How do you even remember all those states? Side note - why IS there so many?
What do you mean?
Wait, who are you talking to??
I must be exhausted because this is cracking me up so much
Do you mean how do we remember the names of all of the states or how do I know which is a D or R state?
Oh god,I meant remembering all the states. You deserve a medal for the D/R memory too.
Oh god,I meant remembering all the states. You deserve a medal for the D/R memory too.
Oh god,I meant remembering all the states. You deserve a medal for the D/R memory too.
They put the map of the US on TV, and each state is color-coded based on their party.
Also, I love Canada! Most of my family live in Vancouver and we go there every two years Would love to move there as I have a passport but it is soooo expensive.
Yes come and stay in London with us whit' be warned though spend more than thirty seconds in the toilet and kaysie blossom claims to be desperate and will threaten to come in and wee on your head
I know most of them, too. Don't take my fucking medal away!
Mommytobe, come to Indiana, cold here! I'll come visit you in March or so when it's getting warm there and not too hot!
Its quite cold here Just gonna get colder too. If you ever want to experience your nostrils sticking together and then trying to breathe because its so freaking cold, come up here and visit.
Also, I love Canada! Most of my family live in Vancouver and we go there every two years Would love to move there as I have a passport but it is soooo expensive.
Same for me to visit the UK, but maaaan flights are NOT cheap!
Lou, there are tons of meme's I've wanted to post about Romney but have kept them to myself.
Well, I haven't had a tv in ten years. I imagine that would simplify things. I lived about an hour west of Toronto, hated the city and moved back north here. It's nice to visit but the food sucks and there's all these weird indie kids and weird slang. Culture shock.