anyone dealing with anxiety disorders?

Mrs Dragonfly

Raising our toddler
Jan 23, 2013
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I've had anxiety issues for years and seen different counselors. I get into good places then have moments where anxiety still creeps back up and give me some bad days. First trimester is always so hard on my anxiety, I remember with DD I had frequent panic attacks daily.

Anyone else going through something similar?

I notice my anxiety creeping up at night like usual, I do my usual coping techniques and am currently searching for a new counselor but until then just wanted to know I'm not alone in it.
ME! I was previously on medication for it and I quit a couple months before falling pregnant. Couple of months went great and I was in a great place but since finding out I'm pregnant my anxiety is through the roof, I'm 9 weeks now and I'm still having moments quite frequently but I'm trying my best to just cope with it naturally. I'm really hoping it all settles down when the first trimester is over. I never had anxiety issues when I was pregnant with my first, this time it's 100% a different experience.
You're not alone, many nights I'm wide awake almost having a panic attack! I hope you find your new counselor soon xx
ME! I was previously on medication for it and I quit a couple months before falling pregnant. Couple of months went great and I was in a great place but since finding out I'm pregnant my anxiety is through the roof, I'm 9 weeks now and I'm still having moments quite frequently but I'm trying my best to just cope with it naturally. I'm really hoping it all settles down when the first trimester is over. I never had anxiety issues when I was pregnant with my first, this time it's 100% a different experience.
You're not alone, many nights I'm wide awake almost having a panic attack! I hope you find your new counselor soon xx

So glad to hear I'm not alone, but I'm sorry that you're going through anxiety too. Trying to cope naturally too, my family dr wanted to prescribe drug that are contraindicated for pregnancy:wacko: crazy!

While searching for a new counselor I'm just hopeful that the anxiety will settle a bit like it did with DD once the hormones calm down a bit in second tri.
Yes, me. In recent weeks, it has been pretty bad, BUT as I am entering the second trimester (like you experienced), it is calming down. I have also had days where I've been ok and then days where it has flared up badly, with no obvious trigger, so I think the hormones have everything to do with it.

It kind of helps, knowing that nothing I am thinking/feeling anxious about is 'real' as such, or an immediate threat, more just an unavoidable reaction to something I can't control.
Me as well. I've dealt with generalized anxiety disorder, panic attacks, and OCD for years. Ive always been an anxious person but the panic started when my parents divorced when I was 24. I started getting them while driving, walking, talking to people. It's been about 6 years and I am definitely better. I don't think I could have coped with pregnancy before now. But my anxiety and depression has definitely flared back up since getting pregnant. Hasn't helped that I have been sick for 7 weeks straight now. I'm starting to melt down more frequently as I am losi ng patience with being ill.

Also...haven't been on meds since the start of the panic. I hated them, the side effects were terrible and I didn't get any relief anyways. So I've coped with therapy, which I may have to start back with, and self help techniques.
Me! I will sub and post more later on my phone
Meep - It's encouraging to see as you're entering second trimester that it's calming down, I'm hoping I'll have the same feeling once I get there. (Ages away!!) Agreed, it is helpful. I keep reminding myself that it's just my hormones and it's alright to feel anxious right now and let it pass. Accepting it helps, but it doesn't make it leave any faster lol.

Symphony - I'm beginning to think it's common for those of us that deal with anxiety disorders and depression to have difficult flare ups while pregnant. I'm sorry you've been ill 7 weeks straight, that doesn't help at all. I hope you'll be feeling better soon as you get further along. I stay away from meds as well because when I was in high school they helped, but after trying so many then living without meds I'm so much happier and I focus more on self coping techniques.

Misspriss - :thumbup:
You are not alone.
The first tri is so difficult and it does bring up all of those feelings.
I have had anxiety since I started suffering with RPL. I always fear the worst and get myself in a panic.
I have been better this week as I am distracting myself with the Xmas shopping.
I find that the little distractions help and just hope that these feelings won't last forever :flower:
Trying - the feelings definitely wont be forever:hugs: Great idea on distraction with Christmas shopping, I've been busy with that too. My toddler provides a great deal of distraction, when I am anxious I try to pull all my strength together for her.
So good to know :hugs:
Being Christmas definitely helps doesn't it. So much to plan and prepare.
It's good that you have a little one to keep you u distracted.
I have no children to distract me but I try to stay strong for DH as he hates seeing me all anxious. It's so hard for him.
I have another scan in two days which will be the moment of truth as we have never had a successful 8 week scan. If we get to that point hopefully can relax a bit more. It's the not knowing that's the hardest and I'm sure you agree
I have general anxiety disorder and am also having a difficult time. I worry my anxiety is going to effect my baby too, this is the worst it has every been. I'm hoping it gets better in the second trimester, if it doesn't I will talk to my OBGYN about medication.
Yes- I have anxiety issues that have actually caused another health issue (with bad muscle spasms/pain) to pop up- so before I had my BFP I was on 5mg of Valium per night.

When TTC I tapered down to 2mg, and then 1mg right before my BFP. I feel guilty I was on it, which causes more stress and more anxiety, lol. My RE had no issue with me being on Valium while TTC. 5mg is still a relatively low dose.

I am definitely struggling with anxiety since I am "newly" off of anxiety medication.
I am on Klonopin, 0.5 mg up to 2x daily. I was taking one 0.5mg pill before bed every day for preventative measure and a half 0.5mg pill (or aa whole, depending on my needs) if needed during the day (0-3 days a week usually).

The first week after my BFP I dropped to a half 0.5mg pill every day for the first week, and only a half pill if needed. The second week (this week) I dropped the daily preventative dose and I am just talking a half pill if needed for acute anxiety. If it is tough, I will resume my daily dose after 12 weeks. Hopefully it will not be.

My psychiatrist has cleared me at my pre-BFP dose. My OB said he would rather me get off if I can, but if the benefits outweigh the risks to keep taking it. I am trying to take less (anxiety will make you anxious about taking medicine for your anxiety!), but I know it is relatively safe and I know I can take my meds if I need to, if the benefits would outweigh the risks -and I have to worry about the health and wellbeing of my existing children, me having anxiety attacks around them is not healthy either.
I have general anxiety disorder and am also having a difficult time. I worry my anxiety is going to effect my baby too, this is the worst it has every been. I'm hoping it gets better in the second trimester, if it doesn't I will talk to my OBGYN about medication.

I know anxiety isn't the best for LO's but I had plenty of panic attacks during my first pregnancy and DD is a happy little girl. I hope your anxiety gets better by second tri, here's hoping mine will too!

Yes- I have anxiety issues that have actually caused another health issue (with bad muscle spasms/pain) to pop up- so before I had my BFP I was on 5mg of Valium per night.

When TTC I tapered down to 2mg, and then 1mg right before my BFP. I feel guilty I was on it, which causes more stress and more anxiety, lol. My RE had no issue with me being on Valium while TTC. 5mg is still a relatively low dose.

I am definitely struggling with anxiety since I am "newly" off of anxiety medication.

That's tough to be freshly off anxiety medication. I came off mine years ago and it was tough at first, but for me once it was out of my system I actually felt better. But in the moment it feels awful.

I am on Klonopin, 0.5 mg up to 2x daily. I was taking one 0.5mg pill before bed every day for preventative measure and a half 0.5mg pill (or aa whole, depending on my needs) if needed during the day (0-3 days a week usually).

The first week after my BFP I dropped to a half 0.5mg pill every day for the first week, and only a half pill if needed. The second week (this week) I dropped the daily preventative dose and I am just talking a half pill if needed for acute anxiety. If it is tough, I will resume my daily dose after 12 weeks. Hopefully it will not be.

My psychiatrist has cleared me at my pre-BFP dose. My OB said he would rather me get off if I can, but if the benefits outweigh the risks to keep taking it. I am trying to take less (anxiety will make you anxious about taking medicine for your anxiety!), but I know it is relatively safe and I know I can take my meds if I need to, if the benefits would outweigh the risks -and I have to worry about the health and wellbeing of my existing children, me having anxiety attacks around them is not healthy either.

Glad that you're OB understands that you need it, and at such a low dose that your psychiatrist is comfortable with. It's definitely difficult to be anxious in front our children. My DD is very cuddly when I'm anxious and it helps me gather strength for her. No doubt about anxiety making it difficult to take meds sometimes!
Yes- I have anxiety issues that have actually caused another health issue (with bad muscle spasms/pain) to pop up- so before I had my BFP I was on 5mg of Valium per night.

When TTC I tapered down to 2mg, and then 1mg right before my BFP. I feel guilty I was on it, which causes more stress and more anxiety, lol. My RE had no issue with me being on Valium while TTC. 5mg is still a relatively low dose.

I am definitely struggling with anxiety since I am "newly" off of anxiety medication.

That's tough to be freshly off anxiety medication. I came off mine years ago and it was tough at first, but for me once it was out of my system I actually felt better. But in the moment it feels awful.

Yeah, I think being patient with myself is good. It is hard being RIGHT off of it and jumping into pregnancy! I bet I will feel better long term. Thank you for reminding me of that!

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