pregnant.

I feel i am a different person now than i was back 7 years ago, i am fitter and very aware of my blood pressure, checking it at home etc.

any suggestions? should i go to my own gp and see what he thinks? we will be starting to try early september.
Hi and welcome!

I should preface this with the fact that my posts somehow always turn out so long! Sorry lol :blush:

Sorry about your bp issues. I don't know that I can offer much advice other than share my own experience. I would recommend talking to your OB/Gyn (I'm in the US so it may be a bit different) about it first. They can at least share risks with you and talk about any preventative courses of action for your particular situation.

I had my dd at 30 weeks due to severe pre-eclampsia as well. I did not have bp issues prior to being pregnant though, mine just came out of no where. Around 28 weeks I started having higher bp readings and protein in my urine. My OB made it seem like it wasn't a big deal, now I know better, but she would just have me come back every week to double check things. She never put me on medication or anything. I was told I had a UTI and did several 24 hour urine collections only to be told they came back fine. I had really bad swelling in my ankles and was told it was normal. But then one day I woke up with blurry vision. I went to triage and they admitted me immediately, my bp was through the roof and I had +++ protein. They put me on magnesium and it helped a bit but not much. I delivered my dd by emcs a day and a half later. My bp finally went down on it's own in about a week.

DH didn't even want to try for #2 because he was too afraid it was going to happen again. My OB had quit her practice so I needed to find someone new, which I kind of wanted to anyway as I felt she could have treated my bp and protein issues a lot more seriously earlier on. I found a really nice OB/Gyn and met with her to talk about my situation. She basically said that since I had pre-e pretty early in my pregnancy, that there is a greater risk of it reoccurring. But that unfortunately there is no way to prevent it, don't know what causes it, it's just something that happens to some women and still kind of a mystery.

I asked what the plan would be if I got pregnant, and she explained that I'd be treated as normal for the most part unless/until we start noticing any issues. And if that happens, it all depends on the severity as we might be able to put me on some meds, but it all depends. I would monitor myself at home, take a daily low dose aspirin, and go from there. (I know some doctors don't prescribe the aspirin - it hasn't really been proven to prevent pre-e, still only a theory at this point, but it can't hurt.) She said she would encourage me to do whatever I felt comfortable with, she would not discourage me from having more kids at all and she would be there to help me with the pregnancy so it is up to us.

Well fast forward to today, I am 28 weeks pregnant with a little boy and so far everything has been absolutely fine. I take a daily low dose aspirin and I take my bp at home every day and it's always been very normal. I did not start the aspirin until I was in the second tri. I haven't heard of anyone starting it pre-pregnancy but since you have bp issues normally, it may be different.

I haven't had hardly any swelling with the exception of one day and even then it was still pretty minimal in comparison. By this time with my last pregnancy I was already having issues with bp, having UTIs, major swelling, so things are looking good so far and I'm super optimistic. Lots of prayer too! :) My OB has also given me the option to come in every 2 weeks now, so I was happy to accept that and will be monitored a little more frequently at this point.

I think for me, being much more educated about it has helped tremendously. I know what to look for, I know how to check my own bp, I know my body a lot better and I'm doing everything I can to help take care of it. I also know not to take any chances and to call or go in if anything does come up. My dd was born small as well, 2lbs 11oz, they didn't say I had IUGR last time but she explained with pre-e that can happen where the placenta isn't getting as much of the nutrients anymore so that can cause the baby to stop growing as normal. So I pushed for another scan just for my own personal assurance, and even though my doctor doesn't think it's necessary, she schedule me one. And I appreciate that she doesn't just turn me down when I want assurance.

I think that's what's most important - find an OB that is genuine, caring, lets you talk and express any of your concerns without making you feel crazy or like you're bothering them... find someone that also has experience with pre-e. That can make such a huge difference. I love my OB so much and I'm so happy I found her.

Do your research, and in the end do what you feel is right! If the risks are worth it to you, I say go for it. There's no saying whether it will happen again. Even though there is a chance, there are a good bunch of moms on here that went on to have normal full term subsequent pregnancies! And there are some that had it happen again, but I think again just being educated and prepared the second time around makes such a big difference. I'm sure some of the other pre-e ladies will chime in here soon. They are all so helpful and positive and have such good advice! Best of luck to you!
am so sorry about your prev preg. I dunno if you see consult before preg as all my 3were unplanned (opps). I had straight forward 1st preg an had ds when was 20 and got severe pre e in labour luckly fully dilated so had him forceps. I fell preg again 3 months later bp stil high 140+/88 was booking bp. I was under consult care an got few extra scans cheeck growth an bp settled around 10weeks but began rising 17week mw not worried as bookin bp was high. (i dont no my bp as nvr had taken before preg, an with ds it was no higher 120/70, an was fine 2days before his birth). I was put on labetal around 32 weeks preg with dd and think consult said hed read low dose asprin given too so got tht as well. She was hard preg as was so uncomfy an ended up twice weekly hosp visits for ctg an bloods. Went labour with ds 39+5 an dd 39+6. Am 19+3 with 3rd an so far bp ok an not prescribed asprin yet, have 20week scan mon an under consult again an gettin 3/4 extra scans. Now 22 but my dad had high bp since thought 20s but he said yr ago was 30s. Only test i had was us to see if kidneys affected my gp talked doin ecg but didnt hear back. My bp is unpredictable as i had few 24hr checks an some times bp high an sometimes low, gp averaged an i am border high so have do life style changes whis is hard as do them anyways. Dnt take extra salt or much butter etc.
I had pre e back in 2008 with my first dd. With my second pregnancy I was put on low dose asprin at 13 weeks, taking it until 34 weeks. I was also sent to get a u/s of my uterine artery at 20 weeks to check for notching with can restrict blood flow to baby and raise your blood pressure. For me I had notching on both sides in both my second and now third pregnancy, so I'm officially considered high risk and am being monitored well with monthly u/s and more frequent blood tests. Ask your doctor about this ultrasound it will either put your mind at ease that everything is OK or it will let you know what your body is able to do for baby and you should have proper monitoring.
Hi, if you call the hospital and ask for a pre-conception appointment due to a previous high risk pregnancy they should book you in to see someone. In the UK aspirin is started at 12 weeks as it increases the risk of miscarriage before this point. However the latest research shows it only reduces risk in 2-5% of women. You should also be started on vitamin D as this has been shown to reduce the severity (not incidence) of pre-e. I had my DD at 28+0 due to pre-e, I had existing high bp. I was told as I delivered so early, and that I had chronic not gestational hypertension I had a 50-50 risk of delivering before 30 weeks again, and around a 90% chance of getting pre-e at some point in the pregnancy. As it happens I didn't get pre-e, but I did deliver before 30 weeks. The flow through the cord became so poor due to my high bp that the arteries hardened and I got reverse flow and he had to be born at 29+1. Apparently my bp was such that it was a case of if I got sick first or my son did, my obstetrician says I had at best a week before I started showing pre-e signs as despite being on huge doses of methyldopa, labetalol and nifedipine my bp just wouldn't come much below 140/110. I did absolutely everything I could think of to get this pregnancy to term, I was doing cardio 5 times a week, daily yoga, eating clean, high protein, lots of fluids, all kinds of supplements which various studies said 'could' help, acupuncture.... I'm not on meds outside of pregnancy and I was off them by 3 weeks post partum, but as it turns out I just can't handle being pregnant well. I'm not trying to scare you, but I thought lifestyle changes would get me to term, and even though my doc told me they wouldn't I thought he was wrong. Turns out lifestyle changes can help bp outside of pregnancy, but in pregnancy it all seems to be down to the placenta and you can't do a thing to change that.
I had pre e with my first pregnancy and had to have a section at 25+, i fell pregnant with my son and was asprin from 6 weeks then lebetalol but I still got pre e again and delivered at 36 week
Many thanks for all the replies ladies, i since went to my BP consultant and he is happy with my bp, still on low dosage of 50mg twice a day of labetalol, he wants to do another 24hr monitor in 5 weeks, he says i am low risk now with the readings i have been getting since on labetalol. I will be monitored by him and the maternity hospital until around 20 weeks. He said i didn't want to start me on aspirin as he doesn't think i need it yet. I have started on a pre conception vitamin too so hopefully i will be ok when the time comes. It wont be straight forward, dh is having a vasectomy reversal next month so will be trying as soon as he is healed :)
I had pre e back in 2008 with my first dd. With my second pregnancy I was put on low dose asprin at 13 weeks, taking it until 34 weeks. I was also sent to get a u/s of my uterine artery at 20 weeks to check for notching with can restrict blood flow to baby and raise your blood pressure. For me I had notching on both sides in both my second and now third pregnancy, so I'm officially considered high risk and am being monitored well with monthly u/s and more frequent blood tests. Ask your doctor about this ultrasound it will either put your mind at ease that everything is OK or it will let you know what your body is able to do for baby and you should have proper monitoring.

Hi there is there a name for that scan?
I think it's just called uterine artery doppler.

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