Hi ladies!
Welcome ladyluck
What a little miracle you have. And what a fighter! It's great he's in mainstream school with his pals.
We hope DD will be able to do the same. She's trying so hard to walk on her own right now that we are hopefull she will be able to walk with some assistance. She's still so young though and I have noticed more and more tone issues. Did your little man get progressivly worse with high tone (stiffness) as he got older? I will be asking you lots of questions since our kiddos have the same diagnosis.
and Yay! For dishwashers and bath lift. I know they are such a help. I grew up without a dishwasher and now I LOVE mine
Hope things are well. How's Amy and the rest of your herd
My DH grew up in a family with 4 kiddos, he said it was a madhouse most of the time. Update when you can.
Girl I still don't know how you do it all.
Lilesmom, oh my. Your poor little guys' shoulder. He's a tough cookie as well
How's he been doing? Hope he's doing great
DD's therapy schedule is starting to explode! We have 3days of outpatient therapy at a nearby rehabilitation hospital and 2 days of therapy at home with a PT and a speech therapist.
She has just had tubes put in her ears this past Wednesday and she has been really vocal since. I'm hopefull that at least some of her speech difficulties were related to fluid on her ears. Next week we see the plastic surgeon about getting a remoulding helmet. She has mild plagiocephaly and her right ear is anterior because of it. The way she headbutts us sometimes I wonder if we will survive it.