An Easy Word Game - Awful Authors


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2006
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In this game, you have to think of a suitable punning surname for the author of an imaginary book.
The most popular example used to be The Broken Window by Eva Brick (which is a pun on 'heave a brick').

Can you complete the names for the authors of these imaginary books?

Example The Cliff Tragedy, by Eileen...who?
Answer Eileen Dover

1. The Victorian Bicycle by Penny...who? Farthing (Jase)

2. Lumberjacks by Tim... Berr (Jase)

3. Carpeting the House by Walter... Wall (Jase)

4. Politeness by Hugo... First (Me!)

5. What's for breakfast? by Hammond... Eggs (Jase)

6. Continental Breakfast by Roland... Butter (Jase)

7. Native American Weaponry by Tom A... Hawk (Jase)

8. Oiling Cricket Bats by Lynn Ceed (TAM)

9. Easy Money by Robin Banks (TAM)

10. Stand and Deliver by Ann...

11. Chemistry by Tess... Tube (Jase)

12. Counterfeit Antiques by Fay...

13. Successful Books by Bess... Sellers (Jase)

14. Foreseeing the Future by Horace... Cope (Jase)

15. French Windows by Pattie... O'Doors (Jase)

16. Alcohol and Gambling by Rex...

17. Personal and Religious Belief by Mike...

18. Pleasing the Public by Lois Carmen...

19. Travelling light by Freda Wanda...

20. The Perfect Marriage by Ruth....and Patrick...
9 ) Robin Banks
1. The Victorian Bicycle by Penny...farthing

2. Lumberjacks by Tim...berr

3. Carpeting the House by Walter...wall

5. What's for breakfast? by Hammond...eggs

6. Continental Breakfast by Roland...butter

7. Native American Weaponry by Tom A...hawk

8. Oiling Cricket Bats by Lynn Ceed (TAM)

9. Easy Money by Robin Banks (TAM)

10. Stand and Deliver by Ann...holdup

11. Chemistry by

12. Counterfeit Antiques by Fay...ake

13. Successful Books by Bess...seller

14. Foreseeing the Future by Horace...cope

15. French Windows by Pattie..O'doors.

16. Alcohol and Gambling by Rex...yalife

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