When was your due date? I hope you are past it and still seeing no signs. We're going through it a second time and some days/nights are pure hell.
Our son was a 29 week preemie and after 3 months in the NICU came home- only to have severe reflux and dairy/soy allergies (some doctors just put it off as colic but thankfully our pediatrician recommended us to a GI doctor, which I didn't know was even an option. The second GI doc we went to (after the first told us it was colic and we just had to wait it out), got him on medications. Between that and hypoallergenic formula, we saw a huge improvement. But I can relate to the PTSD of having a colic baby. Doc said it usually starts to show shortly after due date, which turned out to be true for our son...and now our daughter. She was born at 38 weeks, slept and fed beautifully for just over 2 weeks and then we started to see signs. The first time I started to wonder if she had it too was 2 days after her due date. I broke down crying out of fear we'd have to go through that a second time. We were in denial for a couple more weeks before we finally started to get some help/medications and have her tested for dairy allergies.
I truly hope you don't have to go through this again but if your baby starts to show signs, I'd recommend you explore the option of reflux meds. Only once our sons reflux was well under control w 2 meds, did we realize how much pain he must have been in. Our daughter has good days and horrible days- doctors are still tweaking medications to get the right amounts for her.