I'm now 13+4 and STILL can't stop worrying about having a miscarriage 😔
This is my second pregnancy but will hopefully be my first baby. Back in April I suffered a missed miscarriage. I was supposed to be 12 weeks, but a scan revealed baby had died at 6 weeks.
I'm now 13 weeks with my rainbow and even though everything seems fine, I still can't stop worrying. I had my dating scan on Thursday and baby was perfect, measuring three days ahead, wiggling around and their little heart beating away. Sonographer even showed me their spine, brain, and little hands and feet ❤
But I'm still terrified something may go wrong between now and my next scan in October! I guess having a previous loss takes the joy out of subsequent pregnancies 😔 I've told people I'm pregnant now and have even started getting a little bump which has made it feel more real.
Can anyone else relate? I've attached a picture of my squidge cuz it's adorable
This is my second pregnancy but will hopefully be my first baby. Back in April I suffered a missed miscarriage. I was supposed to be 12 weeks, but a scan revealed baby had died at 6 weeks.
I'm now 13 weeks with my rainbow and even though everything seems fine, I still can't stop worrying. I had my dating scan on Thursday and baby was perfect, measuring three days ahead, wiggling around and their little heart beating away. Sonographer even showed me their spine, brain, and little hands and feet ❤
But I'm still terrified something may go wrong between now and my next scan in October! I guess having a previous loss takes the joy out of subsequent pregnancies 😔 I've told people I'm pregnant now and have even started getting a little bump which has made it feel more real.
Can anyone else relate? I've attached a picture of my squidge cuz it's adorable