@MrsKatie ah, I see. I’ve heard from a lot of women that they’ve had their first BFP at 9dpo with one pregnancy and 12dpo with the next, so that’s definitely possible, but I understand feeling out when you’ve had multiple early positives.
It’s crazy to me how people were just so chill and were like “my period is late? Ehhh I’ll give it a few days”. When I was a teen-college student and had an IUD I still got periods but they were irregular, so I was just constantly worried I was pregnant because I was on CD50

16 year old me was totally certain I was pregnant and downloading pregnancy apps cuz I just knew I must be… I was not pregnant

after that I started using BBT to track my cycles, which worked because I was still ovulating, just irregularly.
Now as an adult I’m mildly annoyed at how they made it sound like getting pregnant was super easy, especially accidentally. Obviously I know teens can be super fertile, and 99% of them are not like me as a teen, tracking ovulation and all. But I’m sitting here like, I 100% should have gotten pregnant accidentally multiple times when using FAM (mostly because we didn’t always follow all the rules), and yet nothing. I was taught that I was simply going to get pregnant immediately if I had unprotected sex. I feel like that message has led a lot of women to feeling like there’s something wrong with them if they don’t conceive immediately. I was shattered when I had O-2 timing on my honeymoon and then wasn’t pregnant.
ANYWAY. That was a lot
Still BFN this evening. The spotting definitely seems to have slowed, but sometimes it waxes and wanes before AF, so I can’t get excited. Part of me hopes it’s implantation bleeding, especially with the temp dip yesterday, but I think it’s more likely AF will arrive on time.