Anybody here frustrated at how your TTC journey just takes longer and longer???


Mom of 5 (4 on earth 1 in heaven)
Sep 11, 2009
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I'm sooo frustrated that since we started TTCing, we've been finding out one problem after the next.

First, it was the PCOS.

Then it was the underactive thyroid.

Then it was the Insulin resistance - For which I had to endure mad side effects before my body took to Metformin

Then, it was the no regular AFs, even though I have taken Metformin.

So hubby gets checked.

First it was the low sperm count for him. Followed by 3 bacterial infections.

After 1 mth of antibiotics treatment, all 3 bacterial infections are cleared

BUT one new one pops up, so he has to go for another 10 days of antibiotics treatment.

Urologist is an asshole who doesn't give a jack ass about questions. He doesn't offer any advice about what to take and when hubby asks, he cuts him short with the "I don't know. Take the antibiotics and 2 to 3 mths down the road, we'll see if your sperm count improve".

I don't want to wait another 2 to 3 months time, you idiot!

Tomorrow's my first scan for my first cycle of Clomid.

And I'm going to have to ask my doctor about his opinion, if my hubby can do all his Urologist- related tests at the FS.

Sorry for my vulgar language. But really, I WISH SO MUCH that things can just work out for once. I don't know why things can be sooo bloody difficult when I see people getting pregnant all the time on Facebook!
Does anybody know if a Fertility Clinic also does tests for the hubby's sperms??? Do they have an integrated Urologist-function too???
All the fertility clinics where i am do Sperm Assays and investigation. Check with your clinic, some may not.

Be patient. It took us more than 3 years with pcos, vasectomy reversal, mesa, tese, SA's, 3 ICSI's to get where we are... And with lots of prayer. Keep having faith and stay positive.
Hey Janice
Thanks for the input. We will ask our FS tomorrow about taking over all the sperm investigation. Don't want anything to do with the previous Urologist any longer.

Wow, 3 years sounds like a very long time! Amazing.... couldn't have been easy with the wait either.
Hi :-)
My journey seems to have been forever... i ttc for 4yrs with my ex and went through 6 cycles on clomid due to me having pcos. Then we found he had very low motility sperm and the only chance was IVF. We ended up splitting up as he admitted he didnt want a child enough to do IVF. Then i am lucky enough to meet my gorgeous husband and we ttc for 3mths and WHAM! I got pregnant. Overjoyed was not the word. We found out 2wks after our wedding and a few days before xmas last yr... Jan 5th this yr, i had a scan due to bleeding and it was ruptured ectopic. Was rushed to theatre and lost our baby and my left tube... we didnt try again intill a few mths later and i got my BFP in June this yr. A few wks later and a check up scan revealed yet another ectopic and once again emergency surgery to remove our baby and my right tube. There was complications during surgery and i lost a fair bit of blood when they removed pregnancy cyst from my ovary so my overwhelming feeling was how lucky i was to be alive.
It was only later that it hit me, that im 29 yrs old with no children and im sterile... IVF is the only way we can be parents now. We are going to give it a shot next yr. One thing i will say to you hun, no matter how frustrating this journey becomes, just always keep in your mind that one day, somehow, you will be a mother. It is the only train of thought that has kept me sane, as my heart has been torn out this yr but i have survived and i still have hope. xxx
Dear africaqueen

THANKS A MILLION for taking the time to share your experience with me. I feel so comforted knowing that there are people who are going through a similar experience as I am.

I'm sooo sorry about your 2 ectopics though. You're sooo brave and strong. Really. I've seen you on other threads before, but have never really got to say hi.

Oh, coming to think of it, I have a friend who also went for IVF cos both her tubes were blocked. She has a 3-yr old son now. :) So there's definitely hope!!!

I feel better already. It was just crazy before, because that Urologist has never been nice, but today's episode was the last straw. He was downright rude and couldn't give less of a sh_t. But that's all over and done with. Thank God that there are other doctors who would give better service!

Am sooo looking forward to my first scan of my ovaries after Clomid!!! :) Yay!!!
Hey cheerios! Yep, I know exactly what you're going through. In fact, we are having nearly identical troubles!

I was diagnosed with PCOS, under active thyroid, and insulin resistance. All are being handled now, and I believe that my body is improving. My doctor said I don't look like a typical PCOS patient! So I'm improving. However it was a night and day difference to know that the reason we aren't pregnant is because of my husbands extremely low counts. He's only got about 1.5mil, he should have at least 20 to have a shot at natural conception. After the diagnosis, it made sense why I was ovulating and doing EVERYTHING right and still not getting pregnant. It was actually a relief to hear this, because we know what the next step is, even if it is IVF.

Do they know what's causing the bacterial infections, seems like they'd want to get to the root of that problem?
Cheerios- You last line cracked me up. My sister once told me that we "arn't doing it right" She got her BFP the first month they tried. Now I get it. We need to be doing it on Facebook to get BFP.

Sorry for the sarcasm. It has been a really bad day for me in the TTC world. I just did my day3 and scheduled an appointment for HSG. The anxiety level is really high and listening to the lady at work who just got back from maternity leave today has made me cranky.
I know what you mean as well......

My dh and I have been TTC for 3 years now, we knew I had PCOS but doc said we had to try for a year before they would help, then we got posted (dh is military) so doc said we had to wait until we had moved. Once moved our new doc did all the tests and said we should of been referred at the 6 month mark (cheers).

We then found out dh has low motility (10%) so got sent to the FS, she said we would need IVF but before they do that they have to tick there boxes and do clomid first.

7 cycles of comid later (terrible side effects for something we knew couldn't work), we then got referred back to London for IVF.

Got first appointment in London for July this year but then dh got sent to Afgan for 6 months, so everything has been postponed until next year!

It our first doctor did all the tests when we first asked him to at the 6 month mark then everything could be so different for us now!
hi ladys i know how u feel my story is been ttc for 15yrs found out i got no right tube got underactive thyroide and pcos and oh has low sperm so about 3yrs ago i was told i had to lose weight so i lost 4stone i was put on clomid and metformin was on them for nearly 2yrs with no luck last yr i fell pregnant naturaly but sadly ended in mc at 7wks so we went for ivf first cycle in march this yr i got pregnant everything was going great till i went for a midwife check at 16+2wks they couldnt find a heartbeat sent me for a scan and baby had died at 13wks i know have to wait til oct for results of baby b4 we can ttc again
I am glad u are feeling more positive cheerios ;-) have faith and good things come in the end xxx
Hey cheerios! Yep, I know exactly what you're going through. In fact, we are having nearly identical troubles!

I was diagnosed with PCOS, under active thyroid, and insulin resistance. All are being handled now, and I believe that my body is improving. My doctor said I don't look like a typical PCOS patient! So I'm improving. However it was a night and day difference to know that the reason we aren't pregnant is because of my husbands extremely low counts. He's only got about 1.5mil, he should have at least 20 to have a shot at natural conception. After the diagnosis, it made sense why I was ovulating and doing EVERYTHING right and still not getting pregnant. It was actually a relief to hear this, because we know what the next step is, even if it is IVF.

Do they know what's causing the bacterial infections, seems like they'd want to get to the root of that problem?

Hey emilyjean!
Yeah! I read your story too and I know that we have similar backgrounds! So great to know that I'm not alone in this boat. Sisters in war against PCOS and MF.

I added you as my friend right? Is your hubby undergoing any treatment for his sperms? And yes, I know what you mean about it being a relief to know that you're not the only person with the issues. On one hand, you feel you're not alone, on the other, it would have been really great if it was only one of you with the issues.

The first 3 bacterial infections have been cleared. Don't know what caused them, cos doctor didn't even bother to explain. Internet search that I did said smth about bacteria being sexually transmitted or from mother to baby during childbirth.

The current bacterial infection from the intestines, I think (maybe) could be because we ate something wrong recently. Cos I have the same bacteria in my intestines too and am taking antibiotics now.
Cheerios- You last line cracked me up. My sister once told me that we "arn't doing it right" She got her BFP the first month they tried. Now I get it. We need to be doing it on Facebook to get BFP.

Sorry for the sarcasm. It has been a really bad day for me in the TTC world. I just did my day3 and scheduled an appointment for HSG. The anxiety level is really high and listening to the lady at work who just got back from maternity leave today has made me cranky.

Waterfaerie - Oh boy, your post cracked me up sooo big time!!! Wahahahahah.........I couldn't stop laughing and had to tell my hubby about your FB BFP! hahahahah.

Nice to know that my post brought a smile to your face though! :)

No worries about the sarcasm. I found it hilarious! And yes, I can completely understand the whole TTC roller roaster man!!!! Thank God for Babyandbump! I think I wouldn't be able to survive all this TTC madness if I didn't have a place to vent with lovely ladies like you out there!
I know what you mean as well......

My dh and I have been TTC for 3 years now, we knew I had PCOS but doc said we had to try for a year before they would help, then we got posted (dh is military) so doc said we had to wait until we had moved. Once moved our new doc did all the tests and said we should of been referred at the 6 month mark (cheers).

We then found out dh has low motility (10%) so got sent to the FS, she said we would need IVF but before they do that they have to tick there boxes and do clomid first.

7 cycles of comid later (terrible side effects for something we knew couldn't work), we then got referred back to London for IVF.

Got first appointment in London for July this year but then dh got sent to Afgan for 6 months, so everything has been postponed until next year!

It our first doctor did all the tests when we first asked him to at the 6 month mark then everything could be so different for us now!

Hey ald
I'm sooo sorry. My heart broke when I read what you wrote.

YOu're amazing you know that? I don't know how I will feel if I have to have long-distance relationship with my hubby when we're TTCing. You women are really soooo strong!

That doctor was sooo wrong!!! I know the frustration of having horrible doctors. But oh boy, I can't imagine how frustrated you must have felt (am feeling) about that doctor that made you all wait.

At times like this, I try to remind myself that a baby is born at the perfect timing when God wants him/her to be born. So, I believe your perfect bundle of joy is on its way to you at the perfect timing too.

Side issue. How were you allowed 7 cycles of Clomid? I thought the usual norm is 6 cycles? What type of side effects did you have and at which dosage?
hi ladys i know how u feel my story is been ttc for 15yrs found out i got no right tube got underactive thyroide and pcos and oh has low sperm so about 3yrs ago i was told i had to lose weight so i lost 4stone i was put on clomid and metformin was on them for nearly 2yrs with no luck last yr i fell pregnant naturaly but sadly ended in mc at 7wks so we went for ivf first cycle in march this yr i got pregnant everything was going great till i went for a midwife check at 16+2wks they couldnt find a heartbeat sent me for a scan and baby had died at 13wks i know have to wait til oct for results of baby b4 we can ttc again

Hey anncmc

Thanks for sharing your story.

I'm sooo sorry about your miscarriage. No words to say really.

A close friend of mine finally has a baby after 2 miscarriages - although really early ones, like a few weeks.

Is 30 your age? That means you're pretty young right? That's pretty good chances for pregnancy again though.


Nope, no treatment for his sperm unfortunately. They're all doing what they need to, all the movement and shape is normal, the only thing is the count. He's taking vitamins now, but it's probably associated with his weight. He's going to look into weight loss surgery after we go through IVF. Maybe that will make it possible to have a natural baby someday!

Weird about so many bacterial infections happening so close together though, even if they cleared up. I know everything is going to work out, for both of us.
I know what you mean as well......

My dh and I have been TTC for 3 years now, we knew I had PCOS but doc said we had to try for a year before they would help, then we got posted (dh is military) so doc said we had to wait until we had moved. Once moved our new doc did all the tests and said we should of been referred at the 6 month mark (cheers).

We then found out dh has low motility (10%) so got sent to the FS, she said we would need IVF but before they do that they have to tick there boxes and do clomid first.

7 cycles of comid later (terrible side effects for something we knew couldn't work), we then got referred back to London for IVF.

Got first appointment in London for July this year but then dh got sent to Afgan for 6 months, so everything has been postponed until next year!

It our first doctor did all the tests when we first asked him to at the 6 month mark then everything could be so different for us now!

Hey ald
I'm sooo sorry. My heart broke when I read what you wrote.

YOu're amazing you know that? I don't know how I will feel if I have to have long-distance relationship with my hubby when we're TTCing. You women are really soooo strong!

That doctor was sooo wrong!!! I know the frustration of having horrible doctors. But oh boy, I can't imagine how frustrated you must have felt (am feeling) about that doctor that made you all wait.

At times like this, I try to remind myself that a baby is born at the perfect timing when God wants him/her to be born. So, I believe your perfect bundle of joy is on its way to you at the perfect timing too.

Side issue. How were you allowed 7 cycles of Clomid? I thought the usual norm is 6 cycles? What type of side effects did you have and at which dosage?

Thank you :hugs:

I try not to feel bitter about what has/hasn't happened in the past because that just isn't healthy and at the end of the day what has happened has happened it is how we go forward that counts and will make the difference.

I'm now trying to use the 6 months hubby is away to get myself in to a very good place ready for our next journey to begin.

At the moment we are posted in Germany and our FS gave us 9 months worth of Clomid and HCG(?) injections (plus daily mid-cycle scans to ensure the the injection was given at the correct time). But after 7 months I couldn't face it anymore and just cried all the time so our FS agreed with us not to do the other 2 cycles.

While I was on Clomid I had to be signed off work of 6 days because they made me so ill, I constantly felt sick, had headaches and my eye sight was slow (I would turn my head but it would take a split second for my sight to catch up). Because of this I was crying the whole 6 days (5 days for taking tablets plus the following day).

I do know not everyone suffers from the side effects and also some people get them to a lesser degree. Or it helps some to take the tablets early morning then go back to sleep for a couple of hours.

When we start our IVF we are doing it in London, so will need to fly back for every appointment / scan / test etc which I know is going to be stressful in itself, but I have the most wonderful to husband to support me and share this journey with.

I do believe we will all get our babies that we so want and would walk the earth for but everyones journey is different and of different lengths and paths. When we are down and feel there is no hope we have to read the success stories, talk to our dh, cry and cuddle and then and look at what other paths are available to us. But never give up hope!

Nope, no treatment for his sperm unfortunately. They're all doing what they need to, all the movement and shape is normal, the only thing is the count. He's taking vitamins now, but it's probably associated with his weight. He's going to look into weight loss surgery after we go through IVF. Maybe that will make it possible to have a natural baby someday!

Weird about so many bacterial infections happening so close together though, even if they cleared up. I know everything is going to work out, for both of us.

Emilyjean - I know what you mean that there's nothing much to do about the sperm count. My hubby's too. I can't really interpret the results much and his Urologist didn't explain much either.

Do you have to pay for IVF yourself? Or is your insurance going to pay it for you? And yes, I think the hope of having your own biological baby is something to really keep us going!

Yeah, I don't know where the bacterial infections came from. I think the 3 first were always there - but we didn't know about it. The last one could be something wrong that we ate.
I know what you mean as well......

My dh and I have been TTC for 3 years now, we knew I had PCOS but doc said we had to try for a year before they would help, then we got posted (dh is military) so doc said we had to wait until we had moved. Once moved our new doc did all the tests and said we should of been referred at the 6 month mark (cheers).

We then found out dh has low motility (10%) so got sent to the FS, she said we would need IVF but before they do that they have to tick there boxes and do clomid first.

7 cycles of comid later (terrible side effects for something we knew couldn't work), we then got referred back to London for IVF.

Got first appointment in London for July this year but then dh got sent to Afgan for 6 months, so everything has been postponed until next year!

It our first doctor did all the tests when we first asked him to at the 6 month mark then everything could be so different for us now!

Hey ald
I'm sooo sorry. My heart broke when I read what you wrote.

YOu're amazing you know that? I don't know how I will feel if I have to have long-distance relationship with my hubby when we're TTCing. You women are really soooo strong!

That doctor was sooo wrong!!! I know the frustration of having horrible doctors. But oh boy, I can't imagine how frustrated you must have felt (am feeling) about that doctor that made you all wait.

At times like this, I try to remind myself that a baby is born at the perfect timing when God wants him/her to be born. So, I believe your perfect bundle of joy is on its way to you at the perfect timing too.

Side issue. How were you allowed 7 cycles of Clomid? I thought the usual norm is 6 cycles? What type of side effects did you have and at which dosage?

Thank you :hugs:

I try not to feel bitter about what has/hasn't happened in the past because that just isn't healthy and at the end of the day what has happened has happened it is how we go forward that counts and will make the difference.

I'm now trying to use the 6 months hubby is away to get myself in to a very good place ready for our next journey to begin.

At the moment we are posted in Germany and our FS gave us 9 months worth of Clomid and HCG(?) injections (plus daily mid-cycle scans to ensure the the injection was given at the correct time). But after 7 months I couldn't face it anymore and just cried all the time so our FS agreed with us not to do the other 2 cycles.

While I was on Clomid I had to be signed off work of 6 days because they made me so ill, I constantly felt sick, had headaches and my eye sight was slow (I would turn my head but it would take a split second for my sight to catch up). Because of this I was crying the whole 6 days (5 days for taking tablets plus the following day).

I do know not everyone suffers from the side effects and also some people get them to a lesser degree. Or it helps some to take the tablets early morning then go back to sleep for a couple of hours.

When we start our IVF we are doing it in London, so will need to fly back for every appointment / scan / test etc which I know is going to be stressful in itself, but I have the most wonderful to husband to support me and share this journey with.

I do believe we will all get our babies that we so want and would walk the earth for but everyones journey is different and of different lengths and paths. When we are down and feel there is no hope we have to read the success stories, talk to our dh, cry and cuddle and then and look at what other paths are available to us. But never give up hope!

Hey Ald
I totally agree with you that we should look forward and not backwards. :) That definitely gives me hope too! THat I shouldn't look at how long it has already taken, but the future! :) And yes, everybody's journey is sooo different that one can't compare to another person.....

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