I had tremendous trouble this time round with hypoglycaemia and passed out from it at least 10 times needing a lot of help from my DH and even people at my work. I am on much lower doses of insulin than you - 25 units of protophane (the same as lantus) and I took only 12 units of novorapid in the mornings, 13 at lunch and 12 at supper. I have had to drop that even further and now it is slightly better - I am on 11, 12 and 10 units at each meal. I was also going low after meals - make sure you keep plenty of high GI snacks around - I took to lucozade if I was feeling really ill as at least it stayed in long enough to have an effect.
Week 9-12 are the worst though my sugars have only started rising now and that is on the lower insulin doses. The baby's placenta is taking over and it seems to affect sugar levels. Make sure you have plenty of snacks and eat whatever it is that can stay down - I was eating almost a packet of sweets a day at one stage as it was so bad - try to follow high GI foods with low Gi foods you can manage.
Also if you go very very low then make sure the people you live and work with know what to do and how to help and when to get help. DH did call the paramedics once and my sugars were unreadable (they were 1.7 when he took it before they arrived) Baby is doing fine so try not to worry too much about your baby - they seem to cope ok with hypos. Try lowering your insulin though especially for this period - you will be raising it a lot towards the end of the 2nd trimester anyway.
hope you feel better soon.
The foods I found I could keep down were generally apples, ice lollies (I often froze pure fruit juice), sometimes oats and for some strange reason the sweets I took never came up. Meat was the worst for me. It does vary from person to person though so try as many different foods as you can - starch can be hard to eat with MS so again try different types as you need this for the sugars.
I see you have Lantus in the morning - that may mean you need to drop your Novorapid quite a bit for the morning dose - I take mine at night and find that supper which is my biggest meal needs the least fast acting insulin purely because the long acting dose have a peak effect early on (they tell you it is stable all 24 hours but it isn't)