Advice from mummies with Autisic Toddlers


mummy of 2 boys!
Jul 14, 2010
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I know this is a common thread but Im wondering if my son is showing signs of austism and would like some general opinions on his behaviours and what I can do or should do to find out.

Barry was always slow to learn physical things, walking, crawling, even pulling himself up was achieved slowly, I dont mean "late" but as in, pulling himself up, it was bit by bit over a few weeks that he figured out how to do it, and even when he learned a new physical activity sometimes a few days later it'd be like he forgot it and started all over again.

His speech is...well non exsistant, I can get him to say a few words - but not clearly, and only if i *really really* prompt him, so for example if i want him to say green, i have to say it 200 times before he may even attempt it, and he might say it once and thats it for the day.

He's repetative...he'll do the same action over and over, like if we're reading a book, he'll point at a picture, point at another one...and then keep pointing to it again and again. He also has taken to walking up and down the hallway with his face literally against the wall. theres nothing on the wall, he doesnt stop to pick things up or do anything, he just walks back and forth staring at the wall.

He lines things up, he'll line up all his balls, all his blocks, his soft toys, his books and anything else he can get hold of. but in individual groups, so books and balls wont mix etc

Hes not social....he used to be as a baby but now if someone strange comes into the house he freaks out, he cries and clings to me and has a complete meltdown if i try to move away from him, i have to hold him the entire time and then hes ok and will wave and blow kisses.

He ignores when hes called by name but will sometimes follow simple directions.

My husband is convinced hes showing signs of autism but Im finding it hard to distinguish between what might be just 2 year old behaviours and what isnt.

Any tips/advice id appreciate

Hi Pepsichic,

Does he go to preschool..?

I noticed things about my son and everyone I would mention it too including grandparents, weren't having any of it and said it's normal blah blah blah but I knew Logan was different.

I spoke to the health visitor who started the ball rolling to get him diagnosed.

Good luck I hope you get the answers you need :flower:
Has he had his hearing tested?

My son does have autism but he also suffered from glue ear which meant that his speech/listening would have been hindered anyway.

It is so hard to know as my son has gone through so many phases since they first suspected something was wrong beyond dev delay at 18 months. He will now be 3 in November and is still doesn't really have a diagnosis other than the original delay. I am fine with that though, as he is doing really well with speech therapy and toddler preschool. x
I'm afraid that what you describe is not normal 2 year old stuff. It does sound like autism to me. I think my son may be autistic and he has way fewer signs than that. It's the family history (his dad and I are both on the autistic spectrum and he has an autistic half sister) that makes us suspect that there may be more to his speech delay and 'difficultness'.

I don't have any great advice. A diagnosis at this age is unlikely, but maybe if you start the ball rolling then when they are ready, he'll already be in the system. In the meantime, there are some interventions that can help him develop language and flexibility, and things you can do that may help him cope with situations and changes.

My son is identical.

Little to no talking. He will NOT repeat things unless you say it a million times, and even then the next day he has forgotten it and others say well he did say it right? Uhhh ya, ugh.

My son always has a fist, and sucks on his hands. He never did that, thats new.

He was late walking, about 15 mnths old.

He bashes his head, started at about 8 months, we thought was cute then it grew more and more.

He screamed, and screams still

He points and repeats his pointing and panting

he shreeks words, and cant say certain things.. fire truck is RYYYYYYEEEEE at the top of his lungs. and we have no idea why he yells an screechs it.

He has severe anxiety and hides from alot.

He has severe social anxiety to

He does not do well with change, if there isa change he goes in hysterics, the late has been biting, he bites his little brother

he cant share, he doesnt know how, everything is his and if its not going to be his he has an all out melt down

he used to know how to go put things in the garbage etc, butnow its like he is incohearant

we got his ears checked, he passed

my son doesnt sit

my son has a few foods he will eat and thats it

my son doesnt show affection or sympathy, just starting. he used to hug, he doesnt do it no more.

We cant go shopping cus he just doesnt know how to behave, so I stay home alot

My son has severe mood swings..

He has been diagnosed PDDNOS, cus alot of his signs are autistic, but he can smile and make eye contact at the odd times, but not reply to name.. so they dont know 100%. hes being treated in therapy as autistic tho.

He only got diagnosed because of the headbanging he done and little to no words. He is going to be 3 September 22 and has less words than his baby brother who is 2 tomorrow. under 20 words, cant say mom, mommy, . :( He just started to use a spoon and feed himself.

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