A year old - what tricks??


twin mummy
Nov 26, 2009
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Hello all you lovely ladies :flower:

First off i just want to send virual :hugs::hugs::hugs: to some very special mummies, you are both in my thoughs.

I have one of THEM questions and i know we should compare but im asking just so i have a point of reference really. Not doing great at the moment (the 3 weeks between the boys is harder then i thought)

Anyway, at a year old or 8 months corrected, what were your bubba's doing?

Everywhere i look, every bubba is crawling, walking , joining flipping mensa and Harry is well, perfect but is no way near crawling, put him on his tummy, he rolls straight over, he isnt a fan on tummy time and we have tried everything to encourge it but im fighting a losing battle. Walking, yeah right!! We have no words but we have discovered CLAPPING, its sooooo cute although at 3 in the morning, not so cute!

Was just looking for some reasurrance really that its not just harry and all the other babies i am seeing are just there to drive me a little crazy and make me paranoid!:dohh:

Thanks ladies
No help I'm afraid, still way behind you but just wanted to send :hugs::hugs: dear. xx
Thnak you, hows the gorgeous little girl of your doing? x
Hey hun. Sounds total norm to me, at that point we were pretty much the same.

Ps. We have no talking or clapping here now either :dohh: but no-one seems concerned! :)
Thanks Sandi, i think im just over paranoid. The silly thing is i dont want him crawling or walking yet because then he isnt my little baby :(

Hope Tori and Alex are both well (love alex's football kit) xx
Thnak you, hows the gorgeous little girl of your doing? x

I had typed out a whole big bit but I dont want to hijack your thread!! :haha: So I will just say she is doing much better now, thank you for asking. xx
At 8 months Holly was just rolling & clapping hands and no words either.

She had a big development leap around 9 months.

I hope you all have a lovely first birthday xx
Sophie had a big development leap around 9 months as well....I remember when she was about 7-8 months corrected, the health visitor was asking is she crawling, pulling up on the furniture, cruising etc and I had to keep saying no! But then she started all that around 9 months corrected and she's really come on in leaps and bounds in the last month. No clapping here either! I'm stressing because the health visitor sent us a letter saying "Now that Sophie is one year old....." they want to do her one year check up and find out how she's coming along with walking, talking etc etc - I don't think that's at all fair when she won't be one corrected till June! x
Sophie had a big development leap around 9 months as well....I remember when she was about 7-8 months corrected, the health visitor was asking is she crawling, pulling up on the furniture, cruising etc and I had to keep saying no! But then she started all that around 9 months corrected and she's really come on in leaps and bounds in the last month. No clapping here either! I'm stressing because the health visitor sent us a letter saying "Now that Sophie is one year old....." they want to do her one year check up and find out how she's coming along with walking, talking etc etc - I don't think that's at all fair when she won't be one corrected till June! x

I think you should tell your hv to p*** off and she can do the check in June. If you have a look at the development on your red book they only ask about walking at 18 months so if she mentions walking you should show her the book!

It could be just a system thing printing out the letter. I got a letter about attending a weaning class when Holly was just over 4 months actual. I decided to go just to see what they would say. The girls face was a picture when I brought out this baby who wasnt even 6lb yet :rofl:
Thanks Girles,

Katy, i agree with 25weeker, tell her to bugger off!!! A GP told me last week that its a worry that Harry doesnt walk or even crawl yet at nearly a year old(cleary he doesnt read notes)!

Although i will be intrested to see if Harry has a development leap at 9 months, we shall just wait and see.
I didnt realise that what it says in their red books, i never really read it!

When he has Harry's 10month development review, the doctor said he should be walking by 14 months! Really, i was a lazy full termer and didnt walk till i was 2!!!!

I hate they just because they hit an eye, they think ever baby should be doing the same thing!!!
Our health visitor actually said they would do Sophie's one year check at 13 months "so she's not at an unfair disadvantage"??????!!!!!!! Erm...how about leaving it till she is one corrected rather than 10 months corrected?!

DH is on holiday that week so he is going with me and is ready for an argument with them if they start any nonsense :haha:

25_weeker - that must have been hilarious at the weaning class! xx

ETA - the health visitor told me when Sophie had her birthday that they would be stopping correcting her age? Neonatal always told us it would be corrected till she's 2.....
I think you should dump your HV :rofl:

As far as I know its only babies born at 34 weeks and above they stop correcting at a year because they have generally caught up by then. Next app at eri ask them to send a letter to your HV saying she should remain corrected.

I am guessing your HV has never dealt with a very prem baby before!
i thought it was until they were 2 aswell, thats how long fatty is under the neonatal peds team!!

Why do they not have a set of HV who have dealt with prems and understand a prem!!!
Hi there, Its like that for me too....that everywhere I look babies are walking, crawling etc. My DD is 15 months (13 corrected) and not crawling yet, only just mastered sitting up and starting to pull her legs up as if she wants to crawl. Its lovely to see her now playing with all her toys and her balance has really improved so I am really hoping she takes this development leap that everyone talks about. I think it sounds like Harry is doing fab, he is only 8 months after all and wouldnt expect any words either yet. I dont think you should worry. My DD is the same with tummy time, just rolls back over.
I know Leo's only 9.5months actual, so I guess I can't really comment on this but... he could very well be a 3 month old development wise. Don't get me wrong he is FANTASTIC, amazing, I absolutely ADORE him!! But we have no babbling, he doesn't really change position on the floor, I'm still "Holding" him like a little baby, like, when I put him in his cot I have to "place" him down otherwise he'll just hit his head, does that make sense? To get him to sit I have to sit him precisely and hope and pray he'll hold it. He rolls.. if on his tummy, he'll roll onto his back and stay like that. Or recently he's started going from his back onto his tummy, then staying like that.
I'm soooo sorry I've just hijacked your thread... it's just dawned on me how old Leo really is.. and how I still treat him like a tiny baby, maybe I'm holdinghim back and should be a bit more rough with him? Trust him to sit and not be waiting for him to fall?
Again I'm so sorry for dumping this in the middle of your thread
Connor was 2 weeks short of his 1st birthday before he was even sitting unsupported (he was 5 wk early), he will walk now in the house independently but only recently at 18 months and not consistently. We have babbling but no words but he recognises a lot of phrases (wave, clap, point to nose etc).

My full termer (well 3 days short of 37 wk) didn't walk until 20 months and didn't really start talking until she was 2.
Anna is a year, and 9 months corrected.

She can roll.. over and over and over, Lol! The rolling from back to front has only been very recent.
She babbles and she can almost say hiya (oops must be the word we use most with her lol).
She sometimes can copy rasbery noises and kissy noises.

She cant sit up or clap yet.
Hello bob2331! Harry and Vincent are very close in age - my little guy is 8 months corrected too. And so far from the others in this thread it seems our babies are similar in developmental stages!

Vincent has been able to roll front to back forever, but rolling completely back to front only started about a month ago. Before that he would stop on his side, and essentially just use it to reach toys heh. He cannot crawl but when on his tummy he does move backwards some, and can now turn with ease - ie rotate around his mat to reach toys. My physio said those two are sure signs he should be crawling soon.

He has just started double syllables - baba, papa mostly. I heard a ga and a ka this morning, those are new ;) No clear words yet (unless you count ba which means sock in french :haha: ).

He's started grasping objects (like fruit) with two fingers instead of the claw method, but it's still very awkward and of course most stuff ends up on the floor ;)

I've also received conflicting information about when to stop correcting - some say 1 year, some say 2.
Im goin with 25 weekers comment about cirrecting under 34 weekers,i am sure ive heard this before. Ask Katy. Katy knows what i think lol :rofl:

Personally i think if you dress him in a similar strip he will take a penalty next week, easy

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