Antibiotics? Also baby lost 11 percent weight? 3 day old baby


3 daughters 🌸🌸🌸
Apr 15, 2011
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Hi ladies

My first post here. Had my dd 3 days ago.... Totally new to bf .... My story so far is that I left hospital not having a Good latch, I finally got sorted next day when community midwife came out.... Scarlett got weighed today she was 9 lbs 4 at birth and is. 7 lbs 15 now..... I'm feeding her non stop now that my milk is in.... She's really cluster feeding. My nipples are so sore though as I got a blister from the earlier bad latch issue

Anyway I'm so worried about her weight gain.... My dr prescribed erthyromicin today as I said I thought my bleeding had stoped and I was concerned about infection... My bleeding had went much much lighter but it's not stopped... Kinda pinkish now sorry if tmi... To be honest I'm terrified of repeat of what happened with dd1 as I had an infection and a huge haemorrhage day 11 when i was re admitted to hospital .... Anyway I think I panicked and told doctor I thought I had an infection but I'm not sure I have....

Is it safe to take antibiotics when breast feeding?

Will it affect my baby gaining all the weight she's lost already???

I'm so new to this and terrified,,,, I don't wanna be sick myself but I've waited 3 years to get my chance at trying breast feeding again and I don't want it robbed off me again like with dd....
Did you tell the doctor you are bf? Some are safe to use but you should definitley check with your doctor first.
Yes they know as it was the midwife who requested it from the doctor!

Midwife said it can make babies have more runny nappies etc but when I read up on it I was looking at malabsorption and things !!!!

Sorry if tmi but I've had a couple of large clots and am tender so thinking I might be best to take it
I'm in canada but I was able to get baby safe probiotics called Bio-Gaia that helped even out baby's stomach from anti optics and the possibility of thrush ect. We got it at a health food store and kept it in the fridge and had no issues. I had to take antibiotics during labour due to strep b. They are tasteless drops and baby didn't seem to mind.
Most antibiotics are fine whilst bf, and they shouldn't affect your supply. Apparently very little gets into the bm.
The antibiotics should be fine if your doctor knows your bf.

However antibiotics do increase your risk of nipple thrush and baby getting mouth thrush, the antibiotics make no distinction between "good" and "bad" bacteria so the good type that fights fungal infections gets killed too. This doesn't mean you'll definitely get thrush but it's worth taking some preventative measures - try to limit sugar in your diet, don't use antibacterial handwash/gel, allow your nipples to air by going topless whenever you are able, change breast pads regularly, use a white vinegar solution (one tablespoon white vinegar in cup of water, wipe liberally over nipples between feeds and allow to air dry).

The pain is normal in the first few days/week or two - but make sure now that the latch is good, if you can get to a local breastfeeding support group they will help. A bad latch will make you more sore. Ask a midwife or lactation consultant to check your lo for tongue tie/lip tie as these can attribute to painful feeding and low weight. That said 11% is not scary - about 10% loss is expected so it's only a little more. My DS lost about 11% as well but by his next weigh when they expect them to be back at birth weight he had exceeded it.

Good luck with bf - I had a horrendous bf journey with my DD 3 years ago, it was never pain free and full of complications. I wanted to try again this time with DS but was scared of history repeating itself - but this time has been so much better, I had pain in the beginning (day 3 I was literally screaming through feeds!) and while there's potentially still issues surrounding his lip tie that we're waiting to get seen, it is pain free now and I enjoy bf. I never thought I'd enjoy it.
Thank you ladies for your replies. Some good advice And knowing I'm not alone is great!

My lo lost another 20grams at her day 5 weigh yesterday so I'm now expressing after every feed to too her up !

I tried a new position yesterday and I noticed feeding is def not as sore as previous days so hope that is good!

I took the antibiotic Anyway as my bleeding completely stopped on Saturday (with dd 1 I had a haemorrhage day. 11 due to infection and the only sign was that my bleeding had stopped). I thought it would be worse to end up back in hospital

I got a tablet from my GP called motilium (?sp) it's for tummy upsets but the side effect is that it increases milk supply....... I'm determined to stick at it and hope Scarlett's weight improves tomorrow when she us weighed

I got so upset yesterday she her weighed had dropped again ...... Day 5 was not great.... Think my glass was half empty but today it's half full as I'm focused to do this
Yep, Domperidone. Very common where I'm from. Prepare for exploding boobies :)

I agree with you taking the antibiotics, even if it's just prevention it's better safe than sorry.

Her weight will start to pick up in no time, it's still so early.
My little one took 3 weeks to get back to his birth weight. I too was prescribed Donperidine (motilium) and by taking that along with pumping regularly my supply increased and we are EBF problem free xx
Thank you ladies..... Its soul destroying when the scales show a weight loss! I'm staying positive that this will work as I desperately want to EBF my daughter. Hearing others journey gives me hope
Leigh5 tom how long did you need to take the tablets and pump? Was it short term or are you still needing to pump etc to keep supply. ?
Leigh5 tom how long did you need to take the tablets and pump? Was it short term or are you still needing to pump etc to keep supply. ?

I watched the scales going down and down too and it's completely heartbreaking so I really feel your pain.

I took domperidone for a month, two tablets three times a day. I stopped taking it then to find my supply remained sufficient :) my little one carried on gaining weight and I slowed down pumping after each feed. I now don't pump at all and haven't done for about 2 weeks :) keep feeding as much as you can, it's miles better than pumping, and then pump when baby doesn't want to feed. My baby was constantly at my boob all of his waking moments.

Good luck. It can be done! :) xxxxx
Thank you! Do good to hear similar stories that have been a success !! She's fed non stop today which I'm hoping is good so I only actually got one chance to pump but il pump again after her last feed now which will be shortly!!!

She gained 20grams when weighed on Tuesday and that was before her feed..... Tomorros morning she will get weighed again !!! Fingers crossed she gains

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