Abigail Louise Clark-Bradshaw


Mummy of 5! Eeek!
Jul 7, 2008
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Well I finally have got round to announce my daughters arrival.I'm unsure how I should word it so I'll just say it as it happened.

As some of you know I had a crap pregnancy and was told so many different things.I started to get very down and very worried but now the big black cloud has just gone and I wonder why I was such a wreck.Well this is how it happened :

Weds 5th november I had a growth scan to be told baby still doing well and they wanted me to carry on a bit longer.Induction for 17th November if I hadn't delivered before .I had an internal and the doctor said oh sod I may as well do a sweep as I'm here.I wasn't effaced or anything so it looked like it wouldn't work.I came home thinking it was a total waste of time.

Friday 7th November I woke up with awful period pains and I had a huge show which continued till sun eve.I was getting lots of twinges but no contractions.

Saturday 8th November.I was still losing mucas/blood and getting pain but still I thought it was just my body getting ready.I had a tough day with it.Had to take pain relief as it got to bad.Went to bed to get no sleep as my back and pelvis were constantly throbing.

Sunday 9th November. My god what a day!Pain not so bad but so busy with the kids doing homework and washing I probably didn't feel it.I couldn't keep off the loo as I felt like I had to spend a penny constantly. In a gross kind of way I got a little excited every time I went to the loo as I saw more show so knew it wouldn't be long.4pm we sat and had a roast.I then got my 1st mild contraction.I didn't think it was much so just carried on.They were coming but not regular.5:30pm I put the kids in the bath and oh my god my back was agony so I laid on bed whilst Ady (OH) took over.I could not get comfy so put the washing away and washed the kids hair.I then got a big contraction so I noted down the time to then get another.They were 8 mins apart so I thought I'll leave it till 5 mins then go in to hospital.Ady didn't believe me so got a beer out and relaxed on sofa.7pm the contractions jsuddenly dropped to every 5 and my god they hurt.Ady then panicked and rang the neighbour to come and take us to the hospital.when she got here the contractions were every 3 minutes!She refused to take me so rang 999 and got an ambulance.I was panicking that I was going to deliver at home so started to run around (the best I could)getting the kids to bed and packing a few bits up.I was getting them left right and centre.I had one on the stairs and one in the loo!My neighbours 19 yr old daughter was with her and she was terrified.Put her off for life though he he.Mandy (neighbour) was fab helping me through them whilst Ellie (daughter took over phone and spoke to the lady at the control centre.Finally the ambulance arrived.I started to get my shoes on and the paramedic said "Oh no we are not going any where the contractions are to close"I looked at him and started laughing and said very funny! He said no the midwife is on the way we need to clear a space so started to move my furniture back.I was bloody horrified!my kids were upstairs and I was scared because of all the pregnancy problems.When he heard there had been complications he changed his tune.He said can you make it? I said I dont care we need to give it a go NOW!!!In all the commotion I realised Ady had dissaperered.Ellie went looking to find him in the conservatory smoking and drinking a beer looking terrified!Bless him.Well we grabbed everything up and bolted to the ambulance.I had another contraction on the path outside.Had to get on my hands and kness.My god my poor neighbours got a fright!So got in ambulance.Got strapped down and off we went sirens blaring!My god it was so hard.He wanted all my details when I was getting very strong contractions and now only 2 mins apart all whilst being thrown aroud the ambulance!FUN!We got to the hospital at 8:30pm.I had to go down the corridor on all fours on the trolley with people staring at me contracting.I wanted to die!We got put in a room and it was all go!The midwife stripped my bottom half off did an internal and I was 6 cm dilated already so we knew it'd be quick.I wanted it all natural so just walked around and breathed through the contractions.I then got this mad urge to ring my text buddy Bubba4.Poor sod got a shock :rofl: Ady was gobsmacked at me.Called me mad.I then realised the memory card was full on the camera so through my contractions I started to delete them all 100!The pain was getting worse so caved in and had gas and air which made me feel sick.All the while I wanted to push so bad.So I did but I could feel somethihng holding the baby back .It was very strange.Like a bit of elastic.I pushed and pushed but gave up after 15 mins.Had another internal at 10pm to find I hadn't dilated much only 1cm.But she said my waters were very tight against baby's head and thought they were holding me back.I did not want them broken by hand so grinned and beared it a bit more.It got to half 11 and I really was struggling with the pain so I asked for an epidural which is so unlike me as I always shuddered at the thought but I really could not cope.So I got all prepped up and in came the Anathetist.He wasn't to happy to do it as the contractions were so close.But he did it anyway.I really struggled to keep still as the contractions were like hot pokers going through my tummy.He did say I'll bet you a tenner no sooner I pull out the needle she'll deliver.Well he did the epidural At 11:54pm and my waters finally went at 12:13am.Then the pain really kicked in.The epidural didn't have time to work so I felt it all.I pushed and pushed and finally I felt the head go right down so panted away and then bliss the epidural must have kicked in but 2 pushes and Abigail Louise was finally born! 10th November 2008.I pulled her staright on to my tummy and checked the sex.Then me and Ady cried like babys!:cry:She was so tiny it really scared me.She was checked over and weighed.All was fine and she weighed in at a healthy 6lb 7 & and a half oz.Then I had to deliver the placenta.A very strange expierience.When it came out we realised that was the root of all my problems it was all bumpy and broken and in 2 bits.No sooner as it was out of me the black cloud went.I din't feel sick,dizzy or drained I felt alive!It was amazing.I had a wee to find I didn't sting.I had a blissful shower and then I fed her.She fed from 1am till 5pm the piggy!

I came home at 10am and have not looked back since!I'm eating again and I feel so good.I'm back in my jeans and my skin is glowing.It is so strange.I'm existing on 4hrs sleep a night and running the house as normal but I feel fine.I cant get over it.Both of us still cant believe she is here.She is so good and very contended.She feeds evry 2 hours and takes from both boobs.

I feel angry that they never picked up on the placenta problem and it could have been very dangerous but thankfully it didn't come to that.Another thing I will say is that all this proves the doctors aint always right as they told me to prepare to deliever a tiny baby.I bought loads of stuff that she wont fit in to so I have donated them to the speacial care unit.All the stress and worry was uncalled for.But I also was right that my body was doing something wrong and just wished they had listened to me more.But We have a beautiful daughter and all the worry is over.

My family is now complete and I feel very blessed as I have lost 9 angel babies.To all you ladies who feel like giving up please don't.God works in a very strange way.I lost the sibling to Abigail at 13 weeks but was rewarded with the most precious gift ever xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx I'm on :cloud9:


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OMG thats sounds like she made you work.

She is beautiful and i know what you mean bout not giving up after having Angel babies.

Well done and congratulations to all your family on your newest arrival.

V x x
hey hun you already knw what I think but Ill say it again,

Im proud of you for gettin through the tough time and comein out of it ok, I know I was properly useless to talk to you when you were preggers but I was soo scared for you (just wasnt going to admit it!) But your both here now, safe and well with your angels by your side watchin over you (im sure our dads looking after them for you!)
Abigail is absolutly adorable and I cant wait to meet her!
If shes anything like mads, I may decide not to steal mads but steal abigail instead!

loves u big sis :hug: :hug:

(*****and goes and hides in embarressment!)

Congratulations she is gorgeous! And a very beautiful name :D - My daughter born nearly 3 weeks ago is also Abigail Louise :D x
Well done hun and congratulations, you had such a rough pregnancy but boy what a reward!!! x

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