Annoyed- Rant


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2010
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Hi ladies,

just needed to vent. Yesterday we had some friends over for a visit- "friend" one of DH's longtime friends, this friend's fiancé "fiancé" and "friend2". Fiancé likes baking so she brought some goodies with them. A day or two before the visit they messaged DH to say they had made cookies with cricket (as in the insect) powder and would any of us be interested in trying them. DH replied that he would try them and both kids said they'd give it a go, I declined.

Day of visit, there are a bag of cookies identified as having cricket powder in them and a batch of zucchini bread. We are told the zucchini bread contains zucchini, carrot and cocoa. Initially no one had cut into the bread, but fiancé wants to have some so she cuts it into pieces and hands me a small piece. DH, friend and friend2 were having a separate conversation, and a few minutes later joined the conversation with me and fiancé. At this point everyone else has tried the cricket cookies. DH says to me "The cookies are pretty good actually, they taste kind of nutty" I responded something along the lines of "I'd have liked to try them. (to friend & fiancé) I had actually tried to get the kids to agree to getting some chocolate covered crickets last time we were at the butterfly conservatory but they weren't interested and the bag was too big for me to buy just for me & possibly DH to have 1 and chuck the rest...but since now I'm pregnant I thought it best to not eat something I have never had and can't really find any information on the safety of". DH responds that finance had been talking about putting it in the zucchini bread too and he'd said if she did, she would have to not tell him because he'd tell me for sure.

Until this point I had no idea these conversations had happened. I had been asked if I wanted to try the cricket cookie, I declined, I thought this was the end of the story. Since DH has now told me that last bit, I think finance has almost definitely put cricket in the zucchini bread... she handed me a piece specifically (no one else) and watched me eat it. I tried not to get too upset, because fiancé has not confirmed and didn't say anything after DH's comment. Subject was changed, visit continued.

Not long later, friend2 decides he is going to try the zucchini bread and asks what's in it (he missed that part of the conversation previously and has a peanut allergy so this is a typical question). Friend says "zucchini, carrot, cocoa and cricket powder".

Fiancé gives friend a dirty look and very quietly says she feels bad- then excuses start... it was only a tablespoon, I was super tired, I forgot... etc. No apology.

This all happened within the first hour of an all day visit. So then I was supposed to sit there the rest of the day and still be nice? WTF I was so mad. After they left I freaked out at DH. He should have told me about the conversation they'd had and he should have said either DO NOT put it in the zucchini bread, or tell if they did, not some BS "don't tell me if you do it because I'd have to tell and <me> won't eat it". DH says he figured that was the end of it and fiancé would not put it in because she was aware that I didn't want to eat it...

And who the F does she think she is to decide for ME what I am ok to eat- and decide what is safe for MY baby?!? The thing is she never bothered to even ask why I declined. She just assumed it was because I was being squeamish about the fact that it was a bug.

I've spent the last 8 months watching what I put in my body, and even before that making sure that I was eating healthy and taking prenatal vitamins to prepare my body for being pregnant.

I feel deceived, angry and violated. :cry:
I&#8217;d be pretty pissed if someone &#8220;tricked&#8221; me into eating something, especially if I&#8217;d specifically said in advance I didn&#8217;t want to eat it. It&#8217;s quite irresponsible for them to do that, and I&#8217;ve heard that people who are allergic to crustaceans like lobster and crab can also react to cricket protein. Assuming you aren&#8217;t allergic, I think from a safety perspective you and baby are probably okay...but it&#8217;s still not cool of them. Decisions about what you put in your body should be your own, not someone else&#8217;s!
OMG, eww. I would be furious. I also would not be inviting that couple back over again.
I would be mad too, they should have considered the fact you are pregnant as a reason behind you declining the cookies. I hate to be tricked into eating something whether I liked it or not at the end of the day, honesty is more important to me! I hope she calls you up to apologise! She seems to have wanted to hide the fact from you when it became apparent that it had been put in there too, that makes it worse, she should have said oh my gosh I never thought about that I am really sorry but there is some in the bread too.

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