Abit of advice please... what does pre-term labour feel like?


Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2009
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I am high risk of pre-term labour...

Last night, at about 4am i started getting a bit of pain in my abdomen, and throughout today its gotten abit stronger.... it feels just like i am about to come on my period.... I have looked on google and the only thing coming up is pre-term labour!! Can someone explain to me before i seek medical advice???
I dont think I would be able to help you. I was already 3cm dilated before I knew and that was only because they told me I needed a routine examination because I was admitted to hospital 4 days previous!!!

I would say if your worried go and get yourself checked out. You just never know and if you leave it too late you could deliver at home and it wouldnt be good. Espcially if your early.

Keep us informed Hun

With a bit of luck its just BH or something x
how are you getting on hun? Only just had the chance to catch up on everyone xx
spotted these updates in 3rs tri:

Kerrie updated earlier to say that she was still having pains and she's just sent me a text- she's in labour and delivery, contractions are about 2 minutes apart but her cervix is still closed. The dr's are giving her steriods for baby's lungs (I think) but Kerrie said they won't be letting her go home until the contractions stop or Maddison arrives.

Sending them both lots of - I know Kerrie was hoping that LO would hold out until 35 or 36 weeks, but I'm sure they'll both be fine.

Will update when I hear more from Kerrie (or in the morning as I'm in bed at the mo!)

UPDATE 7:30am 9th Feb

Had an update from Kerrie:
Will just let you know what's happening. Contractions have slowed right down, or at least the pain has gone. I had quite a bit of morphine and a few other things and am due to have my second lot of steroid injection tonight to mature her lungs. They gave me a drug to try and stop the contractions and stop the cervix opening which seemed to work well. So fingers crossed she's staying put for at least another few days. They're still keeping me up to be on the safe side and also contractions are still slightly here x

UPDATE 2 (10th Feb)

Kerrie's had a reaction yesterday to the tablets they'd given her to stop the labour - her heartbeat doubled and LOs went irregular but the Drs managed to calm them down. She had her last steroid jab last night and was on a drip to stop labour and she lost her plug. The Drs have stopped trying to prevent the labour now as the steroids will have had time to work... so it's just a waiting game.
They had a growth scan yesterday and LO is measuring 4lb13oz which everyone is pleased with, and they saw her practising her breathing (so cute!).
Hope you are both well and delivery went well. Thinking of you both xx
Hey- I haven't heard from Kerrie since this afternnon but noticed on her facebook that her cervix was starting to thin and dilate so it seems Maddison is determined to come sooner rather than later!
Pinched again from 3rd tri:

I'm home... x


Firstly thankyou CocoaOne (Becki) for keeping everyone updated....

Its been such a long 4 days for me (and hubby)... On monday night i posted on here about not feeling right, having period pains etc... so i rung Labour and delivery and they told me to go straight up, so i had to get hubby to leave work, as soon as i arrived they hooked me up and could see some irregular contractions etc... but cervix was still closed. To be honest its all a blur from monday until now, i just remember being checked yesterday and told my cervix was still closed but has softened and is now shortened and baby is engaged, i lost my Plug on Tuesday night (or part of it), and also some of my waters leaked last night, I have had literally about 6 hrs sleep since monday... I'm still on antibiotics for a chest infection but they've let me come home as i've had no regular contractions since 5am this morning... I have had all the steriod injections needed to mature her lungs, yesterday was the worse day for me, contractions in my back and every 1-2 min apart for a whole 5 hours, i'm suprised how well hubby handled it, i had the birthing ball etc but i just didn't stop pacing the room for hours, but it all died down and its been irregular contractions since. I don't have a clue whats happening now, it could be tonight, next week, 37 weeks, even the doctors are confused by it all xxx
no probs at all, really pleased Maddison hanging on as long as she can - every extra day helps. Hope your keeping rested x

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