I hope you don't mind me gatecrashing this section but I really need some advice...
I've exclusively BF up until now but have PND and my doc has recommended I stop BF and go on to FF but I've no idea where to start and I'm really hoping some of you lovely ladies will be able to help. My LO is almost 10 months and I don't know how much formula I should be giving her each day or which formula to start her on. We're in the process of weaning and she eats three meals a day but still has 6 or 7 breast feeds everyday. I give her water with her meals.
Thanks in advance.
I hope you don't mind me gatecrashing this section but I really need some advice...
I've exclusively BF up until now but have PND and my doc has recommended I stop BF and go on to FF but I've no idea where to start and I'm really hoping some of you lovely ladies will be able to help. My LO is almost 10 months and I don't know how much formula I should be giving her each day or which formula to start her on. We're in the process of weaning and she eats three meals a day but still has 6 or 7 breast feeds everyday. I give her water with her meals.
Thanks in advance.