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Advice and opinions please!


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2014
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Hi everyone, I know you probably don't have the answers, but just looking for your thoughts on my situation.

My son was in hospital for a week after being born and had some difficultly keeping milk down. He was tube fed, slowly upping until he tolerated full feeds. I was expressing as I wanted to breast feed, and he was fed my milk. I brought him home and we established breast feeding well (or so I thought) He fed often and for a long time. I was told this was cluster feeding hand all normal.

Fast forward a few weeks and he's not been gaining weight well. So my doctor told me to eat, drink and feed as much as I could and we would check his weight the next week. The next week, he had a good gain, but I saw a different doctor, who was not aware of our history (and the fact we'd been trying really hard for the last week) and she referred us to hospital. The hospital said they thought I was not producing enough for him and I had to either top him up with formula or they would admit us. I did not want to do either but reluctantly agreed to formula.

I have been giving him 1oz of formula after maybe 3 or 4 feeds throughout the day. We have another weight check tomorrow. I guess what I'm asking is what would you do (assuming he has gained weight again)

Continue topping him up? (Will this eventually damage my supply?)
Stop the top ups and just breast feed? Would you try to increase supply??

I just want to do what is best for him but I LOVE breast feeding and the idea of a decreasing supply is awful! Sorry for the long post.
Have you tried pumping and feeding him from a bottle so you can measure how much he's eating? Or pump and top him up with that?
The most important thing is to make sure he's gaining so even if you have to use formula for awhile its ok. Just pump while he's topping up bc that will increase your supply. Also drink lots of water
I had the same issue that you have currently. My baby was in the Nicu for a week after being born so I didn't get to nurse him very often. I pumped for all his feedings. He gained fine the first 2 months but by month 3, I started noticing his weight gain had slowed. His doctor said it was ok, but I knew something was right. He was in the 1st percentile for his age. Turned out my baby had lip/tongue ties. Once these were removed, he's started gaining again. He's gained a pound and a half in just over a month.
If you can, pump and give your baby breast milk. Anytime you substitute a feeding with a bottle, you need to pump. It can affect your supply because anytime you leave milk in the breast you are telling your body you don't need it, so it will make less the next day.
I'm not sure how I would pump and feed baby? I can only get about half a feed in advance. I guess I'd have to do a formula feed and pump and then I'd be a feed ahead. I might give it a try. I'm already missing a feed at night at around midnight so I can sleep. I mainly pump for this but supplement with formula.

I don't want his weight to fall any further. Is my best option to continue to feed as much as possible, then top up with formula but pump to ensure my breasts are empty??

Have I already lost the health benefits of breastfeeding by giving him formula? Or is some bf better than none?
He's still getting LOTS of benefits from mommy's milk. All he antibodies and nutrients found only in breast milk, he is getting. He's just getting the extra intake hr needs with formula. You haven't lost anything, mama!!! Hang in there!!!!
Sorry I don't know any of the other answers you're looking for. I'm struggling myself, I can't get my 11-day-old to latch, so I am pumping EVERY feeding and trying to teach her to take the breast. So trust me, I know it's frustrating and disheartening. But we will get there!! Our babies will grow up loved and in the end that's really what matters. Keep doing your best. :hugs:
Feed first, then if you must top up with formula, continue to pump after the feed. Try nipple stimulation if necessary to produce a let down. Then continue to feed on demand and pump after feeding to keep up the supply.
Pumping after feeding will increase your supply too. Have you tried upping your
Fluids, eating more oats/porridge/flapjack. Anyone that can make you some lactation cookies? Fenugreek is good (found on spice shelf in supermarket). You're doing excellently, keep going.

Feed, formula, pump. If baby goes more than
3 hours without feeding I would pump in that time too. Pumping at 4/5am will increase your supply too.
Thanks so much for your support. You've given me the confidence to carry on.
I'm not sure how I would pump and feed baby? I can only get about half a feed in advance. I guess I'd have to do a formula feed and pump and then I'd be a feed ahead. I might give it a try. I'm already missing a feed at night at around midnight so I can sleep. I mainly pump for this but supplement with formula.

I don't want his weight to fall any further. Is my best option to continue to feed as much as possible, then top up with formula but pump to ensure my breasts are empty??

Have I already lost the health benefits of breastfeeding by giving him formula? Or is some bf better than none?

There is more to breastfeeding than what is in the milk, so even with formula the breastfeeds you have given, and want to keep giving are really valuable. If you can get through the tough times breastfeeding becomes not just a way of feeding a child but a way of parenting them too. Teething? -have a boob. Fell over and bumped your head? -have a boob. Feeling overwhelmed by the world? - have a boob. Etc.

A two pronged approach might be needed at this time:
1) keep the baby fed -this is what you are doing
2) figure out why he isn't getting quite enough. Is it that the time in NICU meant your supply just needs to catch up - in which case a feed from the breast only approach will be best. Or are there attachment issues that mean he can't get enough out/stimulate production of more. La Leche league might be able to offer help and advice, or other breastfeeding support organisations.

While waiting to get help, keep pumping whenever you top up with a bottle, even if there is little or no milk coming out (but don't hurt yourself). If you get milk you can use it to supplevent, if not don't worry as it is still stimulating production.
Night feeds are important for building supply as hormone levels rise at this time so if you can try to feed at night rather than pumping.
You are doing fab!

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