Any success stories after recurrent losses?


Mother of one daughter
Jan 10, 2011
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I'm asking here because if you've made it this far I'd day you succeeded! I just started my second miscarriage in the past 3 months. Both were lost before 6 weeks. Im not sure if that makes them chemical or not. I have one daughter, almost 4 years old, so I know I CAN make a baby, but I was 29 when I got pregnant with her, and am now 34. Anyway, I am looking for some success stories to keep me strong. If you had recurrent miscarriages and now a success, did you do anything different? Did you get tests done to see what was wrong, and did they find anything or was it just "bad luck"?
I'd love to hear your story if you dont mind sharing it!
I had two miscarriages in a row before getting pregnant with this baby and I am 32...for myself I just assumed with age my eggs are not as great as they were when I was able to conceive my first felt that it was a great sign they implanted, but maybe because my eggs are not as healthy, just did not develop properly. So, hang on for that healthy egg! I bet it is right around the corner and it is such a great sign that they are implanting! Best wishes!! :)
Thanks bets83, did you do anything different the third time? Progesterone or anything, or just got lucky on your third try?

Yeah I'm 19 weeks pregnant after 8 losses in total. Most chemicals others early miscarriages. I had tests and scans etc and nobody could find anything wrong. Was worrying about my wedding when this baby boy came along! I'm still scared every day but fingers crossed I get to take him home xx

Yeah I'm 19 weeks pregnant after 8 losses in total. Most chemicals others early miscarriages. I had tests and scans etc and nobody could find anything wrong. Was worrying about my wedding when this baby boy came along! I'm still scared every day but fingers crossed I get to take him home xx

Wow Lauren that is a lot to go through. I'm so happy you have made it this far and best of luck with you and your little boy. Thanks for the success story it is great to know it is possible. :hugs:
Well I'm praying all continues to go well with this baby. But we saw the heartbeat at 7+2 and heard it at 11 weeks so feeling better this time. I had two losses before this one.. 6 weeks and 4 weeks. I started taking maca root capsules, red raspberry capsules, vitamin e and fish oil/omega 3 along with my prenatal. I continued the maca after my bfp but lowered the dosage and just used it up, quit the red raspberry capsules and I started on baby aspirin until about 7-8 weeks or so. I don't know what helped. I know red raspberry can help heal the uterine lining which maybe helped trying right after losses. I hope that helps. I'm so sorry for your losses :hugs:
Ds1 came to us as a surprise and by a different dad. My dh and I tried for a baby but had 5 losses back to back ranging over 3 years. I had a blighted ovum, ectopic, 2 mmc and a chemical. As we were about to give up DS2 came along...I couldn't wait to hold him as I was a nervous reck the whole time, in and out of hospitals and eventually taken out of work. DS2 was born on time and very healthy! After DS2 I had 2 more losses back to back. I had another blighted ovum and a mmc. After trying I said I was done and wanted my husband to get an apt to get cut as I couldn't deal with the losses anymore. I was sitting drinking coffee one morning, period due in a couple days and it just came to me like oh, I should take a test. I hover over my test and wait but this one I walked away and came back a FEW HOURS LATER!! haha anyways it was positive and I knew this baby was going to stick!! I have had a relaxed feeling along with this one and last=) I wish you luck as I know how infuriating it can be! Oh, we were going to do test but decided not to because with one of our previous losses (a mmc) the test were inconclusive. We both had kids from previous relationships and knew it would happen eventually.
I had three losses last year and this is the first one to stick. I need to to have an IUI to get the sperm in there, I also need to have progesterone to get me pregnant, then I have to take aspirin for the pregnancy to stick. When I was only doing the IUI and progesterone I got a bfp but lost it about 6 weeks.
I have a 6 year old and a 3 year old. Since my 3 year old iv had 3 miscarriages most recent was beginning of April. Fell pregnant cycle after my MC and now 16 weeks xx
Thanks bets83, did you do anything different the third time? Progesterone or anything, or just got lucky on your third try?

No, nothing different...just continued to exercise, eat well, pray, and stay positive...I hope your rainbow comes along very soon! :)
I got pregnant with our rainbow after three missed miscarriages in a row. I already had three older children so thought I'd be absolutely fine with another pregnancy! How wrong could I have been :(

I had tests done after my third loss and so did my dh. Everything ultimately came back "normal" and my losses were put down to "bad luck". My consultant recommended I take omega 3 and upon bfp, progesterone suppositories (even though there was no evidence of low progesterone). Low and behold it worked and almost exactly three years after starting to try for a child we had him in our arms :cloud9:
I had 3 early miscarriages in a row before getting pg with my DD. I was diagnosed with low progesterone and put on suppositories for the first 12 weeks. With this pregnancy as soon as I found out I was pg I started on suppositories and am just finishing them now.

My best friend had a healthy daughter and then went on to have to 2 miscarriage before getting pg with her son.

I'm so sorry for your losses and I know how heartbreaking they are. :hugs: :hugs:
Thanks so much for sharing your stories. It really helps knowing there is a rainbow at the end of the tunnel.

Happynewmom1 that is great you were able to figure out a regime that worked for yourself. I went out and bought some Maca so I hope that helps me too. I'm also considering adding baby aspirin too even though I dont know if I have the blood clotting or not. I'm not sure if my doctor will agree to do any testing at this point or if she will make me wait for 3 losses, I'll find out when I see her on Tuesday.

Winterbabies3 that is amazing that you were about to give up when your got your sticky bfp! I have heard that once people stop trying, and relax, it happens. Maybe I need to stop thinking about it so much...

TTC First did they ever test you for the blood clotting disorder? They should after 3 losses and if the aspirin helped it may have been the issue for you!

OoxTashaxoo congrats in your rainbow, Im sorry you had so many losses. Did you do anything different to get your sticky bean?

Embo78 I also thought I would be fine because I have a daughter, but I was wrong too :(. I'm glad you found what works for you!

Jaxvipe congratulations that is great they figure out what was causing yours too, low progesterone seems to be a really common problem!

For those who got tested for progesteron, at what point in your cycle did they test? My progesterone was tested at 4 weeks and was a whopping 111 so definitely not low! By 5 weeks it was 3.3 (and HCG ONLY 22) and the next day I started bleeding. Im not sure if my progesterone dropped before or after my HCG dropped though. Could it go that high but maybe my body could not sustain it?
I suffered two miscarriages and like you I was desperate to do something differently the next time I fell pregnant. At the time I read loads about progesterone. It seems medical people are totally divided on what they think about progesterone in early pregnancy - some people think that low progesterone can cause a miscarriage, others say that low progesterone is simply a symptom of a failing pregnancy and that trying to increase your own progesterone by taking supplements / cyclogest pessaries will not help.

After my second miscarriage I did loads of research and found that the evidence currently suggests that for women who have had recurrent miscarriages, taking progesterone may help, and in some cases can reduce the chance of miscarriage by as much as 50%. I printed out the study that I found and took it to my doctor and pretty much demanded that he prescribe progesterone pessaries for me in case I fell pregnant again. I can't post the research that I read as a link but you can get to it by Googling

"Does supplemental progesterone prevent early miscarriage My Informed Life"

and you should get to it! The research was a systematic review by the Cochrane Collaboration in England. My doctor didn't believe in prescribing progesterone but when I told him about the research he eventually backed down and agreed to prescribe it for me. I'm so glad he did because I am currently 26 weeks pregnant with things going well and I truly believe it's because I took progesterone until 14 weeks.
I had my first in 2007, and then got pregnant twice. The first time, she was 6 months old, and I miscarried at 6 weeks. 8 weeks later, I found out I was pregnant again, but miscarried again 2 weeks later.
10 weeks after that, I got pregnant with my now 6 year old son, and have since had another daughter and son, and am expecting another daughter.
I had two in 2013 and then successful pregnancy with DS3. And again now with an unplanned pregnancy.
Good luck i hope your next bub is a sticky little bean x
I had three MC before my first child then two in between (one a blighted ovum) dd1 and dd2. Now on 4th pregnancy with three children and older than you.x
I was very muscular and athletic prior to my first born. I was advised to cut down on exercise and try to increase body fat. It either helped or it was Coincidence.
I had two miscarriges before I was diagnosed with celiac. They something like 10% of women with recurrent mc have it with almost no other symptoms. Gluten free and baby on the way!
I had my son, and then 2 losses in a year...2013. It was so saddening to me, because my son had come so easily. It was a miscarriage, then almost a year of trying without success to get pregnant at all, and then another MC. After the second MC, I did all the research I could on what I could do to maintain a pregnancy. What I did was switch to a grain free/dairy free paleo diet, rich in fertility foods, started taking fermented cod liver oil, B vitamins, folate and Vitex, exercising more...within a month of these changes I got pregnant and it stuck...with my daughter. Barely had sex that month too.

I thought I may want to conceive when my daughter turned a year, so I did everything the same again a few months beforehand and conceived (first month, without even really trying, only had unprotected sex once) and this baby is now 15 weeks in my belly and is growing well.

Just sharing what worked for me...I think for me a healthy whole foods fertility diet, hormonal support via Vitex, and folate really helps to get and stay pregnant.

I'm very sorry for your losses...I had a really really tough time after my first child, I feel for you, it was a very hard time of my life so I can relate to what you're going through. I encourage you to keep trying, your baby will be worth the wait. <3

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