Dear Boobs,
I have put you through a lot this past year, what with pregnancy, lactation, thrush infections and really ugly nursing bras. Throughout it all, you have been bastions of comfort and joy to the new little being I have recently introduced to the world. You have fed him, nourished him, and nursed him to sleep without complaint, even when you were positively drooping with fatigue.
And then today, what thanks are you given for your bosomly martyrdom? Why, said infant decides to try out his recently-sprouted fangs on your tender flesh. Yes, that's right. Not once, but twice today, you have been bitten for your pains.
The rotten child has been put in his crib to think about what he has done and I will try to salve your wounds with a large bowl of ice cream or perhaps, chocolate? Meanwhile, we both look to the future of breastfeeding with trepidation. It might be time to dust off the old nipple shield.
Again, dear boobs, my deepest apologies.
I remain your devoted servant,

I have put you through a lot this past year, what with pregnancy, lactation, thrush infections and really ugly nursing bras. Throughout it all, you have been bastions of comfort and joy to the new little being I have recently introduced to the world. You have fed him, nourished him, and nursed him to sleep without complaint, even when you were positively drooping with fatigue.
And then today, what thanks are you given for your bosomly martyrdom? Why, said infant decides to try out his recently-sprouted fangs on your tender flesh. Yes, that's right. Not once, but twice today, you have been bitten for your pains.
The rotten child has been put in his crib to think about what he has done and I will try to salve your wounds with a large bowl of ice cream or perhaps, chocolate? Meanwhile, we both look to the future of breastfeeding with trepidation. It might be time to dust off the old nipple shield.
Again, dear boobs, my deepest apologies.
I remain your devoted servant,