Hi ladies,
Still in hospital here, 3 weeks now. Ava is still having seizures, not responding to meds so far. Her MRI was abnormal, showed diffuse changes and slight shrinkage of the brain.
They are querying PEHO syndrome and storage disease. Waiting for various test results.
Unfortunately they have said that given Ava's clinical picture and deterioration, they feel that she has a life limiting condition, and is unlikely to reach adulthood.
I was wondering why brown sugar and water worked so well tomove bowels.
Just gave him pear juice AMD water.
Worked already xx
Yay! Im glad he likes the juice. Pear juice was the only kind DD would ever drink but she only took sips. I have had to put brown sugar in her milk before to help her go.
When DD was diagnosed her neurologist didn't get to examine her arms well as DD was throwing a fit and wouldn't let the neurologist touch em. The neurologist said that she was calling her diplegic for now but things may change. It's looking like they have. She's also showing signs of right sided hemiplegia. Her right arm, leg, back muscles are all tighter and she uses them less. She's super sensitive on the right side of her mouth as well. We have to do oral desensitization stuff with her because she guards her mouth so bad. Does Simon get freaked out if you touch inside his mouth, cheeks, gums and teeth??
Does Simon have teeth yet? I wish we would have started DDs' oral protocol before she had teeth. I've had quite a few bad bites. She has broken the skin a few times, ouch! We bought a DnZ-vibe from www.ARKTherapeutic.com after her speech and occupational therapists recommended more stimulation for her mouth. Their site is awesome. DD loves the berry scented grabber, she really gnaws down on it. Good for her teeth and jaw muscles. They have lots of fun stuff, check them out. I think they ship internationally but im not sure. Btw I don't work for them or anything we just use their stuff.
Thanks for all the kind messages. I have several good days followed by a really bad day where i am in tears most of the day. Its when i think about the future that i get upset. I can deal with the here and now and caring for her 24/7 and all the changes that our lives need to make. But when ii dwell on her future and the things that she wont do thats what hurts......then i think the other way, what if we only have her for a short time. Its all unknown and thats the worst thing.
They are not hurrying to diagnose peho because there is no test for it. Its a group of symptoms. She has the PE and O but so far not the H (hypsarrythmia on the eeg). But her most recent sleep eeg on thursday was grossly abnormal and could now be "evolving to hypsarrthymia".....so i dont know what they will do now.
Gonna be getting a peg tube fitted soon, had the ng tube in a couple of weeks now but peg is better long term.