An Update and a request.


Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2012
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I've written my birth plan out after my visit to the consultant two weeks ago. i wonder if you would read it and critique parts that you think should be altered or ammended. The situation of me needing to write it all out came about because

After having a surprise pregnancy last year and then MC, we decided that despite my advanced age of 44, that there was room in our lives for another baby (children are 22, 19 and 14). It took nearly a year to conceive and I had just started to come to terms and be at peace with the fact that it wouldn't happen and that because of my age we should stop trying. (then the inevitable happened).
Right from the moment we decided to try again I knew that I wanted another HB. I'd had a HB with my last one 14 years ago. I knew that the "powers" would probably disagree with my choice, However when I went for booking in the MW was right behind me and didn't raise a single objection, infact she praised it wholeheartedly.
I received an invite to go to the consultants appointment and many of the ladies on my home birth site reminded me that I could decline, but at 26 weeks I attended it anyway. I don't know why I did, but I basically wanted to be seen to be approaching it with a level head. When I met the consultant, he was very nice. His first statement was "why are you here?" I said I presumed it was because I'd chosen to have a home birth to which he replied that he wanted me to know that he was right behind a woman's right to give birth in the way and manner that she feels most comfortable with. He then looked at my BMI, BP, obstetric past and said that they were all great indicators for a home birth but that on the other hand, my age, the fact that there had been a gap of over 10 years and that I was probably on the cusp of menopause would be cautionary things and that he would have to advise me that hospital was the best place for me. He listed the statutory risks and ssid he wanted me to think hard about it and he then sewed a little doubt by claiming my baby was small. I do have a very neat bump, I have had with all my babies and a couple of them had the same concerns in the past, but were not found to be small! I was booked in for a sizing scan and also to go back to see the consultant this Friday (a two week space).
I felt positive and certain about still about having a home birth But the two week wait was too long, I began to become depressed about it and stopped believing my placenta was good enough. I let panic set in, I panicked about my age and despite "knowing" my little one was ok, I let the doubt creep in and when someone said You have a neat little bump, I took it literally and allowed such negativity to overwhelm me.
Yesterday I went for my 28 week bloods and anti D injection and when I met with the midwife I told her about the appointment and how I was feeling and she was an absolute angel. She said so many wonderful positive things to me, she lifted me from the despair and put me back on the road to home birth She told me that I should write out my birth plan and take it with me on Friday and say that I know what I want and why I want it and to be strong.
I floated out of her room on cloud 9 (even after having an injection and bloods)
I then attended the ultra sound where my beautiful baby measured absolutely bang on for dates.
I am having my home birth. I am back on track and ready to confirm all this with the consultant on Friday!

[U]My Birth Plan: [/U]
I intend to have an active homebirth.

Birth Companions: I would like my husband Chris and my children Joseph (21) and Eden (14) to be present. (my other Child Oliver (19) is currently away at University, but should he be home and want to attend, he will also attend). I believe that we should welcome this baby as a family and will require everyone be allowed to be present if I do have to transfer and birth in hospital. This is immensely important to me.

Pain relief: I intend to be extremely active through my contractions and to use meditative walking to combat the pain. I wish to be active through every contraction of the first stage as this has worked for me in the past and the focus it gives me helps greatly with pain management. I will use gas and air if I felt overwhelmed during this period.
In transition and second stage I wish to have gas and air available to me should I need it. I will at this time remain in an upright position (either standing or squatting).
I may also require the gas and air to be available until after my placenta is delivered.

Examinations: I would prefer not to have VE performed during most of my labour and instead to “listen to my bodies needs for pushing etc” I do not wish to have my waters “broken”.
If the baby appears to be poorly positioned or labour is not progressing well for some reason, I would appreciate it if the midwife could suggest changes of position or movements which might help.

Birthing: I wish to have a quiet environment for the birth. I am not a shouter in labour, I believe that a peaceful environment with low lighting and gentle music will enable me to focus. I shall probably choose to give birth on the lower level of my house. I may have a bath or use the toilet which are on the upper level. I intend to birth on the floor in a squatting or standing position. I do not want to be on my back as I feel it is not natural for labour.
I would like to be the one to “catch” my baby and intend to have skin to skin contact immediately, so I will lower myself down and bring baby up onto my tummy or chest (cord willing).
My previous births have left my perineum intact, but should an incision be necessary, I would prefer to tear rather than have an episiotomy.
Please do not announce that the baby is a girl or boy as I would like us all to share in that moment of joy and look for ourselves!
Suction may be performed as necessary, but whilst the baby is on me.

Delayed cord clamping: I wish for my cord to remain uncut and unsealed until the pulsating has ceased. I wish to have a physiological third stage, but should it be necessary I will have Syntometrine or other drugs. I am happy to use conventional cord clamps.
I fully accept that if baby fails to respond, that immediate cord clamping, cutting and resuscitation should take place.
I also accept that should I have PPH then immediate clamping and syntrometrin (or other) may be used.

Placenta: I do not wish to keep the placenta

Breast feeding: I intend to breast feed and will offer baby the chance to as soon as possible.

Vitamin K: Oral or IM (not yet decided which)

Stitches: Should these be necessary, I would like to have gas and air as additional pain relief. Do not perform if it felt the tears would repair naturally.

In case of emergency: Should an emergency or transfer be required, I do not wish to be on the ambulance trolley on my back and wish to be laid on my side.
In the event of thick meconium being present I am happy to transfer, but in the case of thin I will remain at home.
I do not wish to have a caesarean and wish to investigate all other processes before having to go down that route.

If hospitalisation is required: I wish to be discharged home as soon as possible. I wish the birth companions listed on the front page to be in attendance during my birthing.

Role of my Midwife: to support and encourage as necessary.

I accept that all eventualities cannot be covered by a birth plan and that my birth may not proceed as I have planned.

Thank you for reading.
That looks great to me. Well explained but not too wordy.
consultant said YES!!!!!
signed my birth plan and said i bet you want to be cared for my community team so I'll not see you again!
congratulations! I think it was very brave of you to see the consultant, I would probably have chickened out. I'm only 33, almost 34 but we are planning more kids and I was wondering if being over 35 would be an issue for a home birth so your experience is encouraging for me.

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