We've been TTC for 18months but 7months into our journey discovered that DH had spermy problems.
Since then we've tried accupunture, herbs and all the home remedies for men, different positions, OPK's, taking breaks and having random sex, you name it, we've tried it! We did 3 different sperm tests which all came back with very low motility, I also had a 21 day progesterone test which came back normal.
We first saw a FS in January this year. He wanted to check me out so I had a full hormonal blood test, pelvic ultra sound, lap, hyst, dye test, curretage and biopsy on my uterus all coming back normal. He wanted to put me on clomid which I wasn't happy about as I already ovulate, so we sought a 2nd opinion with who is now our new FS. We've had a phone appt with him and next Friday have our first appt in his office (we're a 10hr drive from him) where we will also meet with the nurses and DH will have a full on sperm test done by scientists. From there it is 1 week till we get results and then find out what treatment we will be doing. Either IUI, IVF or ICSI.
So now we wait...as if we haven't waited long enough!
I hope we all get our BFP's real soon girls