Anyone due on or around March 16, 2013???

The diaper party was great!! We have got a lot of diapers.. I'm sure we will need to but many more still though :) I'm pretty sure we have enough to get through awhile though!!
Nikki - They are called "pre-term contractions." They are not the same as Braxton Hicks as BH are irregular. Pre-term contractions are frequent and regular (normally mine are between 1-5 minutes apart. Not all the time though, like some days I will get them for hours and hours, the next day I will get them for only an hour or two). They are not the same as labour contractions though as they are not "labouring" my cervix. They can be a bit painful with lots of pressure, but nothingggg like real labour. TBH I'm confused by them, even though I've had quite a few nurses and my OB explain them to me.
As for bed rest, I've been getting worse at following it. Nesting is kicking in so I do try and get housework and some stuff for baby ready everyday. I've been doing some online shopping to pass the time, and of course BnB. I still am taking it a lot easier than I normally do, but I hate feeling inactive.
I had my weekly assessment today - baby is doing great! Estimated weight of 4lbs 6oz. Which I thought sounded big, but apparently it's average. The ultrasound tech messed up and didn't do a cervical length check, so I'm not sure about that. I don't think the Drs are too worried though or they would have sent me back down to ultrasound.
Skeet - I was thinking to have a diaper party but just never got to it! And James didnt really seem into it either lol. Thats awesome though. One less worry for u! Whens gonna be ur last day of work? I just looked at the calendar and i got 18 work days left and im outta here! Yayyyy my last day i think is actually gonna be February 26. Have a cpl vacay days left and they want me to use em up before i go so i thought ill take Feb 27 and 28 off to 'start my mat leave a lil earlier'. :happydance:

Torres -I sorta understand what pre-term contractions are now, must be a pain!!! I dont remember if uve already mentioned this in one of ur older posts but s ur doc gonna make u wait until full term to have ur baby or are u gonna have baby earlier?

Online shopping! That always gets me in trouble lol.
Im glad to hear baby is doing well and im glad ur doing well.
Just dont exert urself too much!!

When do they start checking ur cervix anyways? I feel like so many of u are getting things checked or done while im left out in the cold lol.
My Dr starts checking at I think 36 weeks. I'm not getting manual (for the lack of a better word!) cervical checks yet, just the internal u/s, which are done by a tech.
I don't know if I'll be induced early for sure (if I don't go early naturally), but I probably will. I'm also at high risk for developing pre-e and HELLP syndrome again, and if that isn't enough (ha!), my first had shoulder dystocia (she got stuck in my pelvis), and so the dr doesn't want the baby to get too big, or I'll have to have a c-section.

You're so close to being done work! You must be well excited! How long do you get for mat leave? How are you feeling? Getting excited? Nervous? Uncomfortable? Are you all ready?
Torres -

Oh i wonder how theyll be checking me. Thats gonna be weird, is it uncomfy?
Youve been through alot!!! When will you find out from ur doc what the plans are then? Hopefully soon.

I'm getting excited yup! I cant believe how close everything is! I kinda am more excited for the baby shower cuz then after, i can finally finish shopping and the nursery and everything!

I get one year for my mat leave. How about you?

I'm feeling good, its getting easier for me to get tired though, i find I'm going to bed much earlier than i used to and just feel out of breath all the time lol. Ive been taking the stairs in my building at work and i feel like ive ran a marathon by the time i get into my office haha. Ive been doing it for the last cpl weeks and i thought id be getting used to it by now but it seems like its getting worse! lol
Wow, kudos for you for taking the stairs! I'm normally a very fit person but now even the stairs in my house make me tired! I don't really have the breathlessness though as baby is so low.
When is your shower? I loved my shower and I especially loved after when hubby and I got to go through everything slowly and put stuff together! We just recently started pulling everything out of storage and putting everything back together. We just have the change table and cradle left to do!
Being checked can be uncomfortable, especially in the last week or so because they are more agressive as they try to get things going. When I was actually in labour I couldn't have cared less about being checked though. You are in such a different state of mind that all of your insecurities fly out the window! I even had a med student come in and check me, and because he was learning he kept his fingers up there while him and the OB had a convo about dialation! Normally i would be mortified and probably angry but I actually found it humorous!
I think I may have lost a piece of my mucus plug about a hour and a half ago. Kind of has me freaking out a bit. I know that people can lose pieces weeks before labour, but I still don't like it. If I lose anymore I will go to l&d triage. I'm also getting quite a bit of pressure and shooting pains. Not really contracting though, which is a good sign!
She can't come for at least three more weeks. I forbid it! Ha!
Hi ladies!! Torres you sound like you've been through a lot! I'm curious when they will start checking me. I had some really bad cramps today.. I'm unsure if they are caused my constipation or if I was contracting but it was really painful. It actually took my breath away I could barely walk it hurt so bad.. It was mostly one side though. They started happening just after lunch and lasted until I got home around 5.. I ended up laying in bed for a nap and I've felt better since.

Nikki- my last day I think will be the 15th my doctor said she would write a note.. After the cramps today I really want to go off early . I also get a year off. I have my baby shower on Sunday I'm actually super excited for it. I really am looking forward to my appt on Monday to ask my dr about the cramps I've had.. I hurt so much that I planned on if they didn't stop after my nap I was going to go to emerge.. Currently I'm drinking lots of fluids and resting with my feet up .. Also tried to eat some high in fibre dinner to rule out constipation.
I cant believe I forgot to mention this!! I got my maternity photo's done!! Let me know what you ladies think!! I've posted a few!!


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Torres - Yah it kinda freaked me out when i gained that 4 or 5 lbs last app so i started taking the stairs to get some sort of excercise in so hopefully my weight gain is a lil better at my app tmrw altho my eating habits didnt improve as much as i wanted lol yipes so well see. Is it something u really notice when ur baby drops low?

My shower is this coming up Saturday Feb 9! Kinda excited, kinda not. Its hard for me to be center of attention! Lol the only thing we have set up is the crib, a cpl playards, the travel system and a lil bouncer thing. I cant wait to get everything organized after this shower! Help pass time too.

Yah im pretty sure i wont care much about anything when im in labor lol but during the upcoming appointments, might be a lil odd but ill just have to suck it up! Haha thatd be kinda awkward to be in being checked by that med student while they had a convo about dilation hahaha was that during ur labor or in one of ur appointments? I have a doc at my clinic that is younger and is male and i kinda feel uncomfy if he was the one to check me. When its a male doctor and older i totally feel fine so i think its his age that makes me feel weird but once again ill just have to suck it up! He could end up being the one who delivers my baby! Lol i wish i had a set doctor or midwife or whatever they are called but im just gonna get whoever is on call at the hospital.

Ohhh really? Crazy! I dont think ive lost any. Is it supposed to be tinged a color or can it be clear?

Did u end up losing anymore???

Just suck it in and clench that vagina and dont let her come out! Lol if only u could do that...haha.

Skeet - im really wondering how a contraction feels like! Ohh a 15th, thats gonna come up quick! Lucky girl.

Its always best to get checked and get answers but if u can wait till ur appt tmrw too, thatll save u the wait ud have to do at hospital.

Oh man i remember when i got constipation in first trimester, sooo annoying! It got better second trimester and since about 30 weeks my BM's are like super loose! Not diarrhea loose but just...loose lol sorry tmi. I do think tho id rather have these types of BM's than constipation for sure. I take metamucil and stool softeners almost everyday as well as drink tons of water so i think that helps!

Ur pics are adorable. I really like the one with ur red shirt and u looking up. So cute!!!

How was ur baby shower today?!!!
Any of u ladies ever experience ur tummy go super soft? To the point where u feel around and cant even find ur little one in there?

I experienced this last night! Kinda freaked me out. It was so soft at the front of my tummy and sides as well. After a cpl mins, it went hard again and i felt her. I was like phewf! Was she just hiding? I cant believe she was able to go somewhere in my tummy where i couldnt even feel her. Didnt know there was still space left in there! Lol

Not long to goooo girlies! Hope all of u are doing well xx

*Ooo before i forget. Ive attached my 34 week bump! I think its a lil bit bigger than my last bump pic i posted at 30 weeks. :happydance:

UPDATE: Had my prenatal appointment this morning, asked the doctor about the tummy becoming soft, she said it is because of the way baby is positioned so when her back is towards ur back and her tummy is towards ur tummy, ur tummy tends to get soft until she changes her position again.

I gained only 1lb since my last appointment which im so very happy about lol. She also checked to see how baby is lying and she thiiiiinks shes head down but still not 100% sure.

Next appointment is Tuesday Feb 19 as the 18th is a holiday here. They will be taking that Strep B swab test thing and also doing an internal...I have no idea what to expect when they do that???

Anywho, talk to u ladies soon. :)


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Hi ladies!!! Well my baby shower was really good!! We got a lot of stuff and it was a lot of fun!! My friends did an amazing job!!

As for the cramps I was having .. They were pre term contractions!! Ob wants me to relax more and keep hydrated.. I got my note to get off on the 15th but she really wanted me to go off this week ( I'm not prepared to yet though). I also had sugar in my urine again. Since my ob is going on holidays in 2 weeks I have my appt next Monday and I will be getting my strep B and they are retesting my urine again. So Nikki it looks like our appts are off for a bit until we go to weekly :(
You must be getting really excited for your shower!! Love the bump!!
Hi ladies!!! Well my baby shower was really good!! We got a lot of stuff and it was a lot of fun!! My friends did an amazing job!!

As for the cramps I was having .. They were pre term contractions!! Ob wants me to relax more and keep hydrated.. I got my note to get off on the 15th but she really wanted me to go off this week ( I'm not prepared to yet though). I also had sugar in my urine again. Since my ob is going on holidays in 2 weeks I have my appt next Monday and I will be getting my strep B and they are retesting my urine again. So Nikki it looks like our appts are off for a bit until we go to weekly :(
You must be getting really excited for your shower!! Love the bump!!

Nice!!! So now ull get to finish everything off now. That must be exciting.

PRE-TERM CONTRACTIONS! Thats crazy!!! Does that mean labour is near or do pre-term contractions not really mean anything?

Ohh no, hopefully the sugar is gone next week! I wonder why it keeps coming and going. how weird.

Yeah or appts will be off but its alll okay cuz look how close we are getting to meeting our little ones!

Im sorta getting excited for my shower! Lol not gonna be used to all the attention but ill have to suck it up! haha. And thanks! I feel like my bump is getting bigger but when i wear certain clothes, it looks tiny! lol everyone is saying my baby will be a little one cuz of how 'tiny' my bump looks to them but then i jsut say that its okay cuz then shell be easier to push out haha.

Have a wonderful day skeet!
Well she said that its not causing me to dialate, but she said that if i dont rest it could lead to an early labour. I think its just all the stress with work. I'm really looking forward to being done!! I'm not big on the whole attention thing either but i actually really liked it!! I have been the maid of honour in 4 weddings and thrown a ton of baby showers it was nice to relax and have others do for me for once :) Oh i forgot to mention at my last appt I only gained 1lb as well!! its funny how our weight gain is even going similar!!

I'm curious who will have their baby first??? It would be cool if it was the same day lol
Well she said that its not causing me to dialate, but she said that if i dont rest it could lead to an early labour. I think its just all the stress with work. I'm really looking forward to being done!! I'm not big on the whole attention thing either but i actually really liked it!! I have been the maid of honour in 4 weddings and thrown a ton of baby showers it was nice to relax and have others do for me for once :) Oh i forgot to mention at my last appt I only gained 1lb as well!! its funny how our weight gain is even going similar!!

I'm curious who will have their baby first??? It would be cool if it was the same day lol

Ohhh k so once mat leave comes, rest up as much as possible! Even now i guess, take it easy and try not to let work stress u as much, even though i know its super hard. You pretty much only got next week to go and ur off! Thats awesome.

Im not used to having someone take control over something, i like doing things myself lol. This is a first for me, havent been in any weddings yet and ive only gone to 1 baby shower so im a newbie in this department! Im sure it will be okay, its only gonna be for a cpl hrs anyway.

Haha thats so funny how our weight gains have been the same pretty much in the last little bit! Ill be happy gaining just the 1 lb every 2 cpl weeks until baby is born but i know chances of that are slim. lol

Is there a day ud like to have ur baby on???

Theres a few days i hope my baby isnt born on haha but me and my boyfriend made a lil bet. He bet she will be born on March 18, while i bet March 13. He will probly win cuz i know first babies usually come later than the EDD but who knows! hahaha.
Hmm I wouldn't mind having a st paddy day baby ( 17th) and ohs best friend is on the 20th.. Oh originally thought it would be cool for them to have the same bday.. But I. Don't think it is.. My bf's daughter was born on my bday and now she can never do anything with me for my bday.. I don't want that to happen to oh.. I'm really good with any day.. But I would love my lo to stay in me until march
Hmm I wouldn't mind having a st paddy day baby ( 17th) and ohs best friend is on the 20th.. Oh originally thought it would be cool for them to have the same bday.. But I. Don't think it is.. My bf's daughter was born on my bday and now she can never do anything with me for my bday.. I don't want that to happen to oh.. I'm really good with any day.. But I would love my lo to stay in me until march

Yeah i dont want my little one to be born on one of my friends bday because i feel like it takes away the specialness for both my baby and my friend so we shall see! Only got a couple weeks to go until March so hopefully he stays in there for ya!

Oh and this is your last week of work! How are you feeling about it?
How was everyone's weekend?

Just a little update, had my shower on Saturday and it went well! It was really nice that everyone came for me, felt special! Got lots of stuff and gift cards/cash so we will start working on the nursery this weekend. So excited!!!

Also, have you guys experienced like, sharp pains in your tummy? I was getting them this morning for like an hour, more so on the upper part of my tummy, above my belly button. It was hard getting ready for work! It was there, dull for the most part but if i moved or breathed in too much, the pain would come? Very weird.
TORRES - How ya doing!!! Haven't seen you on here for a little while.
Hey ladies. Im gonna post this in the bump thread too but does my bump look a lil different? ...maybe dropped a wee bit? Or maybe im just seeing things haha.


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Hey! I'm still hanging in there.
Your bump does look a little lower, but it also looks like its popped out a bit more, like her little bum is against your belly button.
Glad you ladies had nice showers. We were spoiled at mine for dd#1.
Still having a dramatic pregnancy. She is going to be a drama queen for sure!
I go to my OB tomorrow to hopefully talk induction. Baby is measuring big (dd#1 was only 6lbs 9oz, and she had shoulder dystocia, so chances are this baby will too if left to bake too long!), and I'm starting to show indicators of preeclamsia. I had it severe with dd#1, and my OB has said from the beginning he will not take any chances due to my history. Will update tomorrow.
How's everyone feeling?
Nikki- are you still having those tummy pains? I would talk to your OB. Chances are they are just caused by baby being so big now, but at this point you don't want to take chances.

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