That sounds like a good amount of days Buttercup & Lilly - hopefully then it will give you a much more accurate result [and BFPs hehe] as you will have more hormones in your system.
@Honeybear, I'm 7DPO at the moment so still feels ridiculously early but actually I'm quite pleased that no AF symptoms because last 2 cycles I got the evil witch on CD24 and had symptoms from CD22 of it arriving but all I have at the moment is being incredibly tearful which is nothing I usually get. I usually get an upset tummy which has stayed away so hmm! This tearfulness is very annoying though lol, my poor partner.
@Honeybear, I'm 7DPO at the moment so still feels ridiculously early but actually I'm quite pleased that no AF symptoms because last 2 cycles I got the evil witch on CD24 and had symptoms from CD22 of it arriving but all I have at the moment is being incredibly tearful which is nothing I usually get. I usually get an upset tummy which has stayed away so hmm! This tearfulness is very annoying though lol, my poor partner.