After a 32 hour Labour our Baby Boy Finley Reed is Finally here x


Outnumbered x
Jul 2, 2008
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Monday 26th October 09

I had loads of text messages asking if I had had any movement or twinges & I hadnt had anything
so I was so sure nothing would be happening anytime soon.
DH was at work until 6.30pm so my mum came round at about 2pm & stayed until 4pm.
5pm came & I was getting a bit of backache but I'd had it for the last week so didnt think much of it
but then it was getting more painful so I went to the toilet bcus I had tummy ache too so thought it
might be that but the pain was still there after so i sat on the sofa & it went off but about 10 minutes later it
was back hurting again, so at about 5.30pm I rang my mum & asked her to come round bcus I knew the pain was
more than just a bit of backache & felt different this time.
Mum got to me within a few minutes & I was just sat on the sofa trying to get comfortable but then it seemed to
get more painful, at about 6.05pm mum told me to lean over the back of the sofa which I did, she then asked if my waters had
broke which i said 'No.......oh hold on I think they just have, I feel like I've wet myself' so I stood up &
there was a gush & I said to mum 'yep that was definitly my waters' so I want to the toilet & when i wiped my plug
had come away as well so we went back downstairs & mum rang the hospital & told me to go straight in. Mum Rang
Richard & told him to go straight to the hospital, He got there about 6.45pm, I was in the waiting room waiting to
be seen so he came in & held my hand & rubbed my back each time I had a contraction, which by this point were
coming every 1-2 minutes so we were so sure that MB would be with us in the next couple of hours (How wrong were
we) :dohh:
At 7.20pm I was taken in to a room to see how far dilated I was, thinking I would be at least 5-6 centimeters we
were shocked to be told i was only 1cm. So I went back to the waiting room until about 9pm when i was transfered to
the observation ward where MB's Heart rate was monitered as were my contractions. I found leaning on DH or my mum
while having contractions helped a little x
The midwives had to tell me to drink ice water & turn on my side (which was unbearable) because MB had fallen
asleep :rofl: x

Tuesday 27th October 09
After no sleep at all during the night DH went home for a couple of hours while my mum stayed with me, we went
for a walk around the labour ward stopping every couple of minutes while I had a contraction. DH came back a couple
of hours later & stayed while mum went home, He made me eat some toast & have some tea as I hadnt eaten since lunchtime
At about 10am I was moved into the delivery room and they checked how dilated i was again, from 7.20pm the night before I had
gone up a whole 2 centimeters I was now 3cm whoopdi doo basil :dohh: :rofl: x
at about 11.15am we were told to have a walk around for a couple of hours to see if we could get things moving on our
own, if not they would give me an epidural & induce me.
We took a walk stopping every few minutes to have a contraction & richard made me eat a cereal bar to get my strength
up but I only managed half of it.
after 2 hours walking about we went back to the delivery room & the midwife checked how dilated I was and i had only
gone up another cm x
so i finally got my epidural at about 5pm i was so happy, mum made richard go home and get some rest and told him she would
ring when i was being induced x
i had my epidural and was induced at 6pm richard came back and i had a bit of a sleep. A lovely midwife came in & made sure
I was ok and she stayed for about an hour or so checking my BP etc x Then a bit later I had the midwife who would deliver
my baby and she was amazing, i told her 'i'm sorry if we're not very talkative we havent slept in 2 days' and she said 'thats
ok we'll turn the lights down put the radio on & you can all go sleep' lol she was fab x
At about 11.30pm she told me she wouldnt be given me a top up of my epidural because she wanted to me to feel a little
of the pain so i could tell her when i was having a contraction rather than her having to tell me, she said she would
leave for an hour & then it would be time to push, I couldnt believe we would be meeting our baby soon x :cloud9:

Wednesday 28th 2009

At about 12.30am she said it was time to push so my mum left us to it & sat in the waiting room.
The MW went through everything she would do & what I would need to do so I started to push, MY GOD i have never felt pain
like it. The MW said that MB was back to back so i would need to push that little bit harder. The first contraction came
& I started to push, have a breather & push again, each time the mw telling me to push through the pain which
seemed so much harder with him being back to back, it felt like I was being hit across my lower back with a steel
bar the pain was so excruitiating :cry:.
Richard was amazing & so supportive throughout. The MW told me that she could see his head
& that he had blonde hair, then after another session of pushing his head was out & Richard had a look, he was in tears
telling me what he could see.
Then everything changed I heard the MW tell richard to press the buzzer, he panicked & didnt know what to do so the
MW did it & within seconds 4 midwives came rushing in, before i knew anything my legs were up behind my ears & i was
being told to push as hard as I could because baby's shoulders were stuck, I screamed so loud my mum must have been
having a heart attack outside. I carried on pushing as hard as I could & the 4 mw's managed to pull him free
but he didnt cry straight away and those were the longest few seconds of my life, he finally let out a wimper as he was
taken away from me & put in the cot beside me x As he was placed on my chest (for a few seconds) Richard told me we
had a beautiful baby boy but all I was concerned about was, was he ok, the mw assured me he was fine but a pediatrician
had to come in & check him over as one of the mw's said his arm looked a little floppy but he said everything was
fine his arm was good x It was the hardest & scariest 15 minutes of my life, I just wanted to hold my little boy
and make sure he was ok but I was so exhausted I couldnt even hold my own head up. Richard went out & told my mum she had
her first grandson & she came in to see us x
As I was being stitched up the exhaustion took over & i fell asleep (the epi helped lol) so richard & my mum held
our little boy & fed him. TBH it was hard seeing them hold him & I hadnt even held him yet but as soon as i was
all stitched up I got to hold my beautiful baby boy for the first time & it was the most amazing thing in the world
he was so beautiful I couldnt take my eyes off him x Richard was crying, I was crying, mum was crying & our baby boy was
just having a good look around x
I know its a cliche but the pain really does just disappear as soon as they are here & you do forget about it all x

Our Beautiful baby boy Finley was born on the 28th October 2009 at 1.51am weighing 8lbs 4oz
I hope I havent scared too many people, even after the very hard labour I wouldnt change it for the world because
at the end of it all I got the most gorgeous little boy, & he's my world x

If you managed to read all of that you deserve a Gold Star lol x Thank you for reading

Love Reedy & Finley boo x x x
Awww Reedy he is just so beautiful & despite all the :shock: moments in your re-telling when I was crossing my legs in sympathy with you, by the end I was sobbing with happiness for you & Richard (& your Mum!):cloud9:

Well done my lovely, it really was hard labour to bring him into the world!
Silky haired kisses to beautiful Finley
m2j - so good to hear from you my lovely x I've missed you lots x
and looks like congrats is in order :kiss:x

Finley certainly was hard work but totally worth it :cloud9:
Congratulations Reedy! He's gorgeous xx:hugs:
Oh Reedy, what an amazing journey and birth story ... Im :cry: with joy for you, DH and lil Finley ... definately a journey to treasure (albeit tiring and painful at times!).

Im so happy for you ... big :hugs2: to you and your family! xxx
He is gorgeous hun! Well done! Congratulations!! :happydance:
aw loved reading your story so emotional ended up in tears, is that what it felt like?! being hit with a metal bar . . oh sh*t poor u!! well congrats on a total stunner of a lil man hope u rest & recover well, u did a good job by the sounds of it, thanks for putting your story up x x
Aww lovely birth story hun, huge congratulations he is lovely! :hugs:
Many congratulations to all of you - you done really well, take care xx
what a great story i was in labour for 34 hours and it was so long and tiering i know how you feel but its all worth it in the end congrats xx
Congratulations to you & Richard, Claire.. Finley is absolutely gorgeous :hugs:

I'm so proud of you x

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