Alayna June's Hypnobirth


Proud mama!
Jan 23, 2010
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This is going to be long - copied and pasted from an e-mail to my hypnobirth instructor.

It’s hard to believe that our little girl has been here for almost a week now! Right now she is cuddled up to me in her Sleepy Wrap as I type out the amazing story that is her entrance into the world. Please note that I had no concept of time during this process, so all times are those that were told to me afterwards.

Early in my pregnancy, I was told that our baby had a two-vessel cord, and though it wasn’t anything to be too concerned about, that she was likely to be early and small. As our “guess date” of August 26th approached, Thomas and I prepared for an early birth – and absolutely nothing seemed to be happening.

In the week leading up to her guess date, I spent a lot of time listening to my Rainbow Relaxation CD, as well as to an mp3 track from Hypnobabies called Baby – Come OUT! Three times a day I relaxed in bed, hoping that my surges would start soon, but trying not to stress out about it. It was very tough to wait patiently, especially when we were so prepared for things to start early.

On the morning of August 29th, I had a nice long bath and had a chat with our baby, telling her about all of her family members and how excited they were that she would be here soon, and letting her know that Thomas was finally on holidays, and that we were ready to meet her as soon as she was ready. My parents came down from Moose Jaw that afternoon and we went shopping at Costco and Wal-Mart – more walking than I had done in weeks. We told them that we would let them know once we were checked into a room in Labour and Birth, so that they could get ready to come meet the baby once she was born. After a supper of pizza, they headed home, and I went to bed.

I woke up at 1:00 am with an upset stomach, feeling like I really had to go to the bathroom, but once I got there – nothing. This happened a few more times, so I finally decided that I would have a bath in hopes that my stomach would settle. It wasn’t until about 2:30 that I realized that my stomach cramps were coming and going in a regular pattern. I hopped out of the tub, grabbed a clock and headed back. My surges were ten minutes apart, and not terribly uncomfortable, so I felt that if I woke Thomas up, the surges would stop, and not wanting to “jinx” anything, I decided to hang out in the tub.

By 5:30, I decided that today was probably the day that we would get to meet our baby. The surges were still coming fairly regularly (8-9 minutes apart), so I woke Thomas up and we had a bit of a snuggle in bed before having a shower, breakfast and letting our doula (Erin) know that today was the day – although we didn’t need her to come quite yet.

to be continued...
By about 9:20, the surges were coming a bit closer together, and I was starting to get some fairly strong back pain. I was still able to breathe through the surges, and they weren’t too intense, but we figured that now would be the time to get Erin to come. She arrived at about 10:15, by which time I was laying in bed on my side and the surges were getting stronger, but not more frequent. I coped with each surge with Thomas behind me, rubbing my back and using the shoulder anchor.

At 11:30, I was in the middle of a surge when I felt a big “pop” in my belly. It was such a strong feeling that I was surprised that no one heard it. I got up to go to the bathroom and realized that my waters had released. After a few more “normal” surges, my surges quickly became more frequent and much more intense. I found that laying down during a surge made me throw up, so I stood, with my arms wrapped around Thomas through each surge. It was at this point that I realized that it was time to go to the hospital as the surges were about 4 minutes apart and very intense. We got everything gathered together and got into the car – Thomas and Erin in the front, and me in the back. In the twenty minutes it took to get to the hospital, my surges sped up to one every two minutes, and it was taking most of my energy to stay focused and relaxed during and between them.
We got to the hospital at around 1:30. There was no way that I was going to be able to walk up to the unit, so Erin grabbed a wheelchair. We were admitted in record time, and got up to triage very quickly. I was assessed and told that we were 4-5cm dilated and fully effaced. Unfortunately, there were no Labour and Birth rooms ready yet, so we would have to stay in triage for awhile. I still couldn’t lay down without throwing up, so we spent the next while between the triage room and the bathroom, standing and leaning on Thomas during contractions. I still felt the urge to go to the bathroom, but was getting frustrated because nothing was coming out. I remember hearing Erin say that it sounded like I was pushing, and she went and got a nurse, who realized that we needed to get me in a bed immediately.

It was about 3:50 when I was wheeled to a labour and delivery room (eyes closed the entire time) and put on the bed. As a result of some pre-existing pelvis and hip issues, I was told to lay on my side. The pressure was very intense and quite painful at this point, but I was still able to relax between surges, by keeping my eyes closed and focusing on what my body was doing. I felt the strong urge to push, so with the coaching of the nurse (Debbie) and Erin, I used each surge to push the baby down, and between surges I focused on keeping her in position. Thomas sat beside my head, rubbing my shoulders and using a cool cloth on my forehead. At some point the doctor was called, but I wasn’t really aware of anything but the intense pain and pressure during the surges, and the focus it took to keep her in position. The next thing I remember, I was being told not to push, and then to push a little bit and all of a sudden, out she came! Our little girl was born at 4:22 and was 7lbs 9oz and 19 ¼ inches long. She was put up to me immediately, I opened my eyes for the first time since I started pushing and was overwhelmed at the fact that she was finally here. Thomas was charmed as well. The doctor cut the cord once it had finished pulsing (he forgot to ask Thomas if he wanted to) and Erin and I got my shirt off, so I could have a snuggle with our little girl. After a few minutes of gentle crying, we were able to get her latched on for her first feed, and we finally decided on a name – Alayna June.

Alayna is a wonderful baby – she feeds well and is almost up to her birth weight already! We stayed in the hospital for two nights, as they wanted to keep an eye on her bili levels. Now that she is home, she seldom fusses and is often awake and quietly aware of everything going on around her. She seems to charm everyone that she meets, and is definitely Daddy’s little girl. I’m sure that at least some of her temperament is as a result of the relaxation and her relatively calm and easy birth.

I credit hypnobirthing for allowing me to have the drug and intervention-free birth that I was envisioning, and allowing me to remain in control of the birthing process throughout. Thomas was amazed at how relaxed I was able to be between surges. As well, by being aware during the birth, I was able to avoid any tearing or stitches. Everyone commented on how good I looked right after the birth, and I really felt that wonderful.
This is an absolutely beautiful story :hugs: Thank you for sharing :)
what a wonderful inspiring story mama x
i think we have the same doula :) erin laing?
if so, she's awesome!
i'm so glad i came across this! was thinking of you just the other day as a matter of fact... :)
ALL the best to you and your new family x
blessings x
Thats amazing, its wonderful to read stories that go so well, a brilliant advertisement for hypnobirthing, well done you!! xxx
what a wonderful inspiring story mama x
i think we have the same doula :) erin laing?
if so, she's awesome!
i'm so glad i came across this! was thinking of you just the other day as a matter of fact... :)
ALL the best to you and your new family x
blessings x

Yup - same doula. I don't know what we would have done without her!

Good luck on your upcoming birth day!
beautiful story hun thanks for sharing:) congrats xxx she is gorgeousx
What a wonderful birth story. You made it sound almost easy! I am considering hypnobirthing and your story just confirms how effective it can be.
What a wonderful birth story. You made it sound almost easy! I am considering hypnobirthing and your story just confirms how effective it can be.

It definately was one of the best things I could have done. Don't get me wrong - it still hurt, and was really intense at times, but I always felt on control of what was going on - especially at the bearing down stage.
Wonderful birth experience! Thank you for sharing... and Congratulations!! :)
what a beautiful experience - thank you for sharing - and congratulations!
Such a beautiful story, and a gorgeous little girl! x
Thanks for all of the congrats! Alayna is still a very calm and alert baby - something I attribute at least partially to her gentle birth and pre-birth rlaxation time.
Congratulations i'm hoping to go through a hypnobirth (to and extent) in the next few days FX'd :haha: Thank you for sharing yours...


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