I had a girl - I ovulated late and didn't get a positive pregnancy test until a week after af was due. Bump was higher then with DS, craved sugar and junk all the time and my leg hair didn't grow! I also felt sick at the beginning which I didn't have with DS. Guess some of the old wives tales worked for me this time 😜 x
I posted a pic of my scan and everyone said girl based on skull theory (no potty shots as we weren't interested in knowing, so they didn't do any). I was pretty sure I was having a boy just based on gut instinct and because I thought I saw boy parts at our scan. Turned out she was a girl.
My pregnancy with her was very similar to my son's - very easy pregnancy, minimal morning sickness (can hardly call it that, really, just some nausea!), carried the same. I didn't have any real cravings the second time around, but with my son I craved coke and vanilla ice cream.
MindUtopia - I was the same, thought I saw boy parts on a scan at 37 weeks...must have been the cord! Nothing sticking out there!
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