Im the lady with the 2 year old with the Grade 4 bleed...he he sb! Lakai was born at 23.4 weeks and had a dramatic Grade IV bleed on his left side, in the area of his brain that affects movement. He also had PVL which left "holes" in his brain, that will never repair. We were told to remove him from life support as his future was grim. We refused, and he is now two and doing awesome. He has had no delays, he did walk later (17 months corrected) but so did I.
He doesn't have any CP like they said he would for sure. And no other issues that have shown up yet.
A Grade I bleed is scary, but honestly? It will resolve and likely your baby will be just fine! I don't know of any preemies with Grade I bleeds that have had issues from it. =)
I know it's really scary...a bleed on your babies brain. But it's not like when adults get them and cannot recover because of brains are not still growing. Babies brains are still growing and though it is brain damage, it can be (and in your case) will not stay there.
I am so happy the PDA closed!!!!