I need some advice
Heres my timeline of events: So I got a positive Smiley OPK on the 28th of September and ovulated on the 29th. (horrible ovulation pains that night on the right side) We BD'd that night!
2-6dpo: cramps, bloating, decrease in appetite, pulling twinges, ovary pain where I ovulated, and sharp pains in that area as well. Couldn't wear jeans cause I was so bloated and it made the pains worse.
7-10dpo: nothing! All those symptoms vanished!
11dpo: I started spotting brown CM from 8am-6pm. I wore a pantyliner and changed it twice. By 7pm all the spotting disappeared. Also my uterus just ached- no cramps at all but felt..sore?
12dpo: Spotting is gone, and today I have normal cramps. the past 2 days I've been overly sensitive to coffee and a today i urinated more than normal.
My period is due in 2 days- 10/13, and i took a FRER this morning and yesterday and got a BFN. Im wondering if yesterday was implantation bleeding? Did you guys have this and get a BFP later? These all seem like weirdly hopeful symptoms but Im lost.
Let me know girls

2-6dpo: cramps, bloating, decrease in appetite, pulling twinges, ovary pain where I ovulated, and sharp pains in that area as well. Couldn't wear jeans cause I was so bloated and it made the pains worse.
7-10dpo: nothing! All those symptoms vanished!
11dpo: I started spotting brown CM from 8am-6pm. I wore a pantyliner and changed it twice. By 7pm all the spotting disappeared. Also my uterus just ached- no cramps at all but felt..sore?
12dpo: Spotting is gone, and today I have normal cramps. the past 2 days I've been overly sensitive to coffee and a today i urinated more than normal.
My period is due in 2 days- 10/13, and i took a FRER this morning and yesterday and got a BFN. Im wondering if yesterday was implantation bleeding? Did you guys have this and get a BFP later? These all seem like weirdly hopeful symptoms but Im lost.
Let me know girls