No but I wish that I had!
I have one LC who was low risk for DS (Tested on bloodwork)
One angel stillborn at 36+5 low risk for DS (Tested on bloodwork)
With my rainbow I got given 1:5 for DS.. with nuchal and bloodwork. No one explained to me the implications of getting a high risk restult.. and TBH i didn't think about it as I am 28 years old so not in the high age risk range.
I found out at 11 weeks that about our odds and after two failed attempts at cvs I finally had a successful amino on Friday at 16 weeks. Which is hard now as the baby is moving and I do actually look pg..... Thats a full 6 weeks of waiting and wondering what the outcome is going to be.. its been a complete nightmare, especially considered we have had a stillborn baby.
They have also tested for other trisomy problems such as edwards, potters and turners in the amino but that also takes 2 weeks to grow the fluid and cells, which is good to know but wouldn't really think about them otherwise... And to think I could nearly be 18-19 weeks when we get those results its far too much to take too late into a pregnancy.
For any future pg if we have any I shall be declining DS testing.. From what I have seen there are many false positives for this and soo many people get wonky blood work and an ok nuchal fold or the other way around......
Sorry I have garbled a bit there but thats just how I feel