Any summer 2016 babies?

Evening all hope you are all doing well.

Eva - Child care cost are a bit mental round here!

Glad you have a labour plan all sorted. School holidays don’t affect LG's nursery days, so may be quite handy to go into labour on one of her days in.

Really not sure what type of dog we would go for. I like the idea of a mongrel about medium size. OH is very keen on a German Shepherd though. Quite a while to go before we worry about it though.

Dimmu - It has been really hot over the last few days, I've struggled too.

Hope the flipping exercises help.

How handy your neighbours can look after your lg - even better that she is excited about it.

Our nursery is about the same price, not a lot going under #50 round here either.

We did hope to get a little more space and a bit more garden but decided we don’t want to increase our mortgage for not much benefit. Doesn’t seem to be a lot of point to incurring moving charges and increasing our payments for not a lot of extra space. One of the other reasons we wanted to move was the number of bits & pieces left undone following the renovation of our property 2 years ago. It seems to make more sense to pay to get the last few bits sorted rather than move.

Still waiting for the hospital to send through a scan date. I don’t really know what way up bubs is at the moment but seems to be pressing heavily on my bladder a lot!

Minties - Sorry about the GD, glad the diet is helping. Must make it a lot easier to plan having a set date for c-section.

Wow, you do have a lot of appointments over there! Second time mums here get about 7 appointments in total I think? Doesn’t seem a lot anyway.

Glad the weather is still nice and warm.
Hi everyone,

glad you have the GD under control minties! Did you have it before with other pregnancies? Is that why you have a c-sect scheduled, or is that for another reason?
Where abouts are you located again? Seeing a mw every 2 weeks at some stage sounds good! I've only seen mine twice so far, and I'll see her again next week (when I'll be nearly 32 weeks). Where I am in Australia with the public system there's something called 'shared care', so I alternate between my GP, the midwife, and the OB appointments, plus the scans which are separate. So in all I probably have on average 3 appointments per month with *somebody*, but scans are only every 4 weeks at this stage, unless they think things aren't progressing fine. I think normally they wouldn't even scan that much, I'm just slightly more high risk than average. In Germany by now I'd be seeing on OB (with ultrasound) every couple of weeks and getting the heart-rate measured for 30 min intervals at the appointments... different system for sure!

Miss B - mongrels usually have less health problems than pure-breeds, so I tend to prefer those types of dogs myself, too! Growing up we had a pure bread golden retriever (when I was really young), then two mixed dogs -- both had a mixture of german shepherd. They were all nice doggies!

Nice to hear it's warming up there in the UK! It is definitely in full Fall here. Nights getting down to low single digits! But days are still nice and mostly sunny. I like it though, I remember the heat+morning sickness in the summer some months ago and it was unpleasant!

I hope you have some luck with getting baby to flip, dimmu. Normally they do!

50 or so pounds per day for childcare indeed is quite steep, yikes. Here we pay about 50 AUD per day, but for people who are not residents or citizens, it's 100 AUD per day... just insane. That price usually includes nappies and snacks but not lunch.

Have a nice weekend !
Good morning everyone, hope you are having a lovely weekend.

Nice to see you here Minties. Sorry to hear about your GD, do you need to take medication for it? Wow really impressed that you have fortnightly appointments already! Here they only start at 34 weeks unless it's your first child. I'm currently on a long break from appointments, haven't had one for almost 4 weeks and the next one is only in 2.5 weeks. But I have my private scan to look forward to in one week's time, excited about that.

Miss B, Eva - DD's nursery that cost £50 a day was really the cheapest in the area, everywhere else was around £70 or more. It may not have had the nicest setting, I can see why it wouldn't appeal to everyone being located in the middle of a housing estate and the playground and other facilities were quite small, but she had such a lovely time there and the staff were all wonderful.

My baby has been incredible active over the last couple of days, she's more active than DD was anyway but seemed to go crazy yesterday and even this morning there's been lots of movement. I'm hoping it's a sign she's turning or at least trying to, I *think* my bump is slightly different shape today, the hard lump that has always been on my right is higher up and more central now. I also had some really painful sharp twinges in my privates this morning. I really hope she's turned and the big lump would be her bottom instead of shoulder, but at the same time trying not to read too much into it. I guess I'll find out in my scan next week.

Miss B I hope you get you scan date soon, they usually do the additional scans at around 34 weeks don't they?

Sounds like you are better off staying put where you are. I'm so jealous you have had your whole place renovated, we spent most of our budget when we bought our flat so haven't really had money to spend on doing our place up, and it really needs it. Now all our savings are gonna be going towards my maternity leave as I only get the statutory pay. And of course it didn't help that we decided to take DD to meet her extended family in the Caribbean as well! Oh well, hopefully one of these days I will get a new kitchen.

Eva are they gonna give you a date for a c-section soon anyway even if you may try and deliver naturally? Sounds like you'll be having lots more appointments from now one which is good.

I only have 2.5 weeks left at work, can't believe it! The time was really dragging during the second trimester but seems to go really fast now. I had my 4 weeks of annual leave approved so I hope this baby won't come until I'm 38 weeks so that I can get the full pay until then! I still haven't done any preparation at all. But hopefully I'll have plenty of time in June whilst DD is at school. DH has also booked some time off then so that we can go and shop for stuff during the week without having to drag DD with us. Getting excited now!!! :)
Hi everyone,

Our childcare costs are a little cheaper in the north. The lovely nursery that DD and DS went to is £48 a day, so not too bad and there are cheaper ones available.

Dimmu, I have my fingers crossed that baby has turned. Mine was breech at every scan up until this Wednesday and is now head down (not that it matters for me!) so hopefully you'll find yours is nicely in position at your next scan. It will be lovely to see baby in 4D! I've only had 3D scans but I think the baby looks like my DS so am guessing another boy. The time for me is passing quickly too. I think it's all of the scans and appointments I have to have due to being high risk and also the GD.

Eva, glad to hear you're sorted for labour plans. The cooler evenings must be nice. The warm weather here over the last week has made me realise how uncomfortable I'm going to be over the next couple of months.

Miss B I hope LO arrives on time for you so your mum can help out. House prices are indeed crazy. Even here right up north it's difficult for first time buyers. We are currently building a new house - on the same land as our existing house and plan to knock this one down, it's a big project that we're doing slowly as cash allows but hopefully we will have a lot more equity when we've finished.

Minties, sorry to hear you have GD too but great you can manage with diet. I am stumbling to control mine. With diet only I couldn't really get away with any carbs or sugar and I lost 4lb quite quickly so I went on metformin and yesterday started on insulin. The insulin will hopefully mean I can be more flexible with food. In fact I've just had a biscuit with my cup of tea woooo hoo! I'm finding it quite time consuming shopping and preparing food, 4-5 finger blood tests daily, 2 lots of tablets, 2 shots of insulin, having to eat regular meals at more or less the same times, constantly having my phone on timer for the next meal, snack or test. Having to carry food and Emergancy jelly babies everywhere with my testing kit - it's like a full time job managing it! I've also been at appointments at least twice a week. As I'm now on insulin they've told me I will have to have a planned section in my 38th week and will be booked in on either the 6th or 8th July depending on the consultants rota so LOs birthday will be one of those dates! Very exciting and I'm starting to count down - 7 and a bit weeks away!

I haven't been around much as I've been at constant appointments while also being crazy at work. I've been worrying how I'll cope with my job and three children so decided to look into selling my company and its all gone through this week! It's not a fortune but enough to cover a couple of years salary so I can take some time off and then look for something new to do in a year or so. I'm handing over for the next 3-4 weeks then that will be it. I haven't had a chance to organise any baby stuff so as soon as I'm finished work I'll be on a washing, tidying, organising mission!

Good news is that baby has been fine at all scans, here is the latest pic from this Wednesday. Although I've struggled to control my blood sugars baby has dropped from 90th+ centile on AC to 75th, 50th for head and 80th for leg length. Estimated weight was 3lb11 so they were quite happy with that. The diet means I've only gained 24lb which I'm quite pleased with as I gained around 70lb with DD!

What do you think boy or girl?!


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Ps I've been meaning to ask if anyone's on Facebook? It would be nice to see birth announcements and keep in contact after the births. I'm fb friends with my babyandbump groups from DD and DS and its lovely to see pics of them growing up X
Eva - Its funny how different all the healthcare is in different countries.

Glad the weather is still nice there. We have had some pretty horrible rain but seems to be getting better now.

Dimmu - Fingers crossed your lo turns soon. Finally got the scan date for 8th June so not long to go now.

I think the renovations were worth it thought it was a tough few years! Spent my first pregnancy in a cold house with no heating or hot water and when lo was born we didn’t even have the kitchen in. First few months I had to be up and out by 8ish as that was when builders would start. Never again!

Trip to the Caribbean sounds fantastic. Not long to go at work!

Jjay - Sounds like an even bigger project than ours! Best of luck with the building.

Good news on your company sale, hope you can take things a bit easier now.

Great news on the scan, always good to get the reassurance all is well. No idea on the gender I'm afraid I am rubbish at guessing.

I am on FB and still friends with B&B friends from first baby. It got set up after most of us gave birth so when it was only the regular posters. I know the July Sparklers thread set up a group but I haven't joined it yet. If any ladies from this thread think it’s a good idea, we could maybe set up a small group?
Hello, hope you are all well today.

Jjay - glad to hear that the baby is doing well despite the GD. It sounds like such hard work! :( But it must be nice to know when exactly your LO will be born, makes planning everything so much easier.

That's amazing about your company as well, hope it all goes smoothly. Will be nice to be able to focus on your kids and forget about work for a while without having to worry about money. I'm still a bit concerned how we'll cope when I'll start getting just my statutory but have managed to save quite a bit, so hopefully we'll be ok. Just no new clothes for me for a year I guess!! :)

Miss B - nice to hear that you have your scan date now. Hopefully the first few months with the baby will be easier this time with no builders around every day!

I've found the last few days quite hard. I've got heartburn, my back hurts so much and it still hurts to walk. But worst of all the horrid piles came back with a vengeance and the last couple of days have been complete agony, I never had them this bad when I was pregnant with DD. :( Got some cream from the GP now so really hope it helps, have barely been able to sleep the last couple of night because of the pain.:cry: I really hope the fact that it suddenly got so bad is a sign that the LO has turned and is pushing down on my pelvis however I'm not convinced as I still feel movement on both sides of my belly button simultaneously. Maybe the baby is doing the splits or something! :haha:
I will find out on Saturday when I have my private scan, really looking forward to it. Hopefully we will get to have a good look at the baby.

I did the labour ward tour last week and I think I'm tempted to try and deliver without epidural in the birth centre after all. The birth centre and the labour ward are right next to one another so if anyone goes wrong it's just a quick transfer to the ward. Some things have changed since I was last pregnant, I was quite surprised that they now let the dad stay in the ward overnight as well after the baby is born. That was not an option when I had DD and the first night alone with her in a room with four other women and their babies was quite a stressful experience. Mind you if I get to deliver naturally which I really hope will happen they may discharge you the same day depending what time of the day it is.

I'm on facebook but not really a keen user, don't think I've posted anything this year! Maybe that will change though once I start my maternity leave.. :)
I would love to stay in touch though and that probably is the best way? I haven't joined the July sparklers group, don't think I'd be happy to discuss things like hemorrhoids with a large group of people using my real name. :haha: But I'd be happy to join a small group if ladies' from this thread are up for it?
I have no idea how to start a facebook group though :blush: but hopefully there's someone else more knowledgeable around.
Dimmu - Ouch those piles sound very painful! Hope the cream helps them clear soon.

Your hospital set up sounds very much like ours, the midwife led bit is a few floors from the standard labor ward. Its nice to have a more natural alternative but with the reassurance of having doctors on hand if needed. Its great they let your OH stay the night too. Wish ours would. I am also keeping my fingers crossed not to be struck on the ward for long this time.

I haven't tried to set up a fb group before but it looks quite straight forward. I'd be happier to stick with a smaller group too.

If anyone would like to pm me their face book details I am happy to try and set up a group for us.
Hi ladies!

Jjay - Sorry about finding out you have GD this time. That diet sounds awful! Pregnant ladies should be allowed to eat whatever they please!! I'm also sorry that they gave you a no to fixing your tummy issues. Bummer!! Glad you were able to sell your company for a tidy profit. Running a business and chasing around after 3 little ones seems like a huge undertaking so I don't blame you for wanting to take a break. Your little one is so cute in that scan pic!! I'm guessing boy!

dimmu - I hope the changes you have been feeling are related to baby changing position! So sorry about the piles, that sounds awful. I have a pretty mild case of them nearly all the time but nothing that interferes with my daily life thank goodness. Hopefully the cream you were given clears them right up!!

minties - Welcome back. Sorry about having GD. I have my glucose test at my next appointment and am hoping I get the all clear. I'm a big baby when it comes to needles so pricking my finger on a daily basis sounds like some kind of evil torture.

MissBellum - Thank you for so kindly offering to set us up with a little FB group. (and thanks JJay for the suggestion) I love the idea. I have a feeling that since you ladies are all quite a bit ahead of me that this thread will die off before my little one comes along and that makes me sad. I feel like I know all of you so well. It would be nice to stay in touch! I will message you my details shortly!!!

AFM, today makes 12 days that I have had the worst sinus infection of my life. I have been pretty much out of commission and house bound the whole time and I'm starting to lose my mind. I also have pink eye in both my eyes. I feel like it has just been one thing after another this pregnancy. Hopefully the last half will be uneventful. Baby is starting to kick super hard, so that has been fun. DH has felt a few of them and I've even seen a few from the outside. Kicks are my favorite part of being pregnant!!
Dimmu - Ouch those piles sound very painful! Hope the cream helps them clear soon.

Your hospital set up sounds very much like ours, the midwife led bit is a few floors from the standard labor ward. Its nice to have a more natural alternative but with the reassurance of having doctors on hand if needed. Its great they let your OH stay the night too. Wish ours would. I am also keeping my fingers crossed not to be struck on the ward for long this time.

I haven't tried to set up a fb group before but it looks quite straight forward. I'd be happier to stick with a smaller group too.

If anyone would like to pm me their face book details I am happy to try and set up a group for us.

Thanks for volunteering to set up the group, I'd love to join. I will pm you my details over the weekend.

Have my wellbeing scan tomorrow, very excited!!:)
Hello ladies!

Great idea re: facebook group/staying in touch. Miss B I will also pm you my details! I go on facebook quite a lot :p

Work here has been extra busy since I had a collaborator visiting me and I'm trying to get a paper submitted before baby arrives. I have another job application to prepare for, but haven't started. Starting to worry a bit about that now, but there's still time. Assuming baby doesn't arrive super early!

Good luck at your scan dimmu! I hope the baby has flipped the right way 'round. The piles sound dreadful :-( this is the time when expecting mamas are supposed to be able to get some rest! I hope the cream works for you and the pain subsides soon!
I suppose your leave starts very soon! Less than 2 weeks no?

I saw my midwife this past week and she said I could discuss setting a potential c-section date the next time I see an OB (early June). Since I'm a bit worried about vaccinations (we are set to fly overseas once the baby is around 6 weeks old), I might schedule one for July 15. That way baby can have vaccinations before we fly. We'll be overseas for a month so I feel more comfortable doing that. However, I did get the whooping cough booster, which is the main thing I'm worried about bubs catching. So not sure if I really want to 'force' a c-section by the 15th if I don't have to! Even though there's a good chance I'll need one anyway. Arg... still want to go for natural birth but I'm also ok with the section if it ends up being the safest option for baby.

I heard that in addition to nipple stimulation, eating about 6 dates per day from 36 weeks onward can help with bringing on labour. There was some study done and women who ate the dates tended to show up at the hospital slightly more dilated and required less intervention. I think I need to find some date fruit!

Cute scan pic JJay! I have no idea about guessing the sex. If you think the baby looks like DS then maybe it is a boy? I feel like this baby looks like DS2, so yet another reason why I think boy. Also most people I meet say "I think you're having a boy" :) Do you get that too?

That's exciting you are building a new house on your property!
The GD indeed seems like a full time job just to keep up with all the monitoring. Congrats on the weight gain though - sounds like you are managing really well! How cool to have a c-section (almost) date planned! :)
Congrats on selling your company! Good timing! Glad that worked out in time for third baby's arrival.

Miss b - wow first pregnancy with no heat or hot water... yikes! Sounds rough.
Thanks for offering to set up a group - I will send you my info.

Sorry about your sinus infection AND pink eye, Megan! That sucks. Sometimes those eye infections take ages to go away completely (in my experience). Have you had/considered surgery for your sinuses? Some people say it's a waste of time/money (I have no opinion). My husband had terrible sinus trouble and eventually had surgery, which helped a bit but not a significant improvement. Good luck - hope it clears up soon on its own.
Think I have now successfully managed to set up a fb group.

Sorry to hear you've been ill Megan sounds rough hope you feel better soon. I love feeling the kicks too, makes it seem a bit more real.

Good luck for your scan tomorrow Dimmu x

Eva - work does sound hectic. Seems really strange to hear about booking for c-sections, its come round so fast! Interesting about the dates thing. Not something I needed to worry about first time but could be different this time!

Definitely enjoying having a habitable house this time round.
Miss B I've PMed you re Facebook too - thank you for setting the group up!

No heating or kitchen for your first pregnancy sounds tough! I'm usually quite laid back but when it gets close to delivery I'm crazy nesting lady and everything has to be organised and Spring cleaned!

I'm finishing handover at work next week then it's half term and after that it's project baby stuff, hospital bag and Spring clean!

Dimmu, I've been thinking about you today - I hope your scan went well and that baby is in a good position.

So sorry you're having a hard time with piles and heartburn :( I have started to feel pretty heavily pregnant now and am getting out of breath and a sore back if I spend too much time on my feet.

Eva, sorry you're having such a busy time at work - not ideal when you should be able to relax a bit before baby arrives. I think baby looks like a boy on my scan pic but I also thought boy with DD and DS so I've been right 50% of the time! I'm getting guesses for both from people so really feel like it's 50/50! We need to start thinking seriously about names as haven't really settled on anything yet. I hadn't heard about the date thing - I tried everything else with DD and DS but they both stayed stubbornly put until 42 weeks - it will be strange having this one 3+ weeks earlier than that!

Megan, I hope you're feeling better. It's rubbish being ill when pregnant and not allowed to take drugs. I will have my fingers crossed for you the GD test comes back clear. I am feeling better since I started taking insulin and although I'm not going crazy it's nice to be able to eat biscuits and desserts again! It's lovely feeling the strong kicks! DD has felt kicks and hiccups a couple of times and thinks it's hilarious!

I'm off to bed now - feeling tired this weekend as it was DDs 5th birthday on Friday so we've been celebrating that and also have the inlaws to stay. Night night :)
Good morning everyone, hope you've been having a lovely weekend.

We had our scan yesterday and the baby looks perfect! And it turns I was right about the twinges I've been feeling down there and the sudden horrid hemorrhoid situation, she's head down!!:happydance: So obviously that's why the hemorrhoid situation suddenly got so bad, it's the extra weight in there as I haven't been constipated. She did her best to leave me guessing though as I could still feel movements on my sides simultaneously, the little monkey is head down but sideways, so her back and bum is on my left and she keeps kicking my right and that's why I still feel her on both sides. But as long as she's head down that's the main thing, hopefully I have another natural delivery on its way.
We didn't get a very good glimpse of the baby as she had her hands in front of her face, but from what we could see she looks like a mix of DD and DH, nothing like me at all. :)
The cream has thankfully vastly improved the piles situation. It's not healed them completely but it no longer feels like being continuously stabbed in the bum with a hot knife and I've been able to sleep again at night.
So I'm certainly a lot happier than I was earlier this week, and it does also help that I only have seven working days left!:happydance:

Megan- I hope you are feeling better, sounds like you've been having a rough time as well. It's wonderful when you start feeling the kicks, I always love that even when they hurt!

Eva- sorry to hear your work is still so hectic, hopefully things will get better soon. I would probably book the C section as I also wouldn't want to fly with an unvaccinated baby. Planes are such breeding grounds for all sorts, I had chicken pox ten years ago and I'm convinced I caught it from flying. I flew within Europe about a week before my symptoms started and I had definitely not been around anyone with chickenpox otherwise.

Miss B- hope you are doing well. Will be nice to be able to catch up on that facebook group as well in the future. :)

Jjay - Hope your DD had a lovely birthday! Did you have a big party or just with family? Until now we've only done a small party in our home for DD on her birthdays but she's already saying she wants a bigger one next time. I'm with you about the baby stuff, hospital bag etc. Just looking forward to finishing work so that I can give our flat a deep clean and start buying and preparing things, haven't done anything yet. I'm gonna try anything I can from 38 weeks onwards to encourage the labour, and will also start drinking some rasberry leaf tea soon.
Can't believe how quickly it's gone and we are already discussing delivery!

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