hi im currently 36 weeks pregnant with my 5th child (i have 4 from a previous relationship) but me and my bumps father split up back in oct after a lot of complications (namely his ex wont let him see thier kids while he was with me) anyway hes prone to a drink and whe he drinks he gets depressed about her not letting him see his 2 kids and he takes it out on me well since we split he has been back and forth and to help him and make things easier i went to solicitors and drew up a contract letting him see his son 2 days a week so he would know that i wouldnt stop him from seeing his son, but recently he done it again he got drunk and phoned me up and blamed me for his problems but he also threatened to kill me, brn down my house and cut me open take his baby and watch me bleed to death and he said al this over phone in front of his mother who then took the phone off him and blamed me for his behaviour called me a bitch and hung up. i then called the police and they arrested him charged him and he has been bailed outside of out town untill he attends a court hearing in jan and hes also been tagged but i feel guilty, ive taken him away from his family and his children over christmas and also what if he gets sent down he wont see his kids, but my other dilemma is do i stop him from seeing his son now or should i stick to the agreement i made with him my family tell me to not let him be involved but i dont know if i could do that any advice would be greatly recieved and sorry for the long rant x