My 5 month old Dd has been referred for an eeg after having a second absence seizure on Wednesday. Has anyone had one done with a similar age baby? Not sure what to expect. Also anyone know of causes of absence seizures other than epilepsy. I know of plenty of things which cause tonic clinic seizures other than epilepsy but out of my depth with these absence seizures.
A bit of a general question too, my dd is a seemingly well and thriving baby. I keep thinking I must be a paranoid mum as keep finding things 'wrong' with her and I often find myself doubting what I have seen and thinking she must be as well as she seems. Anyone else find themselves thinking like this? She has apnea of infancy, cmpa and soya, gluten and fish allergies (all found through bm as not weaned yet) and severe reflux and now these tests for epilepsy 😰
A bit of a general question too, my dd is a seemingly well and thriving baby. I keep thinking I must be a paranoid mum as keep finding things 'wrong' with her and I often find myself doubting what I have seen and thinking she must be as well as she seems. Anyone else find themselves thinking like this? She has apnea of infancy, cmpa and soya, gluten and fish allergies (all found through bm as not weaned yet) and severe reflux and now these tests for epilepsy 😰