This is my first time posting so I apologise if I haven't posted in the right place.
Me and my OH have been ttc our first baby for 4 years now. As of now we have not had any medical help, we did meet with a doctor 2 years ago and had a few tests done but lost faith in them because they just didn't seem interested in helping and i was constantly chasing them just to get simple blood test results (my oh submitted a sperm sample but this come back inconclusive as they left it too long to test!) We stupidly took this as some sort of sign that we didn't need medical help (I no, stupid thinking ) We are now saving to see a private fertility specialist as feel this is more suited to us then relying on people who cant even pretend to see this as important!
I am 25 and was on the pill from the age of 17-21, when we started trying. Whilst on the pill i had 4 weeks of taking it and then a week off, which is when i got my period which lasted the whole 7 days. After coming off the pill my cycle stuck to this routine leaving me with a 35 day cycle. I cant remember what it was like before the pill, but my mum also had a 35 day cycle so i don't think it was anything to do with the pill.
Anyway, my cycle has been very predictable, most months to the day!
Last cycle i started feeling the usual ovulation signs on cd16 and so took an ovulation test and had a pretty strong positive. cd17 i took another and it was even stronger, the strongest iv seen one. I thought it was a little odd as it was at least 6 days earlier than usual but it was confirmed correct when af arrived 2 weeks later. It was also a lot shorter than normal, only 4-5 days instead of 7 but i had very strong cramps the first day so im positive this was a period and not some kind of breakthrough bleeding.
I am now on cd10 of the next cycle and am feeling the start of ovulation again; bloating, twinges in belly, sore boobs...all the usual signs to me that i reaching ovulation. Took a test this afternoon and got a faint positive line so am guessing i will get a strong positive in the next few days.
I know this is the normal time for some but this is ridiculously early for me to be ovulating, although its only around a week earlier than last cycle, its almost 2 weeks earlier than my usual cycle!!
Does anyone know what could be going on here? iv tried searching and not found any info that doesn't scare me into thinking im never going to get pregnant! i guess i just need a bit of reassurance that this can happen and is normal....or maybe a reality check if that's the case.
Sorry for the ramble,
Thank you
This is my first time posting so I apologise if I haven't posted in the right place.
Me and my OH have been ttc our first baby for 4 years now. As of now we have not had any medical help, we did meet with a doctor 2 years ago and had a few tests done but lost faith in them because they just didn't seem interested in helping and i was constantly chasing them just to get simple blood test results (my oh submitted a sperm sample but this come back inconclusive as they left it too long to test!) We stupidly took this as some sort of sign that we didn't need medical help (I no, stupid thinking ) We are now saving to see a private fertility specialist as feel this is more suited to us then relying on people who cant even pretend to see this as important!
I am 25 and was on the pill from the age of 17-21, when we started trying. Whilst on the pill i had 4 weeks of taking it and then a week off, which is when i got my period which lasted the whole 7 days. After coming off the pill my cycle stuck to this routine leaving me with a 35 day cycle. I cant remember what it was like before the pill, but my mum also had a 35 day cycle so i don't think it was anything to do with the pill.
Anyway, my cycle has been very predictable, most months to the day!
Last cycle i started feeling the usual ovulation signs on cd16 and so took an ovulation test and had a pretty strong positive. cd17 i took another and it was even stronger, the strongest iv seen one. I thought it was a little odd as it was at least 6 days earlier than usual but it was confirmed correct when af arrived 2 weeks later. It was also a lot shorter than normal, only 4-5 days instead of 7 but i had very strong cramps the first day so im positive this was a period and not some kind of breakthrough bleeding.
I am now on cd10 of the next cycle and am feeling the start of ovulation again; bloating, twinges in belly, sore boobs...all the usual signs to me that i reaching ovulation. Took a test this afternoon and got a faint positive line so am guessing i will get a strong positive in the next few days.
I know this is the normal time for some but this is ridiculously early for me to be ovulating, although its only around a week earlier than last cycle, its almost 2 weeks earlier than my usual cycle!!
Does anyone know what could be going on here? iv tried searching and not found any info that doesn't scare me into thinking im never going to get pregnant! i guess i just need a bit of reassurance that this can happen and is normal....or maybe a reality check if that's the case.
Sorry for the ramble,
Thank you