Mummyruston, I agree 100% with what the other ladies are saying. Whatever you're feeling is completely okay--just feel it. It will get better. There will definitely be challenges, but it will get better. He's going to do so many things to amaze you, and you'll see he is just a happy, healthy little guy who interprets the world a little differently.
When our boys got their hearing aids, it was in a children's hospital that has an amazing audiology team. But it wasn't in just a hearing clinic. So walking through the hospital before each visit actually helped to greatly put things in perspective. There have definitely been some sad parts--the two that hit me the hardest were 1) the night I was singing to the baby after we got his diagnosis, and I realized he'd never heard my voice. He'd never heard me sing "Jesus Loves Me", even though I'd done it literally every night of his life. And 2) when we were having to sit in a meeting to write the educational service plan for our older son as he started kindergarten, and I wanted to cry when the thought hit me, "I don't want to have to do this."
I've run the whole gamut of emotions, but overall, it has been an amazing blessing. Wearing the hearing aids is now second fact, just tonight, we accidentally stuck the five year old in the bath with them on because we forgot to take them out lol.
It WILL get better. It WILL get easier. He WILL make progress, and he WILL blow your mind and steal your heart with all he's able to do.