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Am I the only pro-home-birther who doesn't get the appeal of a water birth?

I've done a water hospital birth and dry home birth (pool didn't get filled in time). I'm the kind of person when I'm feeling ill I take a bath so it's a natural relaxant to me, I started pushing within 10 mins of getting in the pool first time which I think is because I was relaxed and comfortable. Having said that my dry birth was great, I don't remember much pain I think when you're pushing naturally your body takes over and I don't remember a lot of pain either time. But the water pool was much cleaner, contained the mess and DS1 came out squeaky clean lol, but I bled a lot more second time and barely at all in the pool so that was probably why.

I would always opt for water,but know dry birth is ok if I had to. I was terrified how I would cope without a pool. It's funny how it's seen as a "natural" thing but there doesn't seem much natural about giving birth to baby in water :haha:
I'm having a homebirth but not having a pool. I was going to get one incase I wanted to labour their but for me giving birth in one scares me, I actually can't explain why. If I feel like it ill use my bath early on
It's funny, I am not a bath person, much prefer showers, don't much like swimming etc. Not a water baby at all. Didn't think I'd want a water birth, but I'm so glad the MW persuaded me to have the pool ready incase I wanted it - you wouldn't have got me out without a crowbar once I was in!

Well what star signs are you all? I'm a water sign and love water, labored a long time in the water and unfortunately didn't birth there.

Not sure that works, I'm a fire sign and enjoyed my water birth!

ETA: just realized I didn't actually address the post. I want the water there for practical purposes, but the idea of giving birth in water doesn't really appeal to me. I'm a huge bath person and I stick my nose up every time someone calls it "washing in your own filth", but I've seen just how much blood, poop, and sick I'd be floating in if I did the whole thing in the water and... urgh. If it helps me, I'll put up with it, but I'm not one to think about being in the water as an ephemeral experience I don't want to miss out on.

You may be surprised. There was no sick at all in my birth, anywhere, let alone the pool, and no poop either. Only a tiny plume of blood when I tore, and a bit of lochia-type stuff, which I ended up with some of in the bath every day for the next few weeks anyway. I certainly wouldn't want a pool if it was like you described!
It works for some and others not. When I went in the the birthing pool, everything was better for me and baby was born not too long after.
I was thinking I was alone, I want a HB but don't want a water birth, maybe a bath, at start (we don't have a shower) but I don't want to labour in water, I want closeness with DH, I want to be able to move freely, I don't feel Id get that with a water birth, Plus we have all new carpets through out downstairs, I am not risking wrecking them :p
I was thinking I was alone, I want a HB but don't want a water birth, maybe a bath, at start (we don't have a shower) but I don't want to labour in water, I want closeness with DH, I want to be able to move freely, I don't feel Id get that with a water birth, Plus we have all new carpets through out downstairs, I am not risking wrecking them :p

Just wanted to say (I'm not trying to force you lol, I had a dry birth at home and it was great :thumbup:) but I find you actually get quite a bit more freedom with a water birth, it's more comfortable to move around and easier to get into different positions, and you can always get in and out if you wish. Plus, I actually found my dry birth much messier than the water birth I had (all be it the water was in hospital) because with a water birth it tends to be more contained, with a dry birth it all has to go somewhere....! But that said we put down plastic sheeting and it protected most things. Obviously I guess it's if some thing goes wrong with a water birth it could get messier. But both are great, the best thing about home is having the option.
When I went into labor, it was early in the morning and I figured I'd take my midwife's advice which was to let my husband sleep and to take a bath. Except, I NEVER take baths and the tub was not clean. So I cleaned the tub. By the time that was done, a bath sounded very unappealing. I was a bit over-due for a shower, so I took a shower instead.

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