Oh no, I took my rings off at 28wks, but wanted them back on forthe maternity pics I had done Monday. Well, I forced my wedding ring on, finger instantly swollen. Didn't stop there did I, nope. Went for the full house and put my engagement ring on too! It got stuck at my knuckle and my finger was going bright red.
I obviously paniced (hubby spent thousands on them so knew he'd be annoyed for me being so stupid. And obviously the sentimental value of them!) and got hotter, couldn't even spin them! So I sat with my hands in iced water for ages, then smothered then in liquid soap and just managed to get them off.
I'd just leave them for an hour, cos the more you try the hotter you'll get, then do the ice and soap and see if that helps. Or when you go outside, hopefully it's as cold where you are as where I am, and that may help?!
Good luck