A TTC survey


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2012
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A throwback to the old days of Myspace... Please erase my answers, fill out, and repost your own replies! If you like someone's survey, please Thanks em! Also, please feel free to add your own questions!


How long have you been trying?
a few weeks

What number kiddo are you trying for?

What methods have you used?
CM and BBT (though the latter is a failure when you have a kiddo who gets up several times during the night!)

How many people that you know have gotten preggo without trying? (Grr)

Are you trying for a rainbow? :flower:
No, but so much love to those who are!

How long did it take your partner/SO to warm up to the idea of TTC?
about two years for our first, but just a few weeks for the second!

What is the weirdest place you've had to check CM?
bathroom at work, really awkward to do in a stall when there's someone next to you who won't leave the dang stall because they're going numero two

What is the weirdest place you've had to BD because you found out you were Oing?
just the bedroom, boring. I've never done the "OMG, we need to DTD right NOW" thing and knocked it out in the back seat, luckily :)

How many times have you started talking about cervical mucus, charting, and other TMI TTC lingo in front of non-TTC people, only to catch yourself?
waaayyy too many...

What's the weirdest fertility enhancer you've tried?
I've been known to drink bottles and bottles of grapefruit juice, and we conceived DD1 on the first try!

Most ridiculous CD that you have taken an HPT?
I once tried at 5DPO... And I was sure of my O date. It was BFN, big surprise!

Ever had to sneakily proposition your partner for BDing when you realized you were Oing?
Haha. He knows when I O, so he knows exactly what we're doing during certain times of the month... (i.e that it's TTC and not just random fun time) :)

Do you already have names for your kiddo/kiddos?
Yup! Alexander Silas for a boy, Skye Lucia for a girl!

Do you have any close friends who are TTCing at the same time as you?
No, boo :(

Do you get pissy when you see pregnant women?
I did when we were TTC#1. I really don't get this way anymore, though, because of DD. I really don't miss the insane jealousy I used to feel. It is so hard to be in that emotional position!

Are you taking prenatal multivitamins or just folic acid? Why?
Just folic acid and a few others (calcium, Vit D, iron) as individual pills. Got really sick from prenatals with DD, and my OB said that prenatals are bad and that all a pregnant woman needs is folic acid, calcium, and Vit D (iron if anemic).

How many friends/family know that you're TTC?
3--DH, my cousin, and Barhanita. Decided I wanted to be ultra secretive this time around...

Finally...what dreams do you have of your future baby?
That it'll be a blue bundle. That he will love his big sister, that she'll love him, and he'll be happy and laid back to balance out DDs super hyper me-me-me energy :)
How long have you been trying?
9 months ( I could have a child now if it happend straight away)

What number kiddo are you trying for?

What methods have you used?
CM and opk and just general symptoms

How many people that you know have gotten preggo without trying? (Grr)
About 5! Rude people should share there luck with us

Are you trying for a rainbow?
No, but so much love to those who are!

How long did it take your partner/SO to warm up to the idea of TTC?
About 2 seconds !! He really wants kids

What is the weirdest place you've had to check CM?
Bathroom at shops! It's just so awkward !

What is the weirdest place you've had to BD because you found out you were Oing?
His dads place and the doer didn't lock and his dad is one to just walk in sit down and chat, luckliy for us he didn't lol

How many times have you started talking about cervical mucus, charting, and other TMI TTC lingo in front of non-TTC people, only to catch yourself?
Non !! I keep that to myself and hubby

What's the weirdest fertility enhancer you've tried?
Doctors said to take folic acid tablets and drink pineapple juice ?

Most ridiculous CD that you have taken an HPT?
Stupidly cd 6, the stick has this look about and and a voice that says use me !

Ever had to sneakily proposition your partner for BDing when you realized you were Oing?
Nope he just goes with it cause he nos I no when so he has to follow !

Do you already have names for your kiddo/kiddos?
Yup! He chose the boys name Jordan Byron and I chose the girls Hayley Jayne

Do you have any close friends who are TTCing at the same time as you?
No, because they are all preg or just gave birth !

Do you get pissy when you see pregnant women?
Yes ! Spesh his sister! I had a month when I thought it was our month then bam she announced her pregnancy ! Still love her tho

Are you taking prenatal multivitamins or just folic acid? Why?
Just folic acid as I'm allergic to a few things folic is all I can take, and I already have to much iron in my body so don't need them tablets

How many friends/family know that you're TTC?
No one we want to keep it a secret

Finally...what dreams do you have of your future baby?
To first conceive the little bundle and give birth then make it a big brother or sister and be a happy healthy family, we already know we want our child to do boxing or dance and anything that makes him her or them happy :)
I am the most boring person on the planet.

How long have you been trying?
Technically 2 months, but only 1m 1wk officially.

What number kiddo are you trying for?

What methods have you used?
Lots of "adult time" and trying to check CM (when i remember)

How many people that you know have gotten preggo without trying? (Grr)
a few

Are you trying for a rainbow?
I'm not use what a rainbow is in this context

How long did it take your partner/SO to warm up to the idea of TTC?
Always wanted to, just had to convince him of the timing! Only a few months after that :)

What is the weirdest place you've had to check CM?
I most often check it at work :blush:

What is the weirdest place you've had to BD because you found out you were Oing?
No where particularly exciting, just the bed haha :p

How many times have you started talking about cervical mucus, charting, and other TMI TTC lingo in front of non-TTC people, only to catch yourself?

What's the weirdest fertility enhancer you've tried?
None I think, should I??

Most ridiculous CD that you have taken an HPT?
I've only taken them when I was late for AF :/

Ever had to sneakily proposition your partner for BDing when you realized you were Oing?
All the time!

Do you already have names for your kiddo/kiddos?
Girl is set, boy isn't :p

Do you have any close friends who are TTCing at the same time as you?
I did, but she got pregnant. There is one girl on the internet that I am "close" to, but only internet closeness.

Do you get pissy when you see pregnant women?
Only when they are smug or underprepared/not ready (in my mind at least)

Are you taking prenatal multivitamins or just folic acid? Why?
Yes, found out I was almost anaemic as my body doesn't absorb iron properly, so didn't want to be missing out on other vitamins or minerals!

How many friends/family know that you're TTC?
Maybe like 5 friends, no family know yet...

Finally...what dreams do you have of your future baby?
As lame and smug as it sounds I just want them to be happy, healthy and so full of love that they pour it out onto others.
hi ladies xx

How long have you been trying?
Onto second cycle now

What number kiddo are you trying for?
number 5

What methods have you used?
nothing last month BBT this month

How many people that you know have gotten preggo without trying? (Grr)
loads over the years, on the pill, with IUD etc lol

Are you trying for a rainbow?
No, big hugs to those who are :hugs:

How long did it take your partner/SO to warm up to the idea of TTC?
He was keen but needed a few weeks to be reassured that I would be okay (after a horrid #4 pregnancy/labour :cloud9:)

What is the weirdest place you've had to check CM?
at work :blush:

What is the weirdest place you've had to BD because you found out you were Oing?
we had guests staying last month, so we were sleuth like for several days haha - in the shed, in the dining room etc; holding door closed in case they came looking for us:blush:

How many times have you started talking about cervical mucus, charting, and other TMI TTC lingo in front of non-TTC people, only to catch yourself?

What's the weirdest fertility enhancer you've tried?

Most ridiculous CD that you have taken an HPT?
early , like CD 5/6 and real late like even after AF started, just in case IB or ectopic :wacko::wacko:

Ever had to sneakily proposition your partner for BDing when you realized you were Oing?
No - we DTD most nights if I am not working or neither of us too tired

Do you already have names for your kiddo/kiddos?

Do you have any close friends who are TTCing at the same time as you?
Lots of work colleagues only

Do you get pissy when you see pregnant women?
not at all

Are you taking prenatal multivitamins or just folic acid? Why?
Folic acid, Calcium vit D vit C only- iron tabs make me nauseous and most prenatals have iron; plus iron can be toxic so if I am not anaemic then not necessary

How many friends/family know that you're TTC?

Finally...what dreams do you have of your future baby?
to be happy and loved, boy or girl to complete our family
How long have you been trying?
12 months

What number kiddo are you trying for?

What methods have you used?
CM and lots of bd ! Opks

How many people that you know have gotten preggo without trying? Alot

Are you trying for a rainbow?
I don't no what this is

How long did it take your partner/SO to warm up to the idea of TTC?
He wanted kids b4 me

What is the weirdest place you've had to check CM?
Nowhere wierd

What is the weirdest place you've had to BD because you found out you were Oing?
just the bedroom, boring. I've never done the "OMG, we need to DTD right NOW"

How many times have you started talking about cervical mucus, charting, and other TMI TTC lingo in front of non-TTC people, only to catch yourself?

What's the weirdest fertility enhancer you've tried?
Nothing as of yet

Most ridiculous CD that you have taken an HPT?
I don't test til my periods is due

Ever had to sneakily proposition your partner for BDing when you realized you were Oing?
Erm . Not reli

Do you already have names for your kiddo/kiddos?
Not this time but we did for my 1st! Craig junior x

Do you have any close friends who are TTCing at the same time as you?

Do you get pissy when you see pregnant women?
A little bit jealous but not to bad, I did when trying to conceive my son tho x

Are you taking prenatal multivitamins or just folic acid? Why?
Folic acid , wil try more soon tho x

How many friends/family know that you're TTC?
One , a close friend

Finally...what dreams do you have of your future baby?
That ill have a a baby and my son will big a big brother , I'd love a little girl but wouldn't mind x
How long have you been trying?
On and off but this time since August

What number kiddo are you trying for?

What methods have you used?
BBT for the first time this cycle.

How many people that you know have gotten preggo without trying? (Grr)
Erm a few

Are you trying for a rainbow?
I sure am

How long did it take your partner/SO to warm up to the idea of TTC?
about a year or so

What is the weirdest place you've had to check CM?

What is the weirdest place you've had to BD because you found out you were Oing?
Only the bedroom, although I temp I don't just bd when Oing

How many times have you started talking about cervical mucus, charting, and other TMI TTC lingo in front of non-TTC people, only to catch yourself?
Never only on here really

What's the weirdest fertility enhancer you've tried?
Nothing really, trying to go at it naturally. Let nature do its thing as they say

Most ridiculous CD that you have taken an HPT?
About 4-5dpo :blush: dare i say it was a :bfn: lol

Ever had to sneakily proposition your partner for BDing when you realized you were Oing?
Erm I cnpan be persistant at times, and if he's tired....well tough I want it....and need it lol

Do you already have names for your kiddo/kiddos?
Freya or poppy for a girl and boys names I can't think of any

Do you have any close friends who are TTCing at the same time as you?
No, boo

Do you get pissy when you see pregnant women?
Yah so jelous, why can't it be me is what I think

Are you taking prenatal multivitamins or just folic acid? Why?
I take a variety of vitamins and iron tablets as I'm anaemic

How many friends/family know that you're TTC?
Well anyone close to me knows I'm mad for a baby and it's gonna happen anyway now....fx'd

Finally...what dreams do you have of your future baby?
I'd like a blue bundle, but of course I'd be happy with either. Just a healthy happy baby, can't ask for much more x
How long have you been trying?
6 months

What number kiddo are you trying for?

What methods have you used?
CM and OPKs. Now using b6 and agnus castus

How many people that you know have gotten preggo without trying?
Lots. Myself included (the first time)

Are you trying for a rainbow?

How long did it take your partner/SO to warm up to the idea of TTC?
About 5 minutes!

What is the weirdest place you've had to check CM?
Never "had" to check. I can just tell

What is the weirdest place you've had to BD because you found out you were Oing?
Nowhere weird

How many times have you started talking about cervical mucus, charting, and other TMI TTC lingo in front of non-TTC people, only to catch yourself?

What's the weirdest fertility enhancer you've tried?
Agnus castus

Most ridiculous CD that you have taken an HPT?
Probably 6/7dpo and then once my period had started (turned out to be a chemical!)

Ever had to sneakily proposition your partner for BDing when you realized you were Oing?
Nope he already knows

Do you already have names for your kiddo/kiddos?
Sort of. Secret though.

Do you have any close friends who are TTCing at the same time as you?
Yes, annoyingly!

Do you get pissy when you see pregnant women?
Not yet, just a teeny bit jealous.

Are you taking prenatal multivitamins or just folic acid? Why?
Multivitamin but just for general use, not specifically TTC

How many friends/family know that you're TTC?
2 OH and bestfriend

Finally...what dreams do you have of your future baby?
That it'll be just a beautiful as Quinn!

Edit - for those that don't know, a rainbow (rainbow baby) is a baby conceived after a loss.
Thanks for explaining rainbow babies, WishingWell. PS. Love your DD's dress in the photo.
How long have you been trying?
10 months

What number kiddo are you trying for?
number 5

What methods have you used?
CM, lots of adult time (when I am not too tired!) starting soy Isoflavones next cycle

How many people that you know have gotten preggo without trying? (Grr)
3 people close to me have got pregnant, 1 was unplanned

Are you trying for a rainbow?

How long did it take your partner/SO to warm up to the idea of TTC?
We both want a large family so it was always on the cards

What is the weirdest place you've had to check CM?
Nowhere as yet

What is the weirdest place you've had to BD because you found out you were Oing?
With 4 children already we keep it to bedroom only

How many times have you started talking about cervical mucus, charting, and other TMI TTC lingo in front of non-TTC people, only to catch yourself?
A few times with work colleague

What's the weirdest fertility enhancer you've tried?
Nothing as yet

Most ridiculous CD that you have taken an HPT?
This cycle, 7 days before AF due

Ever had to sneakily proposition your partner for BDing when you realized you were Oing?
No, do not need to be sneaky with him as he wants it as much as me

Do you already have names for your kiddo/kiddos?

Do you have any close friends who are TTCing at the same time as you?

Do you get pissy when you see pregnant women?
Envious as cannot wait until it is my turn but does not make me feel negative towards them as would hate for someone to feel like that about me when it is my turn

Are you taking prenatal multivitamins or just folic acid? Why?
Folic acid

How many friends/family know that you're TTC?
Lot of people know, it's no secret. I also feel if I suddenly announced I was pregnant, with it being number 5, people will assume it was an accident so I tell lots of people we are ttc so they know it is a very much wanted baby!

Finally...what dreams do you have of your future baby?
As I have 4 boys I will be honest and say my biggest dream is to have a little girl

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