I have irregular cycles (27-34 days) since coming off BC. My problem is I seem to ovulate late in my cycle at around CD23. Will this soy help me ovulate earlier? I'm worried this is stopping me getting pregnant! thanks
I have irregular cycles (27-34 days) since coming off BC. My problem is I seem to ovulate late in my cycle at around CD23. Will this soy help me ovulate earlier? I'm worried this is stopping me getting pregnant! thanks
Linny, as long as your luteal phase ( the time period between your ovulation day and your AF) is around 12-14 days, your ovulation day of CD23 should be fine for getting pregnant! Do you know how long your LP is?
Well FF have it at 9 days, thats whats worrying me, though this is only my second month charting and i think im again heading for CD23 ovulation again. I'm trying B100 this month to see if that helps, also tried AC but didn't see a diff. Its my 10mth TTC to i'll be heading to docs soon if nothing improves!
hi linny anything between 21 and 35 days is considered to be a normal cycle i think, so your cycles arent out of the normal range. I'm only trying soy to get me into this range as mine are usually 45 days long and I want a shorter cycle, i dont know if it will work but its worth a try i suppose. good luck!
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