My husband and I are expecting our second bundle of joy in July 2015. We had such a hard time trying to pick out names the first time! Girls names were easy to choose. If we had a girl we agreed on:
Gwendolyn Willow (Gwen, for short)*
Julia Claire*
But I REALLY liked these ones, but hubby wasn't so keen on them:
Gwendolyn Claire
Gwendolyn Isla (pronounced 'eye-la')
Ella Victoria
Ella Claire
Ella Grace
Note: Our girl names have to be very girly because our last name is Burley. It's very 'butch', lol.
We ended up having a beautiful boy and named him after my FIL and my grandfather: Jack William.
Now that #2 is coming along, we've got to come up with MORE boys' names. UgH! Hubby likes 'regular' names, such as John, Michael, etc. Which are all fine. But I want something that stands out. I don't want my kid to be nicknamed "John #2" in school!
What are your thoughts on these? My hubby likes Callen as well, but he changes his mind a lot, lol.
Kyuss James (Kai for short; James is my hubby's name)
Callen Joseph (I don't mind 'Cal' for short; Joseph is my dads middle name)
Callen James
Elliot James (Eli, for short)
Elliot Joseph
Gwendolyn Willow (Gwen, for short)*
Julia Claire*
But I REALLY liked these ones, but hubby wasn't so keen on them:
Gwendolyn Claire
Gwendolyn Isla (pronounced 'eye-la')
Ella Victoria
Ella Claire
Ella Grace
Note: Our girl names have to be very girly because our last name is Burley. It's very 'butch', lol.
We ended up having a beautiful boy and named him after my FIL and my grandfather: Jack William.
Now that #2 is coming along, we've got to come up with MORE boys' names. UgH! Hubby likes 'regular' names, such as John, Michael, etc. Which are all fine. But I want something that stands out. I don't want my kid to be nicknamed "John #2" in school!
What are your thoughts on these? My hubby likes Callen as well, but he changes his mind a lot, lol.
Kyuss James (Kai for short; James is my hubby's name)
Callen Joseph (I don't mind 'Cal' for short; Joseph is my dads middle name)
Callen James
Elliot James (Eli, for short)
Elliot Joseph