I've got to say that out of all the areas of the forum I've read/posted in, I've found this one the most supportive! It's so nice and encouraging to get so many "you're doing a great job" comments from fellow mums, especially on a topic which inherently comes with stresses and uncertainties like breastfeeding! You ladies have helped so much! As i was so heartbroken it didn't work out with my DD I really wanted to give it a damn good shot again with DS, but I'll be honest and say there has been maybe 2 occasions in the past 18 days I've considered giving up! I knew I'ldregret it and decided to take it day by day but you've all been very supportive!!!
Anyways, sorry for the ramble!!...
BigAl, I love that link, thinking of it like a tap is really helpful!! My LB goes 3-4hrs (odd 5hrs some nights) between feeds, would that mean a problem with regards to the fat content he gets? Or the fact he regained a pound in 8 days (following his initial loss) and poos/wees I should just have faith he knows what he's doing right??
MrsHM, I LOVE the bracelet idea!!! I'm still recording times, sides and length of feed etc as I like to see how long he's fed for etc, but keep telling myself I should just relax with it and use a ribbon etc! I'm going to buy a cute BF bracelet as a treat!! :wink:
Mummafrog, don't worry we all know what it's like to have manic visitors, hope you've had a nice weekend?! I've been thinking past couple days about comfort sucking!! He's started feeding for longer past couple days and I've been wondering if it's comfort or just that he needs more to eat! How can I tell?? I'm just leaving him to it for now!
I'm going to a breastfeeding meet up type baby group on Weds locally, to have a chat to LLL peers and other mums BF'ing! Thinking it might help my confidence to have a regular link to some like minded moms!
Hope you've all had good weekends, thanks again for your comments xxx

BigAl, I love that link, thinking of it like a tap is really helpful!! My LB goes 3-4hrs (odd 5hrs some nights) between feeds, would that mean a problem with regards to the fat content he gets? Or the fact he regained a pound in 8 days (following his initial loss) and poos/wees I should just have faith he knows what he's doing right??
MrsHM, I LOVE the bracelet idea!!! I'm still recording times, sides and length of feed etc as I like to see how long he's fed for etc, but keep telling myself I should just relax with it and use a ribbon etc! I'm going to buy a cute BF bracelet as a treat!! :wink:
Mummafrog, don't worry we all know what it's like to have manic visitors, hope you've had a nice weekend?! I've been thinking past couple days about comfort sucking!! He's started feeding for longer past couple days and I've been wondering if it's comfort or just that he needs more to eat! How can I tell?? I'm just leaving him to it for now!
I'm going to a breastfeeding meet up type baby group on Weds locally, to have a chat to LLL peers and other mums BF'ing! Thinking it might help my confidence to have a regular link to some like minded moms!
Hope you've all had good weekends, thanks again for your comments xxx