Adjusting baby's bed time


Well-Known Member
Mar 12, 2014
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I know the answer to my question is likely to just give it time, but I thought it'd see if anyone has any advice.

My baby's internal clock has bedtimes set around 10-11 pm. I know it's normal for newborns to go to bed later, but I was hoping by now (8 weeks) his bedtime would start to drift a little earlier. My DD was going to bed at 7pm at this age, and I would really love it if my DS would go to bed earlier so I could get a bit of down time in the evenings. I have tried adjusting bedtime earlier by 15-30 min but it never works, he will fall asleep but only for a short period of time and then wake up. Any advice? Or do I just wait it out?
I would just wait it out, DD's natural bedtime was that late until she was 6-8weeks old then it came down to 7-8pm, but it was more like she was sleeping through the later feed. When she's old enough to stop having a milk feed with her dinner I imagine it will come down a bit again
Gracie stayed up until about 10-11 pm until she was about 1. Sorry! No matter what we tried, we couldn't get her down earlier. I just stayed up later to compensate. She goes to bed about 8pm now and sleeps until 7am, which is quite good as I can get ready for work before she wakes up.

Although Gracie stayed up late she has always woke between 7 and 8am (7 on work days, 8 at weekends) - that was from about 4 weeks.
Keep trying to shift it by 15 minutes and it will work. Keep that time for at least 3 nights then change it again and so on. Routine is the key and it works. Before you know it your LO will be in bed at roughly the same time as your other one and you will have some precious wind down time xx
Took until about 10 weeks for my lo to get a 7-8pm bedtime. Just one night he seemed cross to still be with us so I tried him in bed and he went straight off.
Thanks everyone, he seems to be naturally going to bed slightly earlier the last few nights, last night was 9:15 pm, the night before was 9:45 pm, so I'm hoping this is just going to happen naturally.

Any tips on a bedtime routine for a 2 month old? With my DD we started bath/feed/stories/bed routine at 6 weeks and we still do the same with her now at 20 months (minus the feed), but this little guy seems to hate both the bath and the stories! He just screams the whole time, which is obviously not what you want when trying to get him to wind down and go to sleep. Not sure what else to do for a routine so he starts to anticipate that it's time to go to sleep.
I've never done bath and bed for either of my kids as they have sensitive skin so only bathed twice a week. Bedtime was always big really blanket on the living room floor with a fluffy teddy and cuddles, change to pj's and the lights down to just a lamp with the curtains shut. Now it's similar but they get to watch a TV program then a story on the blanket before teeth then bed. Gives them wind down time and they know it's bedtime. My son never tolerated stories as a little baby, even actually until a few months ago and he just turned 2 last week.
I see your baby's bedtime is getting better, but I would have answered - wait it out. Four of my five babies didn't want to go to bed until 11 at night. In fact, one of them wanted to play until midnight or later every night until he was 6 months old. None of my babies EVER went to sleep for the night before 9pm!!!! How'd you luck out with a baby who went to bed at 7!!!!!!!!!? I'm so jealous. :)
I see your baby's bedtime is getting better, but I would have answered - wait it out. Four of my five babies didn't want to go to bed until 11 at night. In fact, one of them wanted to play until midnight or later every night until he was 6 months old. None of my babies EVER went to sleep for the night before 9pm!!!! How'd you luck out with a baby who went to bed at 7!!!!!!!!!? I'm so jealous. :)

Since having a second baby I am realizing that my first was probably the easiest baby on the planet! She self settled to sleep from birth, was content to be put down for any length of time, went to bed at a reasonable hour. I feel like a first time mom since having my second baby because I am encountering all these normal newborn/baby situations that I never had to deal with when I had my first child! My OH always comments on what a difficult baby DS is and I have to keep reminding him that DS is just a typical newborn, we just aren't used to it because DD was an unusually content baby. My DS is now going to bed between 8-8:30 pm so we are getting better!
Jess, mine is 16 weeks and he's moved up to about 8ish. Glad your little one is moving earlier too. As far as bed time routine, ours is the same-- bath time (only use soap/shampoo every other night due to sensitive skin), then lotion, swaddle sack, and then rocking/feeding and reading bed time stories all at the same time in the glider chair. By the time he's done with the feed and stories, he's quite sleepy. I burp him, rock him another moment, then lay him down. Sometimes he's already asleep when I lay him down, sometimes he's drowsy but still awake. Seems to be working for him, but it took awhile for it to become a routine.

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