Thanks so much for sharing your stories. It really helps knowing there is a rainbow at the end of the tunnel.
Happynewmom1 that is great you were able to figure out a regime that worked for yourself. I went out and bought some Maca so I hope that helps me too. I'm also considering adding baby aspirin too even though I dont know if I have the blood clotting or not. I'm not sure if my doctor will agree to do any testing at this point or if she will make me wait for 3 losses, I'll find out when I see her on Tuesday.
Winterbabies3 that is amazing that you were about to give up when your got your sticky bfp! I have heard that once people stop trying, and relax, it happens. Maybe I need to stop thinking about it so much...
TTC First did they ever test you for the blood clotting disorder? They should after 3 losses and if the aspirin helped it may have been the issue for you!
OoxTashaxoo congrats in your rainbow, Im sorry you had so many losses. Did you do anything different to get your sticky bean?
Embo78 I also thought I would be fine because I have a daughter, but I was wrong too
. I'm glad you found what works for you!
Jaxvipe congratulations that is great they figure out what was causing yours too, low progesterone seems to be a really common problem!
For those who got tested for progesteron, at what point in your cycle did they test? My progesterone was tested at 4 weeks and was a whopping 111 so definitely not low! By 5 weeks it was 3.3 (and HCG ONLY 22) and the next day I started bleeding. Im not sure if my progesterone dropped before or after my HCG dropped though. Could it go that high but maybe my body could not sustain it?