Any ladies from Liverpool, UK?

I'm not too far from Speke either! What sorts of things do you do out and about? I keep saying I should start going to some baby stuff but I never have!
I live just outside of the city centre, most days I'll wander into town for a walk around, there's a great soft play centre in new Brighton too called bubbles which has a fab baby area.

I used our children's centre for a while when she was younger but there's not much on there now for the in between stage.

Sometimes I'll pop up to chavasse park at Liverpool one & take a picnic on the park bit (although now she's mobile it's more tricky to relax haha)

I'm on the outskirts of Widnes, not too far from Speke :)

Oh and I work in Widnes!

How cool, do you work in the town centre?

As for things to do, I'll admit I'm not one that goes to baby groups. Meeting new people in groups really intimidates me lol. I just take her to local parks and there's an indoor soft play area near Widnes town centre called Jellybeans that has an under 1's area.
I'm not too far from Speke either! What sorts of things do you do out and about? I keep saying I should start going to some baby stuff but I never have!

To be honest I don't get out much with having the 2, its quite difficult, the furthest I get is to go shopping and even then its a hassle coz ds1 screeches the minute I take my hand off the pram lol, took him the wacky warehouse yesterday but it was far too busy with older kids and I wasn't comfortable letting him play there so we came home. As for baby groups Ive never been one for them. Xx
I'm going to go to Baby Club at Mossley Hill Children's centre tomorrow I think! And there's a story thing at Garston Library too. Daunting going to things alone but staying in is TOO boring lol! I find the hardest part is walking in, after that it's ok!
I'm on the Wirral and we go to baby sensory group which is fab and new mums group at our local children's centre. I'm thinking of going to bounce & rhyme at local library. Other than that we go around the shops or for a nice walk :)
Well if any of you actually fancy meeting in real life then let me know! I don't have many 'mum' friends so would be nice to expand mine and LO's circle!

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