Im so pleased and we have parents night on tuesday aswell 
here are the comment her teacher has put down
Adele is a well motiuated learner and thinker. She socialises well with other children.
Adele has good fine motor skills including pencil, crayon and brush control.
Adele has produced some attractive paintings and collages she communitcates effectivly in role play.
Adele always listens attentively. (wish she would do it in the house
) Her conversation skills are well established.
Adele knows her content of farmiliar stories and can discuss and re-tell them.
Adele can draw recognsable pictures and is keen to talk about them. Sge is learning so much every day and has now learned to write her name.
Adele shows a genuine interest in number activities and always tries very hard. She cab easily recognise numbers 1-20
Adele often asks questions to gain information about why things happen and how things work.
im well chuffed and just wanted to share it with you all

here are the comment her teacher has put down
Adele is a well motiuated learner and thinker. She socialises well with other children.
Adele has good fine motor skills including pencil, crayon and brush control.
Adele has produced some attractive paintings and collages she communitcates effectivly in role play.
Adele always listens attentively. (wish she would do it in the house

Adele knows her content of farmiliar stories and can discuss and re-tell them.
Adele can draw recognsable pictures and is keen to talk about them. Sge is learning so much every day and has now learned to write her name.
Adele shows a genuine interest in number activities and always tries very hard. She cab easily recognise numbers 1-20
Adele often asks questions to gain information about why things happen and how things work.
im well chuffed and just wanted to share it with you all