Do you have to boil everything that we give them or just give them it whole? Can't you tell that I'm new to BLW?
I am new too I bought a book because there was so little I knew!
BUT I've read through the whole book and I still am learning new things everyday!
I gave him the baby corn raw (I liked it raw so I didn't think it mattered). I steamed the veggies so they were a little softer for him.. but someone suggested to me to give them raw carrots for teething, so I imagine people do that all the time too.
BUTTT recently I read that you aren't suppose to give them raw veggies because of bacteria! (I mean I wash them so idk the details of this statement
I read this way after I gave him the baby corn and steamed veggies and it made me a little nervous because I didn't steam the corn that one time! But LO is obviously fine now, but still made me nervous a little! Anyways What I plan on doing is researching the "Do's and Dont's of BLW" or something like "Things you shouldn't give your baby when BLW" ...that way I cant get a straight up list of things to avoid! Everytime I've done this though I get the same answers.. nuts, peanut butter, honey, dairy (not sure about this one?), eggs, ect. The part I'm having the hardest time with is the sodium! In my book it talks about how babies under 1 should only get like .80mg of sodium a day or some ridiculously small amount per day. Which is understandable but everything has salt in it! Pasta, bread, even yogurt for gods sake. I'm having a really hard time making 'baby safe meals'. Everybody say's add the salt to your meal separately but if your making chicken and you are using chicken stalk.. how am I suppose to take the sodium out of that!?
So don't feel bad this is a huge learning process for me too!
Maybe I'm being stricter than I should?