What do you mean about rehearsal?
Yes, I have an ex who likes to make my life difficult.
Because you put in a complaint, your ex is being a typical grudge bearing man and reversing it back to you, so he has obviously said you are the unsafe one, and that he is worried about you, hence the police are questioning you. It is normal as the ex is wanting to take the heat and limelight off himself and onto you.
Personally I would not get too worried about the police because the police would need concrete evidence in order to charge you with anything,as long as you break no laws, and don't harm your baby, they will drop any investigations they have onto you, so really try not to worry about it, it is good that they are following through because I would like to know that in the likelihood there is a mum who could cause problems with her baby, that they police are on the case, I would rather the police keep an eye on me for a few years knowing I am not harming my baby and making my ex and themselves look like idiots then to not chase up a complaint about me and my baby could come to harm because I am unsafe, I hope that makes sense.
For example I know at some point my ex might threaten social services onto me, because I will be ignoring him now due to his behaviour, though of course I don't want social services on my case, I would not worry if they did come around because I have nothing to hide and he will be the one looking stupid when they see what a good mum I am and how happy my baby is.
I would suggest that if you are not working you get a legal aid worker and get it all logged down about your complaint, the police investigating, and your ex behaviour, so that any future problems, you have someone representing you and it is all logged down legally, because you never know, he might use the baby as a pawn in the future so best to get someone legal behind you now. I have a solicitor, not gone to court yet, might never will, might do, who knows? but as a safety measure, I am logging everything the ex has said and done, and have my solicitor advising me and keeping records, so if it ever does get dirty, well, I am prepared!!
Hope the last weeks of your pregnancy goes easy and wishing you a quick and painfree labour! xx