im going to try and make this long story short myself and husband have 3 children together 11 9 & 5. last summer we decided to TTC no 4 but not even 1 cycle in we both got scared and hubby changed his mind so we stopped trying. i was very disappointed and was very down for a few months. i spent the last year seeing all my friends and family having babies and convinced myself that we didn't want or need a baby in our lives i focused on the bad bits they were going through to make me grateful that i has a full night sleep etc and enjoy the children we have and now life is good....... until hubby decides to tell me a couple of weeks ago that he is very broody while we were away on a family break and wanted a baby. we had a long chat and at this point a baby was the last thing on my mind even looking at baby things repulsed me however i agreed to try and stopped taking my pill and am slightly coming around to the idea however a couple of days ago i asked him how he feels now and he said hes 50/50 as our normal daily routine has come back into play and it would be a lot of pressure. i accepted this and told him that my period is due any day and if it comes we wouldn't try anymore and just continue to love life as it is. this morning my period came and i felt relieved that i wasn't pregnant as i wouldn't want such a life changer if he wasn't 100% sure although if i was pregnant i know we would have both been happy about it really, i messaged hubby to say that my period had come and he sent me back a sad face so i called him to ask him what it ment and he said he was sad and disappointed that i was not pregnant. AAAAAAHHHHHhhhhhh!!!!!!!! we agreed not to talk to anyone we know about any of this so its been a real hard time to me i talk to my mum sister and friends about everything and they always give me excellent advice but i dont want to break my promise to my husband by asking them. i told hubby that i wouldn't take my pill this month then he had a little time to conciser what he wants just under 2 weeks till ovulation. was this the right thing to do?? the more we talk the more i want a baby
can anyone please give me some advice anything at all as im so confused about the whole thing now.
can anyone please give me some advice anything at all as im so confused about the whole thing now.