I had a little girl 15 months ago and after I had her I got the paragard iud. I had about 4-5 day long periods that were always pretty heavy and also breakthrough bleeding in between them. I got the iud removed January the 13th because I was having some issues with it. My last period started on January 1st and I haven't had one since and it's now March 3rd. For the last month I have been extremely tired and so nauseous. Also having some cramping but no blood at all. Headaches frequently, metallic taste in my mouth, swollen breasts, mood swings and my belly is very swollen and more firm than normal. All of these are symtpoms I had while prego with my first. The problem is I have taken numerous home pregnancy tests and keep getting - results. I also had a pap done Feb 15th and that was normal but they did a urine test because they thought I was pregnant and it too came back -.she told me to keep testing and watching for my period but I think I need a blood test. HELP!!