hi there hun we have been under dr janes care since june last year she is a bitch from hell we utterly hate her. she's nasty and shit, sorry but she is. we really don't like nor trust her, she only gave me clomid after i basically begged for it, was in tears she also should have done a hsg after my ectopic but she was cut happy and wanted to open me up to check istead, waiting to get my lap and dye with her at wishaw (she a wishaw doctor) before we will be offered anything else. i was meant to be a pacient of Dr coniway but got moved to her at the last moment completely gutted. as he is really nice and apprently has a brilliant track record.
i wanted to see if anyone else had been there, we done the scans and sperm tests last year, my OH's sperm was really good and she said he would fertilise the whole world before he would get me pregnant. how lovely. anways the nurses were dead nice.